<While Condition="((HasQuest(26953)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(26953)))" >
<GrindTo Condition="(IsQuestCompleted(26953)) || (!Me.HasAura("Escorting Zen'Kiki"))" />
=)My pleasure
I just tried a fresh install of HB and it worked (figured it would after you said that about the bot's "memory").
Not a huge deal, but it does suck to have to re install and reconfigure several "installs" (I have one per bot, 4 atm).
Thanks for being on top of stuffs!
i'll be adding a fix for your issue soon (bot data memory / cache issue)I cant go afk for 5mins with questing bot because he bugs out on handing in quests or something else :/ im lvl 27 in 4days
bot issue, sadly; nesox knows about itCant even lvl keep getting this Moving to Type: Train, Name: Brulla
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, The Crossroads, Northern Barrens
Could not find vendor: '' blacklisting!
Moving to Type: Train, Name: Brulla
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, The Crossroads, Northern Barrens
Could not find vendor: '' blacklisting!
moved to release threadNow it's trying to REPAIR in Org!
[3:48:46 PM:922] Moving to Type: Train, Name: Lothan SilverbladeKeeps trying to go to Nathan Silverblade in Eversong woods? In Winterspring at the moment.
moved to release thread - nesox knows about itAnd this one is trying to repair at the food & drinks vendor!
Weird how, with the same profiles, both clean installs, one tries to repair in org and the other in EPL (then again, at the wrong npc lol).
it was training =PWeird... Now its working. Just restarted it. I'll let you know if anything else goes awry.
the quest menacing marshfangs was bugged, added hotspots from azenius to fix it:
Code:<Quest Id="9770" Name="Menacing Marshfangs"> <Objective Type="KillMob" MobId="18130" KillCount="10"> <Hotspots> <Hotspot X="168.3952" Y="5695.689" Z="20.52396" /> <Hotspot X="280.6756" Y="5617.071" Z="22.21375" /> <Hotspot X="411.5572" Y="5636.076" Z="21.89793" /> <Hotspot X="453.6915" Y="5860.184" Z="22.78756" /> <Hotspot X="366.4687" Y="5869.083" Z="22.88736" /> <Hotspot X="206.9369" Y="5895.415" Z="22.73598" /> </Hotspots> </Objective> </Quest>
the next quest after that was bugged as well, azenius has a flyto so added that and seemed to fix it, resulting code:
Code:<If Condition="HasQuest(9769) && !IsQuestCompleted(9769)" > <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-423.5075" Y="5475.086" Z="21.13755" /> <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" /> </If> <Objective QuestName="There's No Explanation for Fashion" QuestId="9769" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="24372" CollectCount="8" />
<Factions>974 38 312 22</Factions> <!-- [Hulking Plaguebear,Diseased Wolf,Plague Lurker,Venom Mist Lurker] -->
<Hotspot X="1982.94" Y="-1789.087" Z="64.80361" />
<Hotspot X="1990.196" Y="-1919.304" Z="73.62924" />
<Hotspot X="1915.525" Y="-1959.813" Z="78.7701" />
<Hotspot X="1887.06" Y="-1956.052" Z="75.8632" />
<Hotspot X="1878.26" Y="-1994.816" Z="82.95597" />
<Hotspot X="1889.823" Y="-2057.792" Z="74.83401" />
<Hotspot X="1794.619" Y="-2048.501" Z="70.68099" />
<Hotspot X="1687.246" Y="-2022.948" Z="59.62885" />
<Hotspot X="1587.354" Y="-1941.967" Z="67.19145" />
<Hotspot X="1558.642" Y="-1844.846" Z="60.68558" />
<Hotspot X="1642.029" Y="-1772.719" Z="60.41909" />
<Hotspot X="1779.753" Y="-1720.086" Z="59.98423" />
<Hotspot X="1925.242" Y="-1763.684" Z="61.15604" />
<GrindTo Condition="(IsQuestCompleted(26953)) || (!Me.HasAura("Escorting Zen'Kiki"))" />
Code:<SetGrindArea> <GrindArea> <Factions>974 38 312 22</Factions> <!-- [Hulking Plaguebear,Diseased Wolf,Plague Lurker,Venom Mist Lurker] --> <TargetMinLevel>33</TargetMinLevel> <TargetMaxLevel>38</TargetMaxLevel> <Hotspots> <Hotspot X="1982.94" Y="-1789.087" Z="64.80361" /> <Hotspot X="1990.196" Y="-1919.304" Z="73.62924" /> <Hotspot X="1915.525" Y="-1959.813" Z="78.7701" /> <Hotspot X="1887.06" Y="-1956.052" Z="75.8632" /> <Hotspot X="1878.26" Y="-1994.816" Z="82.95597" /> <Hotspot X="1889.823" Y="-2057.792" Z="74.83401" /> <Hotspot X="1794.619" Y="-2048.501" Z="70.68099" /> <Hotspot X="1687.246" Y="-2022.948" Z="59.62885" /> <Hotspot X="1587.354" Y="-1941.967" Z="67.19145" /> <Hotspot X="1558.642" Y="-1844.846" Z="60.68558" /> <Hotspot X="1642.029" Y="-1772.719" Z="60.41909" /> <Hotspot X="1779.753" Y="-1720.086" Z="59.98423" /> <Hotspot X="1925.242" Y="-1763.684" Z="61.15604" /> </Hotspots> </GrindArea> </SetGrindArea> <GrindTo Condition="(IsQuestCompleted(26953)) || (!Me.HasAura("Escorting Zen'Kiki"))" />
this works![]()
The bot decides to chill out behind a tree while doing "Culling the Corrupted" in Felwood.
Any attempt to move the bot makes it go back there. Bad hotspot, I assume?
Wait, that's not the right log.
Here, sorry. It's a bit long so I editted it for you. Just scroll to the bottom.
Also, I noticed it takes the bot 2/3 tries to get on the zeppelin from UC to Org.
It tries to jump on it as it comes and gets absolutely stuck with no possibility to move an inch.
Eventually it gets on it after a couple tries, but it's pretty suspicious.
<Quest Id="28148" Name="Culling the Corrupted">
<Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="63088" CollectCount="10">
That's what I get from doing what you asked me, now as for the hotspots... excuse my ignorance, but is it just the point where the mobs spawn, or do you need me to draw you a path?
<Quest Id="28148" Name="Culling the Corrupted">
<Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="63088" CollectCount="10">
<Hotspot X="3987.022" Y="-1218.251" Z="259.2694" />
<Hotspot X="4012.414" Y="-1178.823" Z="273.2089" />
<Hotspot X="4006.442" Y="-1147.277" Z="269.8606" />
<Hotspot X="4055.759" Y="-1209.39" Z="282.1178" />
<Hotspot X="4083.438" Y="-1176.21" Z="288.2393" />
<Hotspot X="4112.915" Y="-1152.236" Z="291.7705" />
<Hotspot X="4088.214" Y="-1118.919" Z="277.1963" />
<Hotspot X="4049.758" Y="-1087.958" Z="266.639" />
<Hotspot X="4125.209" Y="-1029.346" Z="281.548" />
<Hotspot X="4173.583" Y="-1090.189" Z="299.2752" />
<Hotspot X="4180.702" Y="-1047.001" Z="291.3521" />
Hey Kick, I'm a level 56 Warlock in Silithus using your profile.. My character is trying to pick up a quest called "Call of the Warmatron" that the NPC does not have (doesn't even show a silver ! for a future quest). My character is basically untargetting and retargetting the NPC over and over again.