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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Quest in Ashenvale not looting

I have been using the questing profile from this page and a quest titled 'Management Material' is not looting the 'Freshly Cut Wood'
Error in game UI sais 'Cant loot while moving'

I ended up doing this manually. Just thought I would let someone know.
Hey Kick,

Let me start off with a big thank you! Really appreciate all the work you do to help us in the community. I have been running your profile for questing 58-70 and I noticed a few hiccups. It seems some of the repair vendors in Hellfire are not correct. When I ran back to repair there was two times that the bot kept opening the vendor window on a vendor that did not offer repair functions. I can't be more specific than that but if you need more from me let me know, I plan to run the profile on another 58 I have. Thanks again for all the work.
Hey Kick,

Let me start off with a big thank you! Really appreciate all the work you do to help us in the community. I have been running your profile for questing 58-70 and I noticed a few hiccups. It seems some of the repair vendors in Hellfire are not correct. When I ran back to repair there was two times that the bot kept opening the vendor window on a vendor that did not offer repair functions. I can't be more specific than that but if you need more from me let me know, I plan to run the profile on another 58 I have. Thanks again for all the work.
the vendors are correct, the bot has issues trying to repair at innkeepers for some reason
One problem is the "training" when doing the quests in EPL - EK.

The bot can't find a way to the trainer in OG.
yeah it's one of those issues that i have to work around

i'll go and fiddle with it one of these days

One problem is the "training" when doing the quests in EPL - EK.

The bot can't find a way to the trainer in OG.
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I have been using the questing profile from this page and a quest titled 'Management Material' is not looting the 'Freshly Cut Wood'
Error in game UI sais 'Cant loot while moving'

I ended up doing this manually. Just thought I would let someone know.
fixed, that quest was stupid, i try my best to work around it

Why am I getting this?

[5:27:45 PM:328] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[5:27:45 PM:600] Compiling expression '(!IsQuestCompleted(27683))' @ line 3412
[5:27:55 PM:812] Compiling expression 'Me.MapId == 1' @ line 3413
[5:27:55 PM:947] Compiling expression 'Me.MapId == 0' @ line 3432
[5:28:01 PM:124] Picking up Into the Woods : 27683
[5:28:01 PM:124] Goal: Picking up Into the Woods
[5:28:01 PM:128] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[5:28:02 PM:073] Spell_C::CastSpell(87091, 0, 0x0, 0) [1]
[5:29:11 PM:580] InteractDebug:292201232
[5:29:11 PM:589] Interact Done:292201232
[5:29:13 PM:716] InteractDebug:292201232
[5:29:13 PM:726] Interact Done:292201232
[5:29:15 PM:764] InteractDebug:292201232
[5:29:15 PM:774] Interact Done:292201232
[5:29:17 PM:812] InteractDebug:292201232
[5:29:17 PM:822] Interact Done:292201232
[5:29:19 PM:867] InteractDebug:292201232

Its stuck here.

Im level 44

I picked up the quest manually and completed them manually

now it goes to this

[5:49:25 PM:861] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[5:49:26 PM:063] Goal: Grinding to level 41
[5:49:26 PM:383] Picking up The Trek Continues : 27448
[5:49:26 PM:383] Goal: Picking up The Trek Continues
[5:49:26 PM:383] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp

and its stuck here doing nothing.

Still level 44

So I had to pick up the quest manually because the cart was relocated.

Another error

[CombatUseItemOn-v204(warning) @line 3620]: Attribute 'Range' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[Singular] Casting Frostbolt on Blighted Surge
[Singular] [Pet] Casting Freeze
[Singular] Casting Ice Lance on Blighted Surge
[Singular] Casting Counterspell on Blighted Surge
[Singular] Casting Ice Lance on Blighted Surge
[Singular] Casting Arcane Missiles on Blighted Surge
[Singular] Casting Frost Nova on Blighted Surge
[Singular] Getting away from frozen target
[Singular] Casting Arcane Missiles on Blighted Surge
[Singular] No viable target! NOT GOOD!
Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Blighted Surge
Looting Blighted Surge Guid:0xF1302147002AD173
Stopping the bot!

Doing quest Catalsym.

Bot didnt understand to use item on water elements.
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The Quest "An Embarassing Incident" doesnt work. Toon must pick up a the "VICs KEYS" in Rivers Heart at Sholazar Basin. But cant find it. Just swim around and killing the Mobs. Key spawns on different places inside the river/sea.
The Quest "Chains of the Anub ar" doesnt work. Try to kill some Mobs to get the Keys "Anok ra s Key Fragment" and "Tivax s Key Fargment", Toon is running into the "Icemist Village" in a wrong House and waiting there, doesnt move anymore. The two Mobs are on two different Places.

Tivax the Breaker for the Key Fragment is at <Hotspot X="4102.727" Y="2284.335" Z="155.3395" />

Anok'ra the Manipulator for the Key Fragment is at <Hotspot X="3922.889" Y="2226.229" Z="124.8062" />

Both are inside a House, if you need Spots to go inside with CTM tell me, i will give you more.
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The Quest "An Embarassing Incident" doesnt work. Toon must pick up a the "VICs KEYS" in Rivers Heart at Sholazar Basin. But cant find it. Just swim around and killing the Mobs. Key spawns on different places inside the river/sea.

Hey man that quest has an extremely low drop rate to give you the key. When your character clicks the item either a mob will spawn or a key will be looted to you.
My character grinded for that key almost an hour.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk
Hey Kick,

found a very annoying issue. I quested some time by myself and now it seems i messed up the profile you wrote.
In some way.
Changed this: <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" > -- True to False

And he still wants do to "King Mrgl-Mrgl" - Quest and tries to get it from :

<Vendor Name="Mordle Zahnrad" Entry="25702" Type="Repair" X="4182.673" Y="5255.368" Z="26.37715" />.
Who is a Gnome.

To clarify: I did all the quests build around King Mrgl-Mrgl by hand.

Timestamp: [09:56:36:411]



Edit: I completley redownloaded everything and changed <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" > to False and it now works but it was still strange. If you still want to take a look; see the log i attached!


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Hey! Thanks for the most awesome AFK-chill-as-fuark 1-525 profile ever! I just have to point out one thing. Mine got stuck at 150 and kept farming panthers/tigers in STV. So checked the file, and I changed these lines:

<GrindTo Condition="Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Skinning).CurrentValue == 135" />

<If Condition="(Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Skinning).CurrentValue == 135) &amp;&amp; (Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Skinning).MaxValue == 135)">

And I just replaced all the 135's with 150 and it worked like a charm. Not sure if it was only my HB. Restarted it ten times but still didn't work until I fixed profile. Thanks again, keep up the AWESOME work!
Just a quick question, are the CB's updated in the most recent HB release? I dig the profile but a few of the CB's are acting strange (most of the ones I have seen errors with are not yours kick) I'm wondering if I should redownload HB and start over, it seems I get certain errors time to time making it virtually impossible to AFK this profile for more than .5 hrs at a time. The transitioning from ground mount to flying seems to be an issue as well. Not hating, just have a few concerns and well.. I havent played in a year so maybe I just suck :p
Hey man that quest has an extremely low drop rate to give you the key. When your character clicks the item either a mob will spawn or a key will be looted to you.
My character grinded for that key almost an hour.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk

Hm no you dont need to grind for it. At the bottom of the sea there are some heap of sand, you just need to pick this up. you dont need to grind mobs. i have done this quest now 4 times manual.
Here I have a concern I'm lvl 80 and not Fiare the quests that make me "Could not create current in quest bot, WAS thrown exception" and I do not know how you can help me stp
Thank you in advance
HI Hkan, First off you need to Provide your log (read Kick's first post) second i have had that same issue. Just look up the quest and go to it manually is what i typically do.
Toon want to Turn in Quest "Wind MAster To bor", waiting for the Elevator in Warsong Hold, and Toon gets crazy. Just run in circle, forth and back. I moved Toon manual up, after that everything goes on.
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