Hey Everybody,
I am having a little issue and it seems I can't resolve it alone:
I am trying the AHbot profile.
And at first it runs like a charm.
1.) It checks my mailbox for items and stores them in my bags
2.) runs to the auction house and posts my items paying attention to the maximum and minimum prices I have choosen.
3.) runs to the mailbox when I have new mail.
It does NOT check for undercut auctions and it does NOT cancel them.
But if I am interpreting the profile right it is ABLE to do so.
Can anybody help me with this?
Probably it's just a "true" or "false" kind of thing
I am using the latest Honorbuddy
Switched it to Grind Bot
Using Kicks "Blank Profile" , but combat bot or lazy raider does not solve the problem either
combat class I tried: fps rogue and singular
The output of Honorbuddy:
Changing current profile to level 0 - 2147483647
Checking for undercut auctions in 42 seconds
PB 1.67:Mail retrieval of items:AllItems finished
PB 1.67:Wait Action Completed
PB 1.67:Selling Name:Fl?chtiges Leben Buyout:7g78s99c Competitor:7g79s0c
PB 1.67:Selling Name:Sturmwinde Buyout:1g99s99c Competitor:2g0s0c
PB 1.67:Selling Name:Herzbl?te Buyout:2g27s99c Competitor:2g28s0c
PB 1.67:Selling Name:Elementiumerz Buyout:2g5s98c Competitor:2g5s99c
PB 1.67:Mail retrieval of items:AllItems finished
PB 1.67:Wait Action Completed
PB 1.67:Selling Name:Fl?chtiges Leben Buyout:7g78s99c Competitor:7g79s0c