Kickazz, those are some kick ass profiles you've made up. I built a 1-60 questing profile just before the cataclysm release and I can appreciate the time and effort you must have put into these profiles. + BIG REP for all your hard work.
I've run the 15-58 profile through on 6 of my toons in the last few weeks and have been monitoring their activity. Any time I ran into a problem, I checked my logs to see if I could figure out what the issue was. A lot of the time, a simple restart of HB or WoW is all that was required due to a quest behaviour not firing properly or a custom class bugging out or even HB having issues. Other times, it was a quest navigation issue, fixed up with a quest override, or a blackspot that was needed. For some reason it kept trying to run to vendors in W Plaguelands from Ogrimmar/N Barrens and vice versa or needed to repair and was running to a food vendor. Find Vendors automatically was turned off, so I don't know the reason for the behaviour, but commenting those vendors out of the profile did the trick.
I had problems with 'Rain of Destruction', 'Black Shield', and 'Battle of Darrowshire' to name a few. My modification for 'Rain of Destruction' has that quest now working properly, though there is still an issue where you need to be in imp form in order to turn the quest in. This only happens if you die during the quest. 'Black Shield' seems to be totally eff'd up and I can't figure it out, so I edited it and the remainder of the quest chain out. Same thing with 'Battle of Darrowshire'. Try as I might, he will not go talk to the NPc in the city center to complete the quest. Unfortunately, that is a major quest in the whole Plaguelands chain, and if it's not completed, it prevents you from doing a large portion of the Plaguelands quests. I commented out the chain accordingly and assuming you start level 1 running your profiles, you should end up around level 54/55 when leaving Plaguelands heading to Silithus via Tanaris. Level 54/55 is a little low for completing the Silithus quests, but it doesn't look like you've included quests from Tanaris or Umboro Crater in your profile. Currently, I'm working on adding those quests to your profile to boost the toons before heading to Silithus.
Unfortunately, my commenting/documenting the changes I've made in the profile leave something to be desired. I'm working to update the documentation in the profile code as to what I've changed. Currently it's all written down on paper and I'm integrating it into the profile so you can clearly see the changes made.
I'm posting my modified version so you can see the changes made and hopefully won't have to duplicate a lot of work. Once I have mine commented/documented I'll compare it against your most recent update and see what's what between them.
On a slightly different note, what tools are you using for profile development. I'm using the developer tools from HB, the Profile Helper plugin and extensive lookups to the HB wiki and wowhead. Anything else you can recommend?
I've done the same thing with the Burning Crusade profile and nearly have it completed. Just testing with one last toon and I've run on character through the LK profiles and made some adjustments there as well. Will share when ready.
Again, thanks for all your hard work.