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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Quest: Flamebreaker - Quest - World of Warcraft
Faction: Horde

When the bot goes to use the quest item to break up the elementals the following error is thrown.
[11:01:32 AM:978] Compiling quest behavior from 'D:\HonorBuddy\Quest Behaviors\CombatUseItemOn.cs'
[11:01:33 AM:272] [CombatUseItemOn-v205(warning) @line 565]: Attribute 'CollectionDistance' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[11:01:33 AM:272] [CombatUseItemOn-v205(warning) @line 565]: Attribute 'Range' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.

View attachment 30466

just warnings, ignore it
you probably will delete this as i dont have much info for you but the bot Disconects and/or stops working alot, i cant even go take my shower and come back to a working bot, he bugs out and either disconects or just goes back and forth between the flight path person and the road in duskwood. basically the bot says its going to see the trainer but he just walks beside the flight master and goes back to the road right away. not sure if its in raven hill or darkshire but still. thats the one thing i saw but theres alot more in redridge.

i dont have time to post a log right at this moment but after work ill look through my log to give the right one.
there's an issue with flight paths. sometimes they work, sometimes they don't w/ this build

i have 2 accts that it works fine
i have another where it stands there like a re-re

open the profile and search for 'flightpaths' (ctrl+f for find)

change true to false

save and reload profile in bot
A few observations (I'll get you logs when I have time to actually oversee the next batch of toons I level next week):

*Needs vendors in EK. Just found another bot stuck in EPL because it can't generate a path to the vendor in Org.

This quest was not available: "WANTED: Goreclaw the Ravenous". I commented the lines used in it and restarted the bot to continue.

After a close look i saw that the profile contains 2 pickups of that quest with the same id. Maybe that's the problem.

Line 3382 and 3423.

* I just ran into this problem as well, one of my bots was stuck here trying to pick up this quest from the poster, but there was nothing to pick up (maybe it had already done it?).

* The quest Bar Fight! in Thousand Needles may be broken (I had left the bots running all night and I figured you didn't wanna go through 10mb of logs, and quite frankly, neither do I).
Found a bot standing there doing nothing, when it had to buy the grog from the vendor and use it on a Gnome Patron.
I completed the quest manually and hit start, but the bot just went to Org to train riding (without turning it in), and from there it went to EK (I noticed L40 is a checkpoint, but the bot was already 41 & 1/2).

* Stonetalon Mountains: Goes pretty smooth until that one quest that you have to sorta "energize" the tauren fighting. One of the bots did it fine, the other kept getting stuck in combat. Had to do manually.

* Again in Stonetalon: The quest where you unleash the Kobold Army is completed fine, but after that the bot starts going through the Alliance side and keeps getting shot by the L40 guards.
It gets completed, but it takes FOREVER (he gets shot 1 sec after rezzing) because it has to keep running back and after a few deaths the bot just stops auto releasing, so it waits the full 6 mins before it resumes the getaway.

I noticed those where the last two quests the bot did before moving to the next zone, so you might wanna just disable them because I see the tauren quest as being problematic, and the other one is likely an HB pathing issue (maybe you could add a huge blackspot over the alliance area?).

Anyway, I know you're gonna say you need logs, but... 10mb of logs is a bitch. I'll be more than happy to get you clean logs next week when I can oversee them.
I figured SOME feedback was better than NO feedback.

That said, great fucking job man. Those were the only hitches I found. This is already WAY more polished than Megser's profiles. Keep up the good work :).

PS. I'll buy you a nice lunch after christmas.
A few observations (I'll get you logs when I have time to actually oversee the next batch of toons I level next week):

*Needs vendors in EK. Just found another bot stuck in EPL because it can't generate a path to the vendor in Org.

* I just ran into this problem as well, one of my bots was stuck here trying to pick up this quest from the poster, but there was nothing to pick up (maybe it had already done it?).

* The quest Bar Fight! in Thousand Needles may be broken (I had left the bots running all night and I figured you didn't wanna go through 10mb of logs, and quite frankly, neither do I).
Found a bot standing there doing nothing, when it had to buy the grog from the vendor and use it on a Gnome Patron.
I completed the quest manually and hit start, but the bot just went to Org to train riding (without turning it in), and from there it went to EK (I noticed L40 is a checkpoint, but the bot was already 41 & 1/2).

* Stonetalon Mountains: Goes pretty smooth until that one quest that you have to sorta "energize" the tauren fighting. One of the bots did it fine, the other kept getting stuck in combat. Had to do manually.

* Again in Stonetalon: The quest where you unleash the Kobold Army is completed fine, but after that the bot starts going through the Alliance side and keeps getting shot by the L40 guards.
It gets completed, but it takes FOREVER (he gets shot 1 sec after rezzing) because it has to keep running back and after a few deaths the bot just stops auto releasing, so it waits the full 6 mins before it resumes the getaway.

I noticed those where the last two quests the bot did before moving to the next zone, so you might wanna just disable them because I see the tauren quest as being problematic, and the other one is likely an HB pathing issue (maybe you could add a huge blackspot over the alliance area?).

Anyway, I know you're gonna say you need logs, but... 10mb of logs is a bitch. I'll be more than happy to get you clean logs next week when I can oversee them.
I figured SOME feedback was better than NO feedback.

That said, great fucking job man. Those were the only hitches I found. This is already WAY more polished than Megser's profiles. Keep up the good work :).

PS. I'll buy you a nice lunch after christmas.

1st issue i fixed yesterday

            <If Condition="Me.ZoneId == 139" > <!-- EPL -->
            <!--Eastern Plaguelands Vendors-->
            <Vendor Name="Kathryn Humphries" Entry="47149" Type="Repair" X="2252.36" Y="-4456.02" Z="114.2962" />
            <Vendor Name="Gerald Fairbanks" Entry="47139" Type="Food" X="1845.11" Y="-3723.73" Z="160.5915" />
            <Vendor Name="Argus Highbeacon" Entry="45451" Type="Repair" X="1845.31" Y="-3720.91" Z="195.6802" />
            <Vendor Name="Gutcheck" Entry="47288" Type="Food" X="2341.62" Y="-5259.75" Z="81.71147" />
            <Vendor Name="Vincent Randolph" Entry="47286" Type="Repair" X="2258.43" Y="-5292.59" Z="82.30589" />
            <Vendor Name="Dorris Manchester" Entry="47166" Type="Repair" X="3181.97" Y="-4339.04" Z="133.4511" />
            <Vendor Name="Casey Tipple" Entry="47165" Type="Food" X="3140.48" Y="-4363.6" Z="133.416" />
            <Vendor Name="Christine Gade" Entry="47106" Type="Repair" X="2968.8" Y="-3002.64" Z="127.262" />
            <Vendor Name="Marc Daiton" Entry="47105" Type="Food" X="2922.12" Y="-3011.74" Z="132.6392" />    
            <Vendor Name="Gurt" Entry="47758" Type="Repair" X="1843.62" Y="-1762.78" Z="60.45" />    
            <Vendor Name="George Randolph" Entry="47757" Type="Food" X="1844.39" Y="-1759.87" Z="60.29" />
                <!-- Lights Hope Mailbox  -->
                <Mailbox X="2289.696" Y="-5322.46" Z="89.91563" />

2) i just fixed goreclaw, my bad...my bot didn't throw an error (musta been a copy / paste error from my ally profile)

3) bar fight i never had an issue with

4) i disabled the incombat area for now and it should no longer be stuck incombat chillin

5) i never had that issue ... i'll be running this again after LK is done (almost done w/ borean atm on 1 acct, almost done w/ classic on 1 acct.)

re-svn and let me know if you get these issues again :)

as far as the blackspots - i have tons of blackspots, the bot just doesn't care a lot of the time =(
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You're a machine man, and I'm already SVNing every day lol...
I'll keep you posted.
I think some issues might be HB related, nothing you can do about it I imagine (for example restarting HB and it wanting to go to the other side of the continent to pick up a quest it has already done).

Oh btw, this might be an HB issue as well, but pathing around Org is terrible (and risky lol). It spends like 2 secs still between hotspots (it's better with the AutoPrecision plugin, so you might wanna add it to your svn for people that don't know it).
If that can't be fixed you might wanna consider deleting the Org trainers and just have people go train to crossroads or whatever trainer there was in lowbie Durotar (Senjin Village?), for safe meassure.

Again, awesome job.
I'm home now so I can get you logs for whatever arises now.
i am already 82 dont know if the logs are still there but i have a dk in the works that wil go wotlk soon if ith happens again ill post the logs.
org was dumped for the objects already but i'll see what i can do about having them look at it again

but yeah, there are a lot of towns (like the horde cities in hellfire) that have major issues with objects :(

keep me updated - as long as i get the details (quest name, zone / area, and a log if applicable) - then i can usually fix the issue w/o having to run the profile.

now, sometimes i have to run the profile for major issues (as the tons of issues that i've been fixing since i re-flowed it)

atm classic is almost done
bc is done
LK is almost done w/ borean (very few issues other than the stupid elevator QQ)
Hi Kick,

First, thanks for you profiles! Absolute loving it :)

But I have had a problem with the zoram strand quest, everytime I got at that level I got a error from HB which says:
"Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown"

I delete the part form Zoram strand and it runs nicely from than on :)
Hi Kick,

First, thanks for you profiles! Absolute loving it :)

But I have had a problem with the zoram strand quest, everytime I got at that level I got a error from HB which says:
"Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown"

I delete the part form Zoram strand and it runs nicely from than on :)

download new bot
Seems latest release has changed something in API.
Compiling expression '(!StyxWoW.FlightChecksDisabled)' @ line 242[LEFT]1 errors encountered while compiling condition '(!StyxWoW.FlightChecksDisabled)'
Styx.StyxWoW doesn't contain a definition for FlightChecksDisabled[/LEFT]
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Seems latest release has changed something in API.
Compiling expression '(!StyxWoW.FlightChecksDisabled)' @ line 242[LEFT]1 errors encountered while compiling condition '(!StyxWoW.FlightChecksDisabled)'Styx.StyxWoW doesn't contain a definition for FlightChecksDisabled[/LEFT]

why are there so many discrepancies between horde and alliance, for example in the horde version of zangamarsh there are a lot of issues that dont seem to exist in the alliance version, some of which are caused by missing hotspots. one example is the quest unidentified plant parts, my horde char just started flying all over the place looking for mobs and as soon as i copied over the hotspots from the alliance version it was fine

<Quest Id="9802" Name="Plants of Zangarmarsh">
    <Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="24401" Name="Unidentified Plant Parts" CollectCount="10">
        <Mob Id="18132" Name="Umbraglow Stinger" />
        <Mob Id="18130" Name="Marshfang Ripper" />
        <Mob Id="20387" Name="Young Sporebat" />
        <Mob Id="18134" Name="Fen Strider" />
        <Hotspot X="-351.0574" Y="5513.116" Z="22.90413" />
        <Hotspot X="-375.2082" Y="5411.949" Z="17.79491" />
        <Hotspot X="-496.7541" Y="5412.942" Z="21.87777" />
        <Hotspot X="-609.1725" Y="5485.776" Z="22.48844" />
        <Hotspot X="-602.58" Y="5336.471" Z="20.24081" />
        <Hotspot X="-756.1357" Y="5499.922" Z="23.66503" />
        <Hotspot X="-846.0773" Y="5528.859" Z="22.693" />
        <Hotspot X="-840.6029" Y="5623.586" Z="22.80483" />
ty vitalic - Tuba made the first one ... then raphus fixed some if it... and now i'm working on it

it needs a hardcore overhaul for hellfire and zangarmarsh, but not in the near future... but i've re-ran it and fixed most of the bugs

i've made the changes on my end and it will be committed to svn sometime today

thanks for your contribution
@toney001 - thanks for the help; i've moved our posts over to the release thread so that nesox can check it out
My pleasure :)

I just tried a fresh install of HB and it worked (figured it would after you said that about the bot's "memory").
Not a huge deal, but it does suck to have to re install and reconfigure several "installs" (I have one per bot, 4 atm).

Thanks for being on top of stuffs!
the quest menacing marshfangs was bugged, added hotspots from azenius to fix it:

<Quest Id="9770" Name="Menacing Marshfangs">
	<Objective Type="KillMob" MobId="18130" KillCount="10">
			<Hotspot X="168.3952" Y="5695.689" Z="20.52396" />
			<Hotspot X="280.6756" Y="5617.071" Z="22.21375" />
			<Hotspot X="411.5572" Y="5636.076" Z="21.89793" />
			<Hotspot X="453.6915" Y="5860.184" Z="22.78756" />
			<Hotspot X="366.4687" Y="5869.083" Z="22.88736" />
			<Hotspot X="206.9369" Y="5895.415" Z="22.73598" />

the next quest after that was bugged as well, azenius has a flyto so added that and seemed to fix it, resulting code:

<If Condition="HasQuest(9769) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(9769)" >
				<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-423.5075" Y="5475.086" Z="21.13755" />
				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
			<Objective QuestName="There's No Explanation for Fashion" QuestId="9769" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="24372" CollectCount="8" />
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