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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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mhhh've closed and re-launched hb now is what it was I do not even

But a very large profiles are respectful to kick his fucking good level from now on all my chars with the

Thank you kick
Found an issue, alliance 12-58 in booty bay on the quest "Too Big For His Britches" the quest giver won't give me the quest. I googled around, saw it was part of a quest line but didn't really read up on it.

Level 34 paladin (I know I'm leveling in a low place, but, too lazy to modify stuff) and I did restart the bot to make sure it didn't just forget the quest. I'm not skipping levels/starting mid way, so, if your bot has the pre-quests coded in I've done them. Not really too sure how to check what quests I've done :/
Can I delete gray completed quests out of the quest log? For some reason the bot didn't turn those in.
Will this mess up the profile?
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open the profile in notepad++ (it's free)

search for the reinforcements... (ctrl+f)

double click the ##### for the quest (QuestId="#####") and it will highlight all of the same # (ie: all of the quest things for that quest)

change pulldistance from 6 to 2, press start and tell me what happens

if that fails keep pulldistance 2 and change the <RunTo X Y Z /> to a different area, and change the combatuseitemon xyz to that new area

(these are the steps i would take for fixing it)
            <If Condition="((HasQuest(26066)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(26066)))" >
                <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="2" />
                <RunTo X="-52.44" Y="298.50" Z="88.92" />
                <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="26066" ItemId="56794" MobId="11915" MobHpPercentLeft="99" MaxRange="2" X="-52.44" Y="298.50" Z="88.92" />
                <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="20" />
There! Dropped the quest and saw the bot complete it entirely for the first time ever!
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Hey Kick, remember that quest I told you about that you had to kill the arakkoa guys in the camps, but that my bot would go around grinding forever instead?
I saw it happen again.

Think it could be solved by an override? I'm right next to the guy.
Let me know, I'll stay here just in case.
Hey Kick, remember that quest I told you about that you had to kill the arakkoa guys in the camps, but that my bot would go around grinding forever instead?
I saw it happen again.

Think it could be solved by an override? I'm right next to the guy.
Let me know, I'll stay here just in case.

i have over 3000 quests in my profiles combined; please refresh my memory
While I was in the area I fixed another quest: "Kobold Fury!"

I don't know if you remember, but I mentioned this before.
The bot used to go around the horde camp, use the item, then try to go back to turn it in through the alliance camp.

Since I was here I decided to take a look at it, and noticed that after using the item it had a moveto through the alliance camp, then BACK, and around the horde camp (isquestcomplete if) and then all the way back, and through the alliance camp!
So I fixed the movetos, but for some reason it wasn't mounting, so I just added a forcedmount command.
I dropped it and tried it a few times and now it works like it should: Picks the quest up, goes all around and through the horde area, uses the item, mounts up, goes back down around the horde area and to turn it in. Smooth as a baby's bottom.

This is the whole thing dealing with the quest (from the moment it picks it up):

        <PickUp QuestName="Jin'Zil's Blessing" QuestId="26067" GiverName="Witch Doctor Jin'Zil" GiverId="3995" />
        <PickUp QuestName="Kobold Fury!" QuestId="26068" GiverName="Subjugator Devo" GiverId="42023" />
            <If Condition="((HasQuest(26067)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(26067)))" >
                <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="1" />
                <CustomBehavior File="UseItemOn" QuestId="26067" ItemId="56798" MobId="41360" Range="20" WaitTime="7000" MobState="Alive" NumOfTimes="30" X="171.7514" Y="-806.8386" Z="-0.294844" />
        <TurnIn QuestName="Jin'Zil's Blessing" QuestId="26067" TurnInName="Witch Doctor Jin'Zil" TurnInId="3995" /> <!-- I turn in on purpose -->
            <If Condition="((HasQuest(26068)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(26068)))" >
                <CustomBehavior File="NoCombatMoveTo" X="187.9012" Y="-810.9161" Z="2.74902" />
                <CustomBehavior File="NoCombatMoveTo" X="318.4083" Y="-460.5539" Z="69.84375" />
                <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for bot {TimeRemaining}" />
                <UseItem ItemId="56799" QuestName="Kobold Fury!" QuestId="26068" X="318.4083" Y="-460.5539" Z="69.84375" />
                <CustomBehavior File="ForcedMount" />
            <If Condition="((HasQuest(26068)) &amp;&amp; (IsQuestCompleted(26068)))" >
                <CustomBehavior File="NoCombatMoveTo" X="318.4083" Y="-460.5539" Z="69.84375" />
                <CustomBehavior File="NoCombatMoveTo" X="187.9012" Y="-810.9161" Z="2.74902" />
                <CustomBehavior File="NoCombatMoveTo" X="-51.51396" Y="-254.1534" Z="3.577262" />
        <TurnIn QuestName="Kobold Fury!" QuestId="26068" TurnInName="Subjugator Devo" TurnInId="42023" />
                <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="20" />
Now, stonetalon was one of the TWO stuck points I found. That's fixed.
The last one is in EPL: Ix'lar the Underlord

Please, for the love of god, disable that quest (if it isn't part of a chain and doesn't break anything). It's WAY too hard.
You can probably do it fine with full heirlooms (which I imagine most botters don't have), but my Ret Pally/Ele Shamans get DESTROYED over and over and over (doesn't help that most of the time they end up pulling one of the two thousand mobs around).
I've done it manually, but even then it's a royal pain in the ass.

If you get rid of that quest, and with the update of the quests I fixed, I'm fairly positive this profile can run 100% afk (at least with ignorecheckpoints disabled, as I always run it).

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i have over 3000 quests in my profiles combined; please refresh my memory

Stymying the Arakkoa

The first mob the profile kills is Urdak. Now, this doesn't always happen, but happens more often than not.
Most of the time the bot just grinds in the area endlessly, chain pulling everything (even things way beyond the pulldistance) and doesn't go up the tower.

Today I left for dinner and the bot had been clearing the area. Three hours later I come back, the quest wasn't done, and it was killing stuff in the Bone Wastes (lol)!
The other guys work fine (at least I've never noticed the same thing happening), but this one... yeah...

So I was thinking maybe you could either add a flyto into his platform, or maybe just a quest override with the actual hotspot instead of the bot trying to find it itself.
What do you think? I parked that toon there if you need me to test anything or get you hotspots.
While flying in the outlands (zangarmarsh) my mount got stuck. I fixed the issue by manually going to the quest through a different route.

''[9:44:23 PM:084] Next point is out of continent bounds. We are at left side of the continent. Moving to right
[9:44:27 PM:913] [Flightor]: Unstuck attempt 7''

Is there a fix for this so it wont happen in the future?

I'm currently in Terrokar forest. My character wont move at all so here is the log (2nd one)
I restarted WOW, HB and did SVN. I deleted the old gray quests (Eastern plaguelands)
HB says --> Loading tiles
Now its flying me to Eastern Plaguelands.. Why does the profile do that. I am done in that area already.


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how do you make it so it doesnt go to nearest class trainer to get new spells everytime you level?
and how do you make it so it goese to learn new skills every, say, 5 leevel?
toney - i'll look at this when i wake up; i see your fixes but I can't read a wall of text atm

please use the code brackets next time (i've done it for u this time)

and thx for the fixes :)
i started it mid way into 45, but i botted from 1-45 using it. All it does is go to a hot spot and farm mobs. I got your questing profile loaded as well. Does it farm mobs for a while? I'd rather have it doing quests ^_^.. it also had a quest that it was on for a few hours, but it just kept killing mobs and not trying to make it to the quest. So i abandon it and have no idea where to repick it up at. But yeah all it's doing is farming mobs atm. Any suggestions? It's farming in Eastern Plaguelands right now.. Just killing the dogs, bats, and the worms. Green level to my toon :(
works fine until i come to the quest giver NPC "Endorah" she has no quest for me but the bot keeps klicking her...
what can i do? :p

?dit:...ok. i have no idea about coding, but i removed the Endorah code and now he keeps on flying...is it still a bug?
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I ran this yesterday on my rogue. Lvl 80-82 with no hiccups at all. It ran flawless. I really appreciate your work with this profile. It worked very well. Thank you.
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