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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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i tried profile from 1-68 it worked fine but in northrend the profile does not work. iam lvl 71 druid horde.

sry for my english is poor
just a note about tauren questing area - my tauren got to level 9, turned in a quest @ a camp by thunderbluff, which had quests she could of done, but then she grinded her way to level 10 then left the area to barrens. She is also now grinding 5 bars from level 12 to 13 when there are quests available @ cross roads. - is there any particular reason for this? And thanks for keeping this profile so up to date!
Had an issue with quest Battle for Darrowshire. Toon runs to town square and begins to use the "relic bundle" item, but, doesn't allow enough time for the cast to channel. Then, runs back to to the banners to await Horgus' arival, but the event never begins, because the relic bundle cast doesn't finish. I used the relic bundle by hand, then started HB, and it handled the event fine from there.
Quick question...do we need to have "train new skills" ticked within HB or will the profile handle that on it's own?
Before you read this, take in mind: This is my opinion and not based on anything else than that.

I chose alot of the options, but the one i would love the most is the native flying and IB AFK. The reason for my wish for an AFK'able IB is to ofc farm the lvl 85 dungeons/hc, but i do know this will demand alot! The boss fights atm are all complicated compared to the lower lvls of the game, which i pretty much use AFK for lvling. With an IB being able of doing every instance in the top lvls you would get more costumers, and happier ppl around the forum.
honestly i wouldnt give a damn about anything else than the IB if it were AFK'able and able to do all lvl 85 instances normal as well as HC.

Thx for reading :) :)
Had an issue with quest Battle for Darrowshire. Toon runs to town square and begins to use the "relic bundle" item, but, doesn't allow enough time for the cast to channel. Then, runs back to to the banners to await Horgus' arival, but the event never begins, because the relic bundle cast doesn't finish. I used the relic bundle by hand, then started HB, and it handled the event fine from there.

battle *of* darrowshire -

<UseItem ItemId="15209" QuestName="The Battle of Darrowshire" QuestId="27390" X="1444.552" Y="-3699.923" Z="77.30455" />

^^ it's bot controlled, but i'll stick a waittimer there for 6 seconds after the bot 'thinks' it's done

just a note about tauren questing area - my tauren got to level 9, turned in a quest @ a camp by thunderbluff, which had quests she could of done, but then she grinded her way to level 10 then left the area to barrens. She is also now grinding 5 bars from level 12 to 13 when there are quests available @ cross roads. - is there any particular reason for this? And thanks for keeping this profile so up to date!

I haven't ran the lower ones, so no... nothing has changed since tuba / raphus made the profile. I promise 15-58 should be pretty good. BC is ok. I added a ton of quests to 15-58
 [10:05:52 AM:090] Cleared POI
[10:05:52 AM:606] Activity: Moving to location
[10:05:57 AM:147] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [0g0s17c]
[10:07:34 AM:508] Stop called!
[10:07:34 AM:514] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
[10:07:34 AM:794] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
[10:07:34 AM:795] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
[10:07:39 AM:438] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[10:07:39 AM:438] Cleared POI
[10:07:39 AM:921] Goal: Grinding to level 20
[10:07:40 AM:415] [CollectThings-v200(debug) @line 2074]: Behavior sees 'done'.  Skipping behavior.
[10:07:40 AM:416] [CollectThings-v200(debug) @line 2075]: Behavior sees 'done'.  Skipping behavior.
[10:07:40 AM:593] Picking up Condition Critical! : 13958
[10:07:40 AM:593] Goal: Picking up Condition Critical!
[10:07:40 AM:600] Picking up Put Out The Fire : 13884
[10:07:40 AM:600] Goal: Picking up Put Out The Fire
[10:07:40 AM:605] Picking up Hot Lava : 13880
[10:07:40 AM:605] Goal: Picking up Hot Lava
[10:07:40 AM:616] Goal: UseItemTargetLocation: "Hot Lava"
[10:08:57 AM:208] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [0g0s17c]

I am in ashenvale on a level 30 mage and it is trying to do quest : Put out the fire & Hot Lava
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I have a lot of "Starts a quest" object in my bag, can I let Mr.Itemremover delete those or are they implemented in the Profile? Cuz I haven't seen them being used.
i.e. Withered Basidium / A Mysterious Tome / Eroded Leather Case

And I get this error in the log when going to vendors.
[18:49:47:258] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\*****\*****\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\ForceSetVendor.cs'
[18:49:48:027] [ForceSetVendor-v192(warning)]: The VendorType attribute has been deprecated.
Please replace it with DoMail/DoRepair/DoSell/DoTrain='true'
[18:49:48:034] Goal: Scheduled run for Train
That was errored when the toon flew to Shattrat trying to train and vendor. It did train but didn't
vendor anything.

And I got this error when it tried to pickup "The Sharpest Blades" in Zangar
[19:37:31:689] InteractDebug:681654832
[19:37:31:707] Interact Done:681654832
[19:37:34:118] InteractDebug:681654832
[19:37:34:152] Interact Done:681654832
[19:37:36:430] InteractDebug:681654832
[19:37:36:430] Interact Done:681654832
[19:37:38:465] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[19:37:38:465] Cleared POI
[19:37:38:611] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[19:37:38:834] InteractDebug:681654832
[19:37:38:850] Interact Done:681654832
[19:37:41:972] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[19:37:41:972] Cleared POI
[19:37:42:107] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[19:37:42:324] InteractDebug:681654832
[19:37:42:340] Interact Done:681654832
[19:37:44:978] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[19:37:44:978] Cleared POI
[19:37:45:116] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[19:37:45:330] InteractDebug:681654832
[19:37:45:347] Interact Done:681654832
[19:37:46:352] Stopping the bot!
[19:37:46:352] Stop called!

Just got this error when doing Stealing Back the Mushrooms when flying to the litte island up northwest it can't reach <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="1659.895" Y="8636.476" Z="9.879422" /> coords.

[22:11:08:066] Next point is out of continent bounds. We are at left side of the continent. Moving to right
[22:11:12:852] [Flightor]: Unstuck attempt 3
[22:11:15:578] Next point is out of continent bounds. We are at left side of the continent. Moving to right
[22:11:20:530] [Flightor]: Unstuck attempt 4
[22:11:23:137] Next point is out of continent bounds. We are at left side of the continent. Moving to right
[22:11:28:150] [Flightor]: Unstuck attempt 5
[22:11:31:156] Next point is out of continent bounds. We are at left side of the continent. Moving to right
[22:11:36:070] [Flightor]: Unstuck attempt 6
[22:11:39:070] Next point is out of continent bounds. We are at left side of the continent. Moving to right
[22:11:43:884] [Flightor]: Unstuck attempt 7
[22:11:46:412] Next point is out of continent bounds. We are at left side of the continent. Moving to right
[22:11:51:405] [Flightor]: Unstuck attempt 8
[22:11:54:035] Next point is out of continent bounds. We are at left side of the continent. Moving to right
[22:11:58:858] [Flightor]: Unstuck attempt 9
[22:12:01:271] Next point is out of continent bounds. We are at left side of the continent. Moving to right
[22:12:06:346] [Flightor]: Unstuck attempt 10

Same thing when it's done with the quest and are on it's way back, there's something buggy about the "island"
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in barrens 10-15
<TurnIn QuestName="Into the Raptor's Den" TurnInName="Sergra Darkthorn" QuestId="905" TurnInId="3338"/>
		<TurnIn QuestName="In Fungus We Trust" TurnInName="Apothecary Helbrim" QuestId="13998" TurnInId="3390"/>
has no location of where to turn the quest in, she just stops and stares @ the pools @ the stagnant oasis
not sure why, but this thread wont let me see page 2 so i cant just edit my post.. i turned in both the quests she had, and restarted her back up in the crossroads. she ran all the way back to the oasis and just stood there between 2 quest givers never moving again
I have been reading through the thread to see if anyone else is having this problem, but havent managed to find a solution. I just started using PB today, so my ignorance may be part of the problem. I got it up and running, have been using honorbuddy to farm honor for a week or so now, loving it. Started the profession buddy and its running around Elwynn Forest mining nearly every node, but ignores every single herbalism node it comes across. Its been going for 30-45min now and hasnt collected a single herb node. I am running the 1-300 mining&herb ground profile that was included in PB. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Edit: After closing wow / HB & restarting both it seems to recognize that I have a mining skill and throws that into its log, but it doesnt do the same for herbalism. Any way to force it to re-check or enable it myself?
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Can't seem to find the useitemforaura plugin, at least not on the board nor ur svn.

Would appreciate a link, otherwise working great!

Hi. i leveling DK and have a problem in outland in Temple of telhamat. Bot trying to take a quest from Ahman (old man) but he havent a quest and bot trying and trying and nothing change. I'm a 62 lvl. Maybe need higher lvl. Ur profile i use from start. And all quest before was complete.
How disable this quest or what need to do.?? help please.
Thanks in advance

[Fly][A - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick] -this profile i use, try other nothing change
<TurnIn QuestName="The Temple of Telhamat" QuestId="10093" TurnInName="Amaan the Wise" TurnInId="16796" -this

-delete all words like amaan, temple now works hopefully
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