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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I am using it with a elemental shaman. So far so good 4 hours in and i am level 12. I will report back once i hit 58.

Very buggy profile, im lucky if i can let it afk for 10minutes. It will get stuck on flight npc for some reason, and it doesnt even fly anywhere it just talks to him over and over again. (this at crossroads in northern baren on the 12+ profile)
[5:51:24 PM:472] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[5:51:24 PM:472] Cleared POI
[5:51:24 PM:606] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update
[5:51:24 PM:849] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP

I will post my whole log, this is just happening now and i dont know how to fix it.

edit: restarted hb and now its back to questing.. i dont understand why the restart is necessary every time it bugs out

another bug on quest "rain of destruction", lv 24 fire mage

[3:35:20 AM:034] Goal: Moving to <2246.625, -2496.338, 125.1114>
[3:35:20 AM:035] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[3:35:25 AM:566] Goal: UseItemTargetLocation: "Rain of Destruction"
[3:35:25 AM:747] [UseItemTargetLocation-v198(debug) @line 2225]: Raging Ancient
[3:35:25 AM:983] Activity: Too Close, Backing Up
[3:35:26 AM:106] [UseItemTargetLocation-v198(debug) @line 2225]: Raging Ancient
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Thank's for this script, going to be using it now on my 82 deathknight.

EDIT: Worked very nice am now 1 bar from 83 and will be using your Uldum profile too.

Thank's a lot.
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Just started this profile @ level 70 and it is going terrible, it's not funny, Ive used this profile twice before, both times I got banned, but managed to actually level to 80, but now it just sucks
Just started this profile @ level 70 and it is going terrible, it's not funny, Ive used this profile twice before, both times I got banned, but managed to actually level to 80, but now it just sucks

Thank you for being so thorough with what exactly is wrong... it will fix all of the issues I have! <waves magic wand>


You don't get banned for questing - so I need to know what the issues are and i need logs

I don't have to make this horde profile, I don't. I am an Alliance developer.

Now, if you want to QQ, then help me help you
the netherwing profile has issues; it's not 100% afk as stated in the first post and the collector plugin has issues

but hey, if you know some C# - make me a better one
Very buggy profile, im lucky if i can let it afk for 10minutes. It will get stuck on flight npc for some reason, and it doesnt even fly anywhere it just talks to him over and over again. (this at crossroads in northern baren on the 12+ profile)

I will post my whole log, this is just happening now and i dont know how to fix it.

edit: restarted hb and now its back to questing.. i dont understand why the restart is necessary every time it bugs out

another bug on quest "rain of destruction", lv 24 fire mage

To help out Kick, attach a full logg and not snippet's.
In Zangarmarsh he is having height difficulties going under bridges and sometimes on mounts. Is it not recalculating the proper size? Some even when standing, without a mount, are too tall.
i'm a lvl 48 mage and i want to quest in winterspring but if i go to winterspring and start HB he go to windride master and fly to The Barrens to pickup a quest there why the hell dose he do that :( cant he see i'm 48
i got your prifile and i got a problem i'm in winterspring with a 48 mage but the bot wants to pick up a quest that i already have done he wont do anything els even if a got to the otherside ofWS he just walkt abck to that Q can you fix this pls
for Death From Above quest, it seems like it is better to use 60 yard to use the reinforced net.
My toon was not doing anything (just standing underneath all those flying mobs) so I checked out the profile and found that range (default 40) was too short.
Most of my toon's spells are 40 yard range and it couldn't use the spells on the flying mobs.
After I changed the range to 60, it worked flawlessly :D
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Im having a problem, my toon is now 33 but It wont move on from North Stranglevale, mobs are level 25 and quests are green. I changed <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" > to false, is there anything else I can do?

Thank you so much for this awesome profile! :)
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