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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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at lvl40 he is running to tanaris and always into uldum... bad idea. dont know why there is no quest in hb. will try to go to some different place and start again.

no... he always runs at lvl40 to tanaris and uldum.

Ok, he want to go to SW to learn faster Riding, but always runs into Uldum. Moved to SW by myself and the Profile runs again.

How HB switch into Riding Position, my Work always move in normal Position.
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  Looting Slimeshell Makrura Guid:0xF1301784000048D7
Could not find quest with ID 14042! (Or could I: False)
Could not create a performable quest objective for objective with ID 195203!
Could not create current in quest bot!

[4:31:58 PM:222] Goal: Waiting for quest to complete 04s
[4:31:58 PM:222] Activity: Wait time remaining... 04s... of 10s
[4:31:59 PM:153] Goal: Waiting for quest to complete 03s
[4:31:59 PM:153] Activity: Wait time remaining... 03s... of 10s
[4:32:00 PM:186] Goal: Waiting for quest to complete 02s
[4:32:00 PM:186] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 10s
[4:32:01 PM:117] Goal: Waiting for quest to complete 01s
[4:32:01 PM:117] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 10s
[4:32:02 PM:166] Goal: Waiting for quest to complete 00s
[4:32:02 PM:166] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 10s
[4:32:03 PM:314] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(14038)) && (IsQuestCompleted(14038)))' @ line 1482
[4:32:03 PM:643] Goal: Goal: Kill  x 1
[4:32:03 PM:645] Stop called!
[4:32:03 PM:731] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
[4:32:03 PM:742] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
[4:32:03 PM:743] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
please test the following bug, for me is confirmed, but I would like someone else to test it also:

someone else has posted one item WITH BID ONLY, with 3g for example.
for me, the bot will post with undercut with 7g because my minBid is 5 gold, there is nobody else with buyout price lower than 8 gold, everything is ok.
when the undercut part is coming, is checking for lowest bid, is not me, is the guy with item with bid only, and is cancelling my items, even if I'm the lowest with buyout, because I'm not lowest on bid.

I think the part with cancelling should check only for buyout, not for bid only.

I have a modified version of the profile, so it can be my code, but the code for undercutting was not changed. please check !
Cool. Also had an issue with this quest a bit later: The Assassin. Bot would run up the stairs to Rohan's location, but would stand turned slightly away from the target, causing the you have to be facing that target error, where the bot tries to spam an attack until the target get blacklisted. I have attached a log. I suspect this may be more of a bot issue.
Can't wait! Meh shammy just hit 58 few hours ago, I'm scared to use the current 58-69 Fly n Quest profile because it states there is quite alot of grinding on two occasions and I know grinding = getting slapped in the face with the ol' ban hammer.
First it had problems going from EK - EPL because of some messed up coding, but I assume it's been fixed.

Now, it wont go from EPL - Felwood at Level 45 (Checkpoints turned on)

View attachment 25446
I have been reading through the thread to see if anyone else is having this problem, but havent managed to find a solution. I just started using PB today, so my ignorance may be part of the problem. I got it up and running, have been using honorbuddy to farm honor for a week or so now, loving it. Started the profession buddy and its running around Elwynn Forest mining nearly every node, but ignores every single herbalism node it comes across. Its been going for 30-45min now and hasnt collected a single herb node. I am running the 1-300 mining&herb ground profile that was included in PB. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Edit: After closing wow / HB & restarting both it seems to recognize that I have a mining skill and throws that into its log, but it doesnt do the same for herbalism. Any way to force it to re-check or enable it myself?

Did you check the settings and make sure Herbing is set to "True". There's a settings button in the PB window.
do some more 1-58's in the meantime bro... i did warlock couple days ago... almost done mah pally... gona do warrior next..hopefuly all done and 58 by the time the outlands quests are released ^.^
If you start this *midway* (12+), change <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" > -- True to False (hint: open the profile in notepad & 'find' )
If you have BoA gear and / or guild XP, you may be doing green or lower quests / mobs and may also want to use this option

What file do I edit this in?
How can I make the AHBot check for Ores, smelt them (train mining if needed) and then sell to AH? I've tried playing around with the settings but I can't get it to work. I don't want it to only train mining and then AH, I want it to be an AHBot that smelts ores.
noticed that AHBOT for me just reposts continuously my items, seems that he doesnt see me as owner, can someone post a complete setting of AHbot who undercuts and post only an amount of items? thx

and what are those "boolean" settings? :)
Not sure if this is because I stopped it mid-quest but I get the error during the quest "The Cell" - id 11943. No hotspots found as there is no quest override.

Edit - I see now that my fresh download of had a blank mesh folder so that was throwing an error. If the quest error I was receiving was due to this lack of mesh, please disregard. I manually completed the quest before discovering and fixing my mesh issue so I am unable to test.

Thanks Kick!
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Bot was in silithus questing. Went afk, came back to find the bot about to die from fatigue swimming out into the middle of nowhere off the coast of tanaris. Looked like it was trying to get to uldum? Svn'd and restarted, same issue. Original log attached.
I think this is a bot issue. The bot creates a path to the waypoint set in the profile.

But, the bot seems to think the easiest way to to fly straight across the ocean, between the two lands. But, obviously this cannot be done because you'll die of fatigue.
In stonetalon mountains horde character tries to pass through the alliance base and dies horribly multiple times :(
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