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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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But what if the quest has already been done? can I tell it what ques t to start with?

Try and start it halfway through and head over to the debug tab, it scrolls through all quests to check which either you or the bot got to since last time running.
i atill want to know how to configure AHbot profile to make it cancel undercuted options :( pls help, it just cancel all my posts. thx
Debug shows my toon clicking on the board in SW over and over. Help please!

[3:17:13 PM:821] Picking up Hero's Call: Twilight Highlands! : 28716

[3:17:13 PM:821] Goal: Picking up Hero's Call: Twilight Highlands!

[3:17:13 PM:822] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp

[3:17:13 PM:997] InteractDebug:296319912

[3:17:13 PM:997] Interact Done:296319912

[3:17:16 PM:451] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed

[3:17:16 PM:451] Cleared POI

[3:17:16 PM:618] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp

[3:17:16 PM:908] InteractDebug:296319912

[3:17:16 PM:941] Interact Done:296319912

[3:17:19 PM:457] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed

[3:17:19 PM:457] Cleared POI

[3:17:19 PM:621] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp

[3:17:19 PM:909] InteractDebug:296319912

[3:17:19 PM:941] Interact Done:296319912

[3:17:22 PM:414] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed

[3:17:22 PM:414] Cleared POI

[3:17:22 PM:577] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp

[3:17:22 PM:897] InteractDebug:296319912

[3:17:22 PM:930] Interact Done:296319912

[3:17:25 PM:467] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed

[3:17:25 PM:467] Cleared POI

[3:17:25 PM:634] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp

[3:17:25 PM:774] InteractDebug:296319912

[3:17:25 PM:774] Interact Done:296319912

[3:17:27 PM:973] Stop called!
you have to delete the whole condition for !hasquest && !isquestcompleted for that questid
any idea how I would go about writing a command that would cancel all ah always when starting the profile?

im having any issue where the bot is attemptng to use the Trainer as the repair/vendor to empty bags and such so if my bags are full, my toons need repair or just leveled they go to shat to train and spam the trainer to sell/ repair. basically making this profile un-afkable. sorry for the zip file but ive include three logs from my last session and right before the DC youll see the POI spam

this, i had a look thru the xml, but it looks like the npc info is correct, i have no idea why its trying to sell/repair there
Issue at quest hub in Moa'ki harbor. Bot's trying to accept the quest "Let nothing go to waste" before it turns in "travel to moa'ki harbor". It has Travel to moa'ki in it's log, just spazzes out at the turn in NPC. Travel to moa'ki is a prereq to Let nothing, so it just spams the quest dialog screen.
Issue at quest hub in Moa'ki harbor. Bot's trying to accept the quest "Let nothing go to waste" before it turns in "travel to moa'ki harbor". It has Travel to moa'ki in it's log, just spazzes out at the turn in NPC. Travel to moa'ki is a prereq to Let nothing, so it just spams the quest dialog screen.

yesterday, will do again just incase

edit: just updated again, there were no revisions for that profile
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When using this it mounts my flying mount but it just runs across the ground and never flies


Bot runs on the ground on a flying mount. If you start the bot on the flying mount, you get an path to target error.

Bot runs on the ground on a flying mount. If you start the bot on the flying mount, you get an path to target error.

bot issue. you can't fly during objectives, only to / from quests / objectives (as stated in the first post)
BG logic! The whole walking of the toon looks wwaaay too botty with the click to move. Tho I did see some dev in the forums create a plugin to use the a w s d I believe, but then he holted it till he updated to the latest HB. Stick with the crowd or being at the heat of the battle instead of walking around searching for everything but the enemy lol. I use woots profiles which helps.
this is amazing.. just ran this on my mage.. he died alot at first, but thats cuz he's squishy... got me the achiev for hyjal.. very happy with the profile. Trying your deephome one next i think.
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