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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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A random quick one... Would it be possible to force a vendor visit before going over to Coldarra? Bags were full and the bot couldn't figure out how to get back to the mainland to get to a vendor.
I know this is a terrible bug report (no log/video/photos/etc), but I'm watching my bot over a RDPC and I'm level 42, but it's trying to turn in a quest I don't have called "Our mortal enemies", I tried restarting the bot and it always thinks I have that quest, when I don't. I've cut it out of the .xml for now, but, when I re-SVN for a later update, it's gonna get thrown back in.

Later on, I'll post a log, when I get back home.
Hey Kick,

I got a little question.
Maybe it's HB, maybe it's the profile.
So when I start HB with your profile after I set up my pullrange to 38 (leveling a hunter atm), it changes after I hit start to 25.
So is it in your profile or should i post in the HB thread about it?


<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" LootMobs="True" TrainNewSkills="True" LearnFlightPaths="True" UseFlightPaths="True" PullDistance="25" />
It's from Kicks profile, it seems to set Pull Distance to 25. He porbably has a reason for it :)
<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" LootMobs="True" TrainNewSkills="True" LearnFlightPaths="True" UseFlightPaths="True" PullDistance="25" />
It's from Kicks profile, it seems to set Pull Distance to 25. He porbably has a reason for it :)

ahhhh thanks a lot :) ... drove me insane :D
Ok, I happened to log out a toon in Thunder Bluff, and when when I hit start just now it tried to buy from the vendor (that I added), but said that it couldn't find food or drinks, when the vendor most certainly carries them.
Is this an HB bug?


Ok, I happened to log out a toon in Thunder Bluff, and when when I hit start just now it tried to buy from the vendor (that I added), but said that it couldn't find food or drinks, when the vendor most certainly carries them.
Is this an HB bug?

[10:24:23 a.m.:230] Changed POI to:Type: Buy, Name: Innkeeper Kauth
[10:24:23 a.m.:351] Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Innkeeper Kauth
[10:24:23 a.m.:354] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[10:24:23 a.m.:354] Loading Kalimdor_32_36
[10:24:23 a.m.:403] Loading Kalimdor_32_34
[10:24:23 a.m.:487] Loading Kalimdor_32_35
[10:24:23 a.m.:513] Loading Kalimdor_31_35
[10:24:23 a.m.:594] Loading Kalimdor_32_33
[10:24:23 a.m.:654] Loading Kalimdor_31_33
[10:24:23 a.m.:765] Loading Kalimdor_33_35
[10:24:23 a.m.:813] Loading Kalimdor_33_36
[10:24:23 a.m.:840] Loading Kalimdor_31_36
[10:24:23 a.m.:936] Flight time: 00:02:13
[10:24:23 a.m.:936] Run Time: 00:05:58
[10:24:23 a.m.:936] Difference: 225
[10:24:23 a.m.:938] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Use, Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore
[10:24:24 a.m.:120] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore
[10:24:29 a.m.:216] Stopping the bot!

make sure you save the profile and reload it before trying to make it buy stuff from a vendor
got this problem, no quest and my char want moove : )

[14.49.33:156] Character is a level 45 Tauren Druid
[14.49.33:156] Current zone is Eastern Plaguelands


[14.52.01:296] [Profile Message]: Compiling N. Desolace Quests

the issue is that you're 45 and in EK; currently you're in kalimdor. false the checkpoints and it will fly up to felwood

thoroughly read the first post
Can you tell me what Quest Item is expected at the last part of this log? It seems to be in the wrong spot if it's Diatomaceous Earth for The Empire of Zul'Drak quest.

Here is the food vendor at Ebon Watch: <Vendor Name="Spiked" Entry="28867" Type="Food" X="5229.741" Y="-1315.265" Z="242.2773" />

View attachment 31757

i've never had an issue w/ this; it's just collecting items from the earth and from the banshee's (quest items)
[17:07:06:473] Loading Northrend_32_20
[17:07:06:710] Could not generate full path from {6893.759, 471.2766, 471.7014} to {6870, 422, 468.1589} (time used: 2.011 seconds)
While doing the In Service of Frost, Unholy and Blood quests in Dragonblight, as a Shadow Priest it is hard to complete these quests because the dots from the spells will kill the mob as it's channeling the quest and it will not complete.

Not sure if this is fixable but I figured updating you on everything I can will only help.
While doing the In Service of Frost, Unholy and Blood quests in Dragonblight, as a Shadow Priest it is hard to complete these quests because the dots from the spells will kill the mob as it's channeling the quest and it will not complete.

Not sure if this is fixable but I figured updating you on everything I can will only help.

you posted in wrong thread
I also just ran into the same issue on my shadow priest :O

the quests has a lot of issues anyways, so i disabled them all
[10:24:23 a.m.:230] Changed POI to:Type: Buy, Name: Innkeeper Kauth
[10:24:23 a.m.:351] Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Innkeeper Kauth
[10:24:23 a.m.:354] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[10:24:23 a.m.:354] Loading Kalimdor_32_36
[10:24:23 a.m.:403] Loading Kalimdor_32_34
[10:24:23 a.m.:487] Loading Kalimdor_32_35
[10:24:23 a.m.:513] Loading Kalimdor_31_35
[10:24:23 a.m.:594] Loading Kalimdor_32_33
[10:24:23 a.m.:654] Loading Kalimdor_31_33
[10:24:23 a.m.:765] Loading Kalimdor_33_35
[10:24:23 a.m.:813] Loading Kalimdor_33_36
[10:24:23 a.m.:840] Loading Kalimdor_31_36
[10:24:23 a.m.:936] Flight time: 00:02:13
[10:24:23 a.m.:936] Run Time: 00:05:58
[10:24:23 a.m.:936] Difference: 225
[10:24:23 a.m.:938] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Use, Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore
[10:24:24 a.m.:120] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore
[10:24:29 a.m.:216] Stopping the bot!

make sure you save the profile and reload it before trying to make it buy stuff from a vendor

I very much did. I added the vendors before I went to bed, and closed all the bots.
But, for the sake of trying things, I did it again and the same problem happened.


nvm seen it was moved to kick's old posts. will re-svn and test tonight.

edit: got home and got fresh profile from SVN and tested, and it is still doing same thing (log attached).


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