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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I had the issue of toon just clicking taxi and not going anywhere.

i realised IF the path has already been discoverd then the bot gets confused. and i think most are already discovered in the lowbie area so in the advanced menus i just unticked "discover new flight paths" and now its working fine.
Horde GY WSG

[11:04:02 PM:608] Could not generate full path from {1063.248, 1378.117, 328.4959} to {1006.576, 1440.688, 335.7482} (time used: 0 milliseconds)

11:06:09 PM:968] Could not generate full path from {1061.6, 1377.09, 328.558} to {1108.096, 1542.636, 308.8574} (time used: 0 milliseconds)

bei ghaterbuddy 2 he fligh to the herb dismounting and collect! Its ok and very good

then he collecht the item!

It looks not realy how a player thats plays these chars!

It's not just the quest... It seems to be that whenever I'm mounted, I just ride passed the targets. If it's only passive mobs I'll ride around in circles for over 8 hours straight... A simple dismount fixes it... Any idea?
Hey Kick, I always forget to ask you... would you mind adding an avoidmob for the following NPCs plz? (maybe a blackspot too wouldn't hurt, since it's nowhere around the questing area)

<Vendor Name="Sentinel Luciel Starwhisper" Entry="17287" Type="Repair" X="2264.798" Y="-3137.887" Z="120.7706" />
<Vendor Name="Vindicator Vedaar" Entry="17303" Type="Repair" X="2262.195" Y="-3148.917" Z="120.771" />

They are alliance questgivers in Ashenvale. The bot ALWAYS runs into them while doing the quests in Warsong Lumber Camp.
One of them is elite, and they're both 5-6+ levels above the bots, which means they're tough (specially because they pull together), and they needlessly flag you for pvp.

Thanks in advance!
Hi Kick! I'm almost 85 with my 1st toon using your profile, and happy to say I could be afk most of the time!
Now I'm leveling my 2nd toon with your profile, this time I got stuck at lvl 19. It seems its trying to get a quest that's not available...
Here's the log.


Hi Kick! I'm almost 85 with my 1st toon using your profile, and happy to say I could be afk most of the time!
Now I'm leveling my 2nd toon with your profile, this time I got stuck at lvl 19. It seems its trying to get a quest that's not available...
Here's the log.

you haven't SVN'd in a very long time

re-svn at least once a day for good measure (3+ times a day if i'm fixing issues in that profile)
Hey Kick, I always forget to ask you... would you mind adding an avoidmob for the following NPCs plz? (maybe a blackspot too wouldn't hurt, since it's nowhere around the questing area)

<Vendor Name="Sentinel Luciel Starwhisper" Entry="17287" Type="Repair" X="2264.798" Y="-3137.887" Z="120.7706" />
<Vendor Name="Vindicator Vedaar" Entry="17303" Type="Repair" X="2262.195" Y="-3148.917" Z="120.771" />

They are alliance questgivers in Ashenvale. The bot ALWAYS runs into them while doing the quests in Warsong Lumber Camp.
One of them is elite, and they're both 5-6+ levels above the bots, which means they're tough (specially because they pull together), and they needlessly flag you for pvp.

Thanks in advance!

<Mob Name="Vindicator Vedaar" Entry="17303" />
<Mob Name="Sentinel Luciel Starwhisper" Entry="17287" />

I was using [Fly][A - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick] today and when I updated it 2min ago thru your SVN I get this error:

Starting the bot!
The 'QuestOrder' start tag on line 1289 does not match the end tag of 'If'. Line 4810, position 6.

EDIT: I can say that I copied the QuestBehavior's to HB QB folder also after the SVN update.

EDIT2: I removed the </if> on line 4810 and now it works. (It was an </if> on line 4809 also).
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I was using [Fly][A - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick] today and when I updated it 2min ago thru your SVN I get this error:

Starting the bot!
The 'QuestOrder' start tag on line 1289 does not match the end tag of 'If'. Line 4810, position 6.

EDIT: I can say that I copied the QuestBehavior's to HB QB folder also after the SVN update.

EDIT2: I removed the </if> on line 4810 and now it works. (It was an </if> on line 4809 also).

fixed, i deleted a gay quest and missed a line xD
[16:16:06:944] Loading Northrend_29_25
[16:17:21:102] Could not generate path from {3606.729, 969.2173, 58.18271} to {3557.008, 958.2147, 146.7498} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
Any idea why it keeps forcing my lvl 55 toon to grind in Westfall?

Wanted to mention Ive leveled this char manually until now, so was hoping the bot would carry on at the correct area.

*edit* re-read the post properly and set "QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints" to false.
works a cham thanks.


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Any idea why it keeps forcing my lvl 55 toon to grind in Westfall?

Wanted to mention Ive leveled this char manually until now, so was hoping the bot would carry on at the correct area.

Just saying, that log seems to been someone fishing in Northrend, not grinding in Westfall :P
Seems it's unable to move you to buy Cold Weather Flying. You're starting it in Deadwind Pass, try going to Valiance Keep (Borean Tundra) and start the bot there. Or train Cold Weather Flying manually and then start it at Valiance Keep.
Seems it's unable to move you to buy Cold Weather Flying. You're starting it in Deadwind Pass, try going to Valiance Keep (Borean Tundra) and start the bot there. Or train Cold Weather Flying manually and then start it at Valiance Keep.

[11:50:05 PM:003] Character is a level 70 Human Warrior
[11:50:05 PM:004] Current zone is Deadwind Pass

you are correct! You win a complimentary cookie! (only $5) ;)
It worked thank you. I didn't know zone would matter, I thought the bot will automatically switch to that zone and go there?
Guess I'm just a noob :D
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