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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hey Kick,

found a very annoying issue. I quested some time by myself and now it seems i messed up the profile you wrote.
In some way.
Changed this: <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" > -- True to False

And he still wants do to "King Mrgl-Mrgl" - Quest and tries to get it from :

<Vendor Name="Mordle Zahnrad" Entry="25702" Type="Repair" X="4182.673" Y="5255.368" Z="26.37715" />.
Who is a Gnome.

To clarify: I did all the quests build around King Mrgl-Mrgl by hand.

Timestamp: [09:56:36:411]



Edit: I completley redownloaded everything and changed <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" > to False and it now works but it was still strange. If you still want to take a look; see the log i attached!
it's a go-to quest

delete the pickup / turnin line from the profile and press start
Quest "No Place to Run"

Toon place down the Destructive Ward, and starts to kill the spawning Skelets. After the first waves the Toon trys to Mount on the Fly Mount to Turn in, but the Quest isnt
finished yet. So the Toon Flys back after the third wave to the Quest giver to turn in, but the quest gets automaticly off the questlog so the toon get the quest again and again. not good equiped melee chars will get problems witht his quest. Tanks or BM Hunter is no problem.

After turning in the "No Place to Run" the Toon wants to Turn in "Seeds of the Lasher" but the Toon cant Mount to Fly away, need to get the Way out of the "Maw of Neltharion".

Moving the Toon out of the Dungeon, it goes on with the Profile


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Here's the video the guy made & posted on blizz forum.
One of the most interesting part is 4:43 - 5:00, where the author does a couple of simple steps to clearly identify HB user.
If the link is against the forum rules - please remove it but use the video to improve behaviour logic (e.g. adding an option to blacklist a deposit with player around for a longer period of time so there's no returns like the ones on the video).

He must have spent 12+ frapsing then video editing. That makes me lol
how to start it if I already have 310 skinning, bot compiling all parts and than stops "nothing to do here"
Need to make better BG bot logic. And add to BG bot option, that let bot making comment in chat. For example if we losing in BG bot will say "omfg" or something like that. The phrases user can set manually.
Also BG bot dont take bombs in Icle on conquest. But i think it is easy to make.
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Quest "Torture the Torturer" Quest ID=12252

Toon staying in the Door of New Hearthglen. Toon gets always the Quest Mob "Torturer" in target, but cant move to it because its in the basement. need to move the toon manual to the basement.
And Quest doesnt work for Hunters, cauz you have to be near of the Torturer to use "High Executors Branding Iron".

Now with Log and Pictures

Torturer LeCraft Location is (Basement) <Hotspot X="2884.6" Y="-283.7809" Z="106.8789" /> ... there you need to use High Executor's Branding Iron 3 times. maybe you need to make a dmg stop, because Torturer is going to fast down.
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Hey kick, jsut letting you know I came accrost a litle bug, in the quest "The end of the line" The bot doesnt seem to try to use the item near the gate(Leyline Focus Control Talisman) Thus hte bot stays stuck saying moving to hotspot and does nothing else!

Here ya go :) The End of the Line - Quest - World of Warcraft

Ill keep you updated on any other bugs I Come accrost
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[02:12:03:406] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
Toon want to Turn in Quest "Wind MAster To bor", waiting for the Elevator in Warsong Hold, and Toon gets crazy. Just run in circle, forth and back. I moved Toon manual up, after that everything goes on.

I think they mentioned it wasn't an issue with the actual quest profile but ine of the CB's that HB uses by default. Might be wrong though.
Just restarted playing on a druid that i hadn't touched in over a year. Getting where he is trying to pick up a quest "A diplomatic Mission" From Consuler Talbot in Valiance Keep where he does not have a quest offered.

Attached log


Just restarted playing on a druid that i hadn't touched in over a year. Getting where he is trying to pick up a quest "A diplomatic Mission" From Consuler Talbot in Valiance Keep where he does not have a quest offered.

Attached log
i need the full log.txt from the /logs folder
Ok no Problem will attach from now on more Information if you want to help the Horde people. if not, tell us.

Quest "Saragosa's End" "Quest ID=11957"
Toon stays around and dont move on to turn in the Quest after finishing the Quest. Need to fly down to the ground and restart HB to go on.

Hope this will help you to fix the Problem. Please delete the other Posts, so i will post them again if the problem happens again with a log.
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Quest "Rallying the Troops" "Quest ID=12070"

Toon must use the "Shard of the Earth" on 5 Stone Giants, and then kill 5 spawning Iron Rune Avengers, Toon just use 1time and fly back to the turn in. Range Toons cant do it because the Range in HB is to far to use the Shard. Melee Chars use the Shard but just 1 time.
Quest "A Lesson in Fear" "Quest ID=11282"

cant finish the quest automatic, did it by hand.

Please tell me if i better stop, maybe you dont have time, or if you want that i post more? All Problems on 4 Chars (shadow priest/2x Hunter/Rogue) the same.


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I figure you might see this post here quicker than in the Loremaster [H] thread, I've finished nearly all of Loremaster of Outland, but I based everything I could on your BC profile, and just slight changes to the order/added to it as I went along - so I wanted to check if it was OK if I post them publicly or not ^_^

Either way, thanks for doing so much of the work for me (and everybody else) :P
nyrhtak - as long as credit is given where it is due - that's fine.

if you have fixes to my current quests - just give me the changes in code or php brackets


I changed X to XX on quest Y
something something xx yy zz asdf;lkjsadf

Was an awesome thread! :)
I am new with honorbuddy, and you tell us to set a mail recipient, how to do that? :)
Thank you.
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