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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Thanks Kick, Durak works like a charm now. Which is strange, because I had no problem with it during the last 15 toons I leveled...

About Ix'lar... oh well, no biggie. 99% of the time I'm supervising my bots so I can do it manually.
If you can get a behavior so it doesn't take the bot two hours on it's own, great ;)

Btw, imma start on the vendors now (have in mind I don't have any alliance toon left so it'll have to be just horde). Do you need any other xyz? EK/Outland/Northrend Trainers?

PS. Did the elevator behavior get improved? I noticed Org elevators being normal and not taking 5 mins lol

i think it works for all bug huge toons (tauren)

i dunno, raphus didn't say he updated it

as far as vendors - horde are fine =)

trainers - no. i disabled training in BC an LK due to issues

just all repair / food vendors (as many as possible) and please mark them like so:

<Vendor etc etc X Y Z /> <!-- Area in Zone, Name of Zone -->

<Vendor Name="Caregiver Mumik" Entry="27174" Type="Food" X="2779.231" Y="927.0215" Z="22.52661" /> <!-- Moa'ki Harbor, Dragonblight -->

and just verify that repair says Repair and Food says food

If the vendor ONLY sells meat, or ONLY sells water, or ONLY goods (IE: ... make sure it says 'Sell')

<Vendor Name="Ameenah" Entry="26474" Type="Sell" X="3844.036" Y="-1948.214" Z="208.7925" />

therefore the bot doesn't try and buy food / water from the sell vendor (easy workaround for spam trying to buy food / water from a merchant that doesn't sell it)

thanks for any assistance you give me =)

BC: Mag'har rep; that's fine if they're orange - since it's in nagrand, i have a check to make sure we're neutral w/ mag'har before starting the zone (fly to hellfire and do the 4 or 5 mag'har rep quests)
K, I'm already on it. So far I'm going through every town that has an inkeeper and getting you the inkeeper/repair.
Are those fine for selling, or do you need a particular vendor for that?
K, I'm already on it. So far I'm going through every town that has an inkeeper and getting you the inkeeper/repair.
Are those fine for selling, or do you need a particular vendor for that?

you can always sell to a repair / food ;)

but some places (out in the middle of nowhere) just have a sell vendor (ie: reagents vendor or something stupid)

i keep those just in case we need to sell and dont' want to run 1/2 way across the zone to sell xD

Also, I have most mailboxes, but if you are bored and also want to get them... that's fine

just go near a mailbox, press the 0 0 0 button (twice) and it will produce a hotspot in the hb log window

copy that and paste it and label it

then i'll just change 'hotspot' to 'mailbox' =)
runs away.

Hey kick love your work on your questing profile for horde, if I knew how to give rep i'd it but i have no clue how since i am new to this whole thing. Reason I came here is to ask if there was a way to make the guy loot the body before he runs away my warrior will kill a mob in 1 hit then start running away then body will become available to loot and he will run all the way back too loot it. Any ideas?
Hey kick love your work on your questing profile for horde, if I knew how to give rep i'd it but i have no clue how since i am new to this whole thing. Reason I came here is to ask if there was a way to make the guy loot the body before he runs away my warrior will kill a mob in 1 hit then start running away then body will become available to loot and he will run all the way back too loot it. Any ideas?

Attach a log
Hey MadDog, sure thing how would i go about getting a log to post?
i think this is it
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Hallo Kickazz,

the Profil works awesome with my new char. But in STV he wants to use the NPC Emerine Junis (ID 43885) to complete the Quest (ID 26730) at the cords (56,20). If I restart The bot uses the Questitem and Emerines' Telling -Sphere and the NPC appears. But the bot can't complete the Quest because he hadn't farmed the questitems. The Bot gies back to Emerine Junis ind the Rebel Camp and want to complete the Quest again (without Questitems).

<Quest Id="26743" Name="Sacred to the Bloodscalp">
<Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="60270" CollectCount="1">
<Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="60271" CollectCount="1">
<Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="60272" CollectCount="1">
<Quest Id="26730" Name="You Can Take the Murloc Out of the Ocean...">
<Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="60274" CollectCount="6">
<Quest Id="26746" Name="A Nose for This Sort of Thing">
<Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="60291" CollectCount="8">
<Quest Id="26345" Name="Excelsior">
<Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="4105" CollectCount="1">

Is there a pissibilty to skip a Quest?
my log file

I hope you guys see what im talking about. When I was in the beginning area my guy would kill the mobs in 1 hit start running away and then after he had already got like 10 steps away he turns around to come back and loot the corpse.


Possible to do "Salhet the Tactician" automatic? If there is QB that presses the Vehicle Button on a given Point in a given time? Never saw the Lions die.
World of Warcraft_2011-12-26_02-05-04.webp

Quest "The Defense of Nahom"
World of Warcraft_2011-12-26_02-28-13.webp
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Not usable at all.
FlameBreaker for example. It uses item but then wont kill the adds that spawn...which is the main goal of the quest...

Plus, anything attacks the char, it just stands there...instead of fighting back...
Hello so my guy is stuck trying to taxi somewhere and i have no clue where he is trying to go to be able to try and help him get there. Any help would be appreciated.


Hello so my guy is stuck trying to taxi somewhere and i have no clue where he is trying to go to be able to try and help him get there. Any help would be appreciated.

just let the profile run itself, unless he's spam clicking on the fp guy for more than 20 seconds it's fine
Hey the profile is working awesome with questing but the bot has problemes if he wants to fly to the train or stuff any one knows why?
Thank you for the quick response i left him sitting there for about 8mins or so and all he did was stand there not doing anything.
deleted quest "In pursuit of shades" my toon couldn't reach the target of quest, those baubles were kicking him of the ice glaciear and getting stuck there.
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