Every time i want to start/stop the bot after level 41+ it want to go to stormwind and train riding.
Should add an if !got skill riding yada yada.
<!-- Train 100% riding -->
<If Condition="Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Riding).CurrentValue < 150" >
<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" TrainNewSkills="True" />
<RunTo X="-8780.128" Y="380.0052" Z="100.8152" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="43693" CollectionDistance="50" X="-8780.128" Y="380.0052" Z="100.8152" />
<CustomBehavior File="ForceTrainRiding" MobId="43693" />
im on my S.priest an its doing the quest but when it starts attack he passes the character so there behide him an then he starts fighting???? hes not even looking at the target >.< !!!!
is there a way to fix it
Changing current profile to Goldshire 6-8
Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!
whut am i doing wrong ? =)
Is there a way that i can skip the quest order? I am level 79 still doing 71ish quest. Looks really weird to other toons plus really low xp. Thanks.
Does this profile grind Mag'Har rep like it does for the Kurenai on alliance?
This was been a glitching constantly in LK. It started doing Borean Tundra, then moved to Dragon Blight. I have the "do all quests" option set to false since leveling is quicker now w/ changed and that I have BoA gear. After being in DB for some time, it tried to go to Grizzly Hills, but I was missing the quest to go to GH, so it just spit an error and quit. So I turned back on "do all quests" just so it would do the quests in BT/DB so I could go to GH, but for the Coldera quests, it never works. Bot constantly flys into walls and then breaks.
Saragosa's End - Quest - World of Warcraft seems to be the quest breaking in Coldera
As far as the GH's issue, this is the quest To Conquest Hold, But Be Careful! - Quest - World of Warcraft that is the issue. You have to do some Venomspite quests to unlock it, but if your high enough level, the script demands you get it, when you can't.