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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Open the profile in notepad. Right click the profile > Open with > Notepad.

Now, go to Edit > Find > Type the name of the quest you want to remove. Now click find. I'm going to use "Cocooned" as an example.
Search until you find a line of code like this:

(If you find the same code again, just delete it...might have it multiple times in the profile.)

now, select that whole line and just delete it, that there is deleting the bot from picking up that quest, now go back to Edit > Find and search again, then look for a line of code that looks like this:

Again, delete that line of code...that's the line that tells the bot to turn in the quest once you have completed it, search again and see if you got every instance of that quest, if you find any more like I said above, delete them. Save the notepad > File > Save.
Re-open the profile now in HB and it shouldn't do that quest anymore.

SOOO MUCH THANKS ! i fixed it now it skip that quest and things are running again
i stoped bot in the beginning of the chain,done some quests manual,now when i start bot it heads towards sw and tries to pickup 1 quest from kings board,can i fix that?
Hey all i have a big problem with the profile,it was working almost perfectly until i came lvl 40 where my character started to walk around in estearnplaguelands killing some spirits without doing any quest.He is killing those npc at some garden without any quest i dont know what to do help me pls i reinstalled Hb and the profile i dont know what to do pls help me :( tnx forward

hey did you fix it im having the same problem
Kick,i was using profile from your svn trunk. not this one,i wasnt sure where to post about issue
hey did you fix it im having the same problem

HAveing the same problem with the farm, my toon is killing spirits whitout quest at some farm in eastenplaugelands (its spelled wrong yeah) at level 40 can you fix kick or som body else it ?
HAveing the same problem with the farm, my toon is killing spirits whitout quest at some farm in eastenplaugelands (its spelled wrong yeah) at level 40 can you fix kick or som body else it ?

i sorta fixed it i just left him killing the spirits for a while then he ran off to find some quests but now hes stuck talking to 1 npc and wont stop trying to pickup a quest from her
I can't download this profile, i cant find it in your SVN map and the link says page not found
ok so im having trouble with the quest zenkiki the druid the bot just keeps opening chat with the npc wont accept the quest or anything just stands there and clicks the npc please help i would like to keep leveling
HAveing the same problem with the farm, my toon is killing spirits whitout quest at some farm in eastenplaugelands (its spelled wrong yeah) at level 40 can you fix kick or som body else it ?
check the info tab... it's grinding 41
ok so im having trouble with the quest zenkiki the druid the bot just keeps opening chat with the npc wont accept the quest or anything just stands there and clicks the npc please help i would like to keep leveling
i don't support dieing and you either died or did something else

i need a behavior for that quest, honestly
ok well i didnt die and the profile wouldnt work so i did the quests myself and he just stands there clicking on the npc now nothing else and what do u mean by behavior for the quest this?

        <PickUp QuestName="Zen'Kiki, the Druid" QuestId="26953" GiverName="Adrine Towhide" GiverId="44456" />
            <While Condition="((HasQuest(26956)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(26956)))" >
                <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="26956" ObjectType="Gameobject" MobId="205054" NumOfTimes="6" CollectionDistance="100" X="1853.763" Y="-1580.564" Z="59.14132" />
                <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="26956" ObjectType="Gameobject" MobId="205053" NumOfTimes="4" CollectionDistance="100" X="1853.763" Y="-1580.564" Z="59.14132" />
                <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="26956" ObjectType="Gameobject" MobId="205052" NumOfTimes="3" CollectionDistance="100" X="1853.763" Y="-1580.564" Z="59.14132" />
            <Objective QuestName="A New Era for the Plaguelands" QuestId="26999" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="60762" CollectCount="4" />
            <Objective QuestName="A New Era for the Plaguelands" QuestId="26999" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="60763" CollectCount="4" />
            <Objective QuestName="A New Era for the Plaguelands" QuestId="26999" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="60760" CollectCount="4" />
            <Objective QuestName="A New Era for the Plaguelands" QuestId="26999" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="60761" CollectCount="4" />
            <Objective QuestName="Zen'Kiki, the Druid" QuestId="26953" Type="KillMob" MobId="44777" KillCount="20" />
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ok well i didnt die and the profile wouldnt work so i did the quests myself and he just stands there clicking on the npc now nothing else and what do u mean by behavior for the quest this?

give me a new log for the behavior issues please

as far as the first issue - i dunno, i've never seen that
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