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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hey chief, EPL did not have a repair vendor it was trying to goto org and could not generate path. I added this one thought you may wanna add it to help everyone else! Thanks again for your kickazz profiles!

<!--Eastern Plaguelands-->
<Vendor Name="Argus Highbeacon" Entry="45451" Type="Repair" X="2262.87" Y="-4463.15" Z="114.2995" />

it does, it sets it in the profile for that zone; but something goes haywirey in the bot for some reason and doesn't repair in EPL if you stop / start while trying to repair

			<If Condition="Me.ZoneId == 139" > <!-- EPL -->
				<ClearVendor />
					<!--Eastern Plaguelands Vendors-->
					<Vendor Name="Kathryn Humphries" Entry="47149" Type="Repair" X="2252.36" Y="-4456.02" Z="114.2962" />
					<Vendor Name="Gerald Fairbanks" Entry="47139" Type="Food" X="1845.11" Y="-3723.73" Z="160.5915" />
					<Vendor Name="Argus Highbeacon" Entry="45451" Type="Repair" X="1845.31" Y="-3720.91" Z="195.6802" />
					<Vendor Name="Gutcheck" Entry="47288" Type="Food" X="2341.62" Y="-5259.75" Z="81.71147" />
					<Vendor Name="Vincent Randolph" Entry="47286" Type="Repair" X="2258.43" Y="-5292.59" Z="82.30589" />
					<Vendor Name="Dorris Manchester" Entry="47166" Type="Repair" X="3181.97" Y="-4339.04" Z="133.4511" />
					<Vendor Name="Casey Tipple" Entry="47165" Type="Food" X="3140.48" Y="-4363.6" Z="133.416" />
					<Vendor Name="Christine Gade" Entry="47106" Type="Repair" X="2968.8" Y="-3002.64" Z="127.262" />
					<Vendor Name="Marc Daiton" Entry="47105" Type="Food" X="2922.12" Y="-3011.74" Z="132.6392" />	
					<Vendor Name="Gurt" Entry="47758" Type="Repair" X="1843.62" Y="-1762.78" Z="60.45" />	
					<Vendor Name="George Randolph" Entry="47757" Type="Food" X="1844.39" Y="-1759.87" Z="60.29" />
				<ClearMailbox />
						<!-- Lights Hope Mailbox  -->
						<Mailbox X="2289.696" Y="-5322.46" Z="89.91563" />
i'm not sure...but hopefully thats the problem...^^
re-svn means download it again, right? it is now working fine, no stucks no problems...very well!
it does, it sets it in the profile for that zone; but something goes haywirey in the bot for some reason and doesn't repair in EPL if you stop / start while trying to repair

            <If Condition="Me.ZoneId == 139" > <!-- EPL -->
                <ClearVendor />
                    <!--Eastern Plaguelands Vendors-->
                    <Vendor Name="Kathryn Humphries" Entry="47149" Type="Repair" X="2252.36" Y="-4456.02" Z="114.2962" />
                    <Vendor Name="Gerald Fairbanks" Entry="47139" Type="Food" X="1845.11" Y="-3723.73" Z="160.5915" />
                    <Vendor Name="Argus Highbeacon" Entry="45451" Type="Repair" X="1845.31" Y="-3720.91" Z="195.6802" />
                    <Vendor Name="Gutcheck" Entry="47288" Type="Food" X="2341.62" Y="-5259.75" Z="81.71147" />
                    <Vendor Name="Vincent Randolph" Entry="47286" Type="Repair" X="2258.43" Y="-5292.59" Z="82.30589" />
                    <Vendor Name="Dorris Manchester" Entry="47166" Type="Repair" X="3181.97" Y="-4339.04" Z="133.4511" />
                    <Vendor Name="Casey Tipple" Entry="47165" Type="Food" X="3140.48" Y="-4363.6" Z="133.416" />
                    <Vendor Name="Christine Gade" Entry="47106" Type="Repair" X="2968.8" Y="-3002.64" Z="127.262" />
                    <Vendor Name="Marc Daiton" Entry="47105" Type="Food" X="2922.12" Y="-3011.74" Z="132.6392" />    
                    <Vendor Name="Gurt" Entry="47758" Type="Repair" X="1843.62" Y="-1762.78" Z="60.45" />    
                    <Vendor Name="George Randolph" Entry="47757" Type="Food" X="1844.39" Y="-1759.87" Z="60.29" />
                <ClearMailbox />
                        <!-- Lights Hope Mailbox  -->
                        <Mailbox X="2289.696" Y="-5322.46" Z="89.91563" />

ahh wierd what I did was put it with the vendor list you had I made the EPL spot and added it. It seemed to fix the problem perfectly.

like this

<Vendors>	<!-- Orgrimmar Vendor -->
		<Vendor Name="Trak'gen" Entry="3313" Type="Food" X="1528.89" Y="-4442.89" Z="24.02194" />
		<Vendor Name="Urtharo" Entry="3314" Type="Repair" X="1639.75" Y="-4316.71" Z="21.12019" />
	<!--Orgrimmar Trainers-->
		<Vendor Name="Zevrost" Type="Train" TrainClass="Warlock" Entry="3326" X="1848.788" Y="-4360.646" Z="-14.72255"/>
		<Vendor Name="Marud" Type="Train" TrainClass="Mage" Entry="47247" X="1764.56" Y="-4349.509" Z="-7.769643"/>
		<Vendor Name="Seer Liwatha" Type="Train" TrainClass="Priest" Entry="44735" X="1863.46" Y="-4297.75" Z="23.74968"/>
		<Vendor Name="Lothan Silverblade" Entry="43012" Type="Train" TrainClass="Warrior" X="9521.21" Y="-6865.33" Z="18.75"/>
		<Vendor Name="Sahi Cloudsinger" Entry="44740" Type="Train" TrainClass="Shaman" X="1884.15" Y="-4282.4" Z="23.5918"/>
		<Vendor Name="Gordul" Type="Train" TrainClass="Rogue" Entry="47233" X="1773.21" Y="-4282.96" Z="7.892303"/>
		<Vendor Name="Nohi Plainswalker" Type="Train" TrainClass="Hunter" Entry="44743"  X="1872.89" Y="-4281.46" Z="23.76952"/>
		<Vendor Name="Sunwalker Atohmo" Type="Train" TrainClass="Paladin" Entry="44725"  X="1863.88" Y="-4292.69" Z="23.78126"/>
		<Vendor Name="Shalla Whiteleaf" Type="Train" TrainClass="Druid" Entry="44726"  X="1888.95" Y="-4285.25" Z="23.55553"/>
	<!-- Crossroads Vendors -->
		<Vendor Name="Halija Whitestrider" Entry="3486" Type="Repair" X="-539.8406" Y="-2672.23" Z="95.78767" />	
	<!-- Northern Barrens Vendors -->
		<Vendor Name="Martang" Entry="43949" Type="Repair" X="296.017" Y="-3650.72" Z="27.32852"/>
		<Vendor Name="Durnok" Entry="43951" Type="Repair" X="284.964" Y="-3027.65" Z="97.37257" />
	<!--Northern Barrens Trainers-->
		<Vendor Name="Ging" Entry="50033" Type="Train" TrainClass="Warrior" X="-397.0208" Y="-2640.786" Z="96.22301"/>
		<Vendor Name="Chintoka" Entry="50028" Type="Train" TrainClass="Warlock" X="-430.3038" Y="-2659.688" Z="96.5854"/>
		<Vendor Name="Zumolo" Entry="50031" Type="Train" TrainClass="Priest" X="-522.4011" Y="-2641.29" Z="95.78771"/>
		<Vendor Name="Tarmod" Entry="50032" Type="Train" TrainClass="Hunter" X="-434.6354" Y="-2680.118" Z="96.18756"/>
		<Vendor Name="Brulla" Entry="50022" Type="Train" TrainClass="Shaman" X="-520.2188" Y="-2642.453" Z="95.78768"/>
		<Vendor Name="Dargad" Entry="50027" Type="Train" TrainClass="Rogue" X="-431.3785" Y="-2680.99" Z="96.0315"/>
		<Vendor Name="Egnom" Entry="50029" Type="Train" TrainClass="Mage" X="-429.2691" Y="-2662.823" Z="96.57791"/>
		<Vendor Name="Sunwalker Lonaki" Entry="50035" Type="Train" TrainClass="Paladin" X="-535.9566" Y="-2640.979" Z="95.85036"/>
		 <!-- The Mor'shan Rampart Vendors -->
		 <Vendor Name="Ornag" Entry="43645" Type="Repair" X="1236.83" Y="-2233.08" Z="91.90651" />

		 <!-- Splintertree Post Vendors-->
		 <Vendor Name="Innkeeper Kaylisk" Entry="12196" Type="Food" X="2341.864" Y="-2566.989" Z="103.093" />
		 <Vendor Name="Burkrum" Entry="6028" Type="Repair" X="2346.262" Y="-2582.214" Z="103.0935" />

		 <!-- Ratchet Vendors -->
		 <Vendor Name="Jazzik" Entry="3498" Type="Food" X="-919.9011" Y="-3684.755" Z="8.158004" />
		 <Vendor Name="Ironzar" Entry="3491" Type="Repair" X="-1009.115" Y="-3652.264" Z="20.06584" />

		 <!-- Nozzlepot's Outpost Vendors -->
		 <Vendor Name="Niriap" Entry="43953" Type="Food" X="1151.6" Y="-3418.52" Z="91.6689" />
		 <Vendor Name="Frazzik" Entry="43957" Type="Repair" X="1167.52" Y="-3401.44" Z="91.6669" />
		 <!-- Hellscream's Watch Vendors -->
		 <Vendor Name="Shenara" Entry="43625" Type="Repair" X="2989.99" Y="-483.747" Z="198.628" />
		 <Vendor Name="Innkeeper Linkasa" Entry="43624" Type="Food" X="3051.23" Y="-526.09" Z="205.6395" />
	<!--Stonetalon Mountains Vendors-->
		<Vendor Name="Krom'gar Quartermaster" Entry="42028" Type="Repair" X="881.3611" Y="16.40972" Z="92.87994" />
		<Vendor Name="Felonius Stark" Entry="41892" Type="Food" X="877.2882" Y="-20.30903" Z="92.67497" />
		<Vendor Name="Vernal the Fixer" Entry="41675" Type="Repair" X="1543.002" Y="-494.7188" Z="56.84969" />
		<Vendor Name="Taluka the Hunter" Entry="41674" Type="Food" X="1524.84" Y="-487.8802" Z="55.88943" />
		<Vendor Name="Denni'ka" Entry="3411" Type="Food" X="-182.9879" Y="-348.691" Z="8.508771" />
	<!--Desolace Vendors-->
		<Vendor Name="Drumion" Entry="43899" Type="Food" X="-429.215" Y="2221.91" Z="89.0641" />
		<Vendor Name="Hae'Wilani" Entry="12045" Type="Repair" X="-1677.031" Y="3073.266" Z="34.538" />
		<Vendor Name="Tukk" Entry="12027" Type="Food" X="-1701.76" Y="3112.569" Z="32.64058" />
		<Vendor Name="Harnor" Entry="8152" Type="Food" X="-1144.792" Y="1931.347" Z="89.14728" />
		<Vendor Name="Howah Deeptan" Entry="43880" Type="Repair" X="-994.738" Y="1597.01" Z="59.8653" />
		<!--Southern Barrens Vendors-->
		<Vendor Name="Turrana" Entry="44296" Type="Food" X="-1428.21" Y="-1928.81" Z="93.43521" />
		<Vendor Name="Murhane" Entry="44286" Type="Repair" X="-1475.59" Y="-1912.52" Z="95.14588" />
		<Vendor Name="Terndak" Entry="44287" Type="Repair" X="-3267.02" Y="-1714.96" Z="92.30547" />
		<Vendor Name="Innkeeper Lhakadd" Entry="44276" Type="Food" X="-3220.69" Y="-1663.86" Z="99.90484" />
		<!--Dustwallow Marsh Vendors-->
		<Vendor Name="Krak" Entry="4883" Type="Repair" X="-3112.938" Y="-2885.783" Z="35.26552" />
		<Vendor Name="Ogg'marr" Entry="4879" Type="Food" X="-3117.45" Y="-2902.003" Z="33.991" />
		<Vendor Name="Razbo Rustgear" Entry="23571" Type="Repair" X="-4603.661" Y="-3210.939" Z="34.92491" />
		<Vendor Name="Krixil Slogswitch" Entry="23573" Type="Food" X="-4591.396" Y="-3165.594" Z="34.28527" />	
		<!--Felwood Vendors-->
		<Vendor Name="Ciana" Entry="48577" Type="Repair" X="6086.02" Y="-817.925" Z="414.802" />
		<Vendor Name="Innkeeper Wylaria" Entry="48215" Type="Food" X="6057.81" Y="-916.859" Z="414.771" />
		<Vendor Name="Muzz Flimspan" Entry="48236" Type="Food" X="6898.012" Y="-1579.819" Z="503.161" />
		<Vendor Name="Kester Killbomb" Entry="48228" Type="Repair" X="6860.03" Y="-1573.91" Z="497.027" />
		<!--Winterspring Vendors-->
		<Vendor Name="Lyranne Feathersong" Entry="2303" Type="Food" X="7147.007" Y="-4005.613" Z="745.6299" />
		<Vendor Name="Trapper Kiefer" Entry="50094" Type="Repair" X="7636.605" Y="-4425.288" Z="623.8749" />
		<Vendor Name="Barbie Cutesazz" Entry="50092" Type="Food" X="7642.319" Y="-4437.009" Z="623.8745" />
		<Vendor Name="Daleohm" Entry="50129" Type="Repair" X="6176.922" Y="-4564.302" Z="713.345" />
		<Vendor Name="Maseel" Entry="50126" Type="Food" X="6179.932" Y="-4564.688" Z="713.345" />	
		<!-- Silithus Vendors -->
		<Vendor Name="Vargus" Entry="15176" Type="Repair" X="-6860.931" Y="753.0439" Z="42.47245" />
		<Vendor Name="Calandrath" Entry="15174" Type="Food" X="-6868.039" Y="729.9135" Z="45.66317" />
		<!--Blasted Lands-->
		<Vendor Name="Quartermaster Dekrok" Entry="44343" Type="Food" X="-11781.4" Y="-3170.5" Z="-28.91287" />
		<Vendor Name="Quartermaster Dekrok" Entry="44343" Type="Repair" X="-11781.4" Y="-3170.5" Z="-28.91287" />
		<Vendor Name="Salaran" Entry="44339" Type="Repair" X="-12334.6" Y="-3036.81" Z="88.2162" />
		<Vendor Name="Janella" Entry="44340" Type="Food" X="-12366.9" Y="-3008.16" Z="90.32679" />	
		<!--Eastern Plaguelands-->
		<Vendor Name="Argus Highbeacon" Entry="45451" Type="Repair" X="2262.87" Y="-4463.15" Z="114.2995" />

doh! Well I thought I was trying to help haha. Def some odd quirks. I haven't tried it in ashenvale since I changed it yet. Im sure it would do the same for me. I wonder why it doesn't prioritize based off of location.
Quest "The Twilight Flight" where you have to Kill Zoltrik Drakebane.
Is a User Interaction Windows. I just moved to the Mob and let the Bot do, didnt need anything to do, and this is a really weak mage with just looted items till deepholm. i think its possible to remove the user interaction. if you dont kill him on the drake, the end of the flight is on a Platform where you can beat him.
Quest "The Twilight Flight" where you have to Kill Zoltrik Drakebane.
Is a User Interaction Windows. I just moved to the Mob and let the Bot do, didnt need anything to do, and this is a really weak mage with just looted items till deepholm. i think its possible to remove the user interaction. if you dont kill him on the drake, the end of the flight is on a Platform where you can beat him.

it will be kept as is; i know you can do it as ranged just fine... but this is just in case

as i'm sure some ppl will fail it and then QQ
I'm currently already far passed it. And yeah, the settings are all correct, works flawlessly everywhere else. The problematic part was the first Clefthoof part, with the passive ones.

My other druid is in the middle of terrokar atm so it'll be getting there soon enough. I'll see if it does the same thing.

I did notice that it was sticking to very specific locations, namely right where the clefthoof's were, but it just wasn't attacking them... I checked into the profile and saw the quest (9789 btw) didn't have a grind area? I haven't done anything with HB yet, but I'm not new to designing/programming/logic stuff, but when I was reading through the XML, it looked like there may be 2 sections for 9789? I noticed the next quest (windroc i think?) had a grind area, so I was thinking that may be it... I dunno. Guess we'll see when my other one gets there...
Hey Kick, I've ran into a problem I've never had before.
In Ashenvale, the quest "Blood of the Weak". You get some axe from a guy and gotta go turn it in right away to this other guy, but the bot is just standing there.
Restart didn't help and neither did dropping the quest for it to pick it back up.

Like I said, never seen this before. Found it spent most of the night like this, so I got you a clean log.


It started doing it again, this time trying to collect Air elemental gas. It went right by them, aggroing them and getting hit, and just kept flying/riding/ignore them, even down below half health.

The part in the log that it was happening was 11:17 to 11:18 for example. I watched it ignore them completely, and once it was far out of range, stopped the bot, and checked the log. The log is empty during this time?

EDIT: Ran it again, and it got stuck for a very long period of time, just flying around aggroing the mob it's trying to find, and then completely ignoring it. See this section...

[11:34:26 AM:631] Stop and dismount...
[11:34:27 AM:852] Goal: Goal: Collect Air Elemental Gas x 3

and everything after it. It's getting stuck on a silly lamp post, no biggy though. The rest is just flying around, THROUGH the mob it's wanting to get...

One thing I did notice, as long as I dismount myself, and go into cat form, it WILL attack the mobs....


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Is there any way to fix "In Combat" Bug?

Some Mob's make AOE and then you stuck in Combat and Bot can not kill this mob. Because he just stay and "stuck" in Combat
My other druid got there, and seems to be doing fine... it's also not mounting, and is a lower level than the other was... O_o
srry but how do i download this guide i don't see any attached files (i'm back after a year so maybe something chanced)
hey guys......

started at the bc portal but my character keep running into all the elites

any advice?
Problem stuck trying to get quest that isn't there

It is stuck trying to get this quest from Lethyn Moonfire at Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh, and NPC doesn't have any quests at all.
Using latest from Kick's trunk.


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