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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I was figuring of doing that... However, I wasn't sure lol
I'm afraid I'll screw it up.
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[Singular] Casting Wrath on Bristleback Invader
Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Bristleback Invader
Looting Bristleback Invader Guid:0xF130904F000860DF
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
Choosing Sun Bleached Bracer.
We leveled up! Checking if we need to switch profiles.
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
Choosing Red Cloud Gloves.
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
The type initializer for 'Styx.Logic.Profiles.ProtectedItemsManager' threw an exception.

[1:03:26 PM:300] Activity: Loading Profile...
[1:03:43 PM:277] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[1:03:43 PM:277] Cleared POI
[1:03:43 PM:365] Picking up Rite of Courage : 14456
[1:03:43 PM:365] Goal: Picking up Rite of Courage
[1:03:43 PM:373] Picking up Stop the Thorncallers : 14455
[1:03:43 PM:373] Goal: Picking up Stop the Thorncallers
[1:03:43 PM:375] Stop called!
[1:03:43 PM:376] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
[1:03:43 PM:387] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
[1:03:43 PM:387] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()

Got this today with a lvl 2 druid in red cloud mesa starting area.
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OOK, this isn't a bug or a defect, just want to say I've had amazing results so far (excluding the bugs) with this profile..Got from 29-46 in one night, babysitting it and manually changing profiles but hey, it's great fun. I've had to delete some lines of code with the quests I didn't pick up cause I've been leveling to fast. Cannot WAIT untill outland is finished. Good work you guise! <3 you all
How do i set to make only quests above lvl 41 ? the subprofile is 1-58 and i was grinding until 41, now he wants to go back to make the green quests, how do i set that ? Tks
I had two issues:
on the quest "Saving Foreman Oslow" my toon didn't <<tame>> the giant, and spent a lot of time wandering close to the rock. (see the end of the 1st log)

I went to have my dinner, and when i came back my toon was wandering around, changing its destination lilke every 2 seconds. (see the 2nd log).
yeah the combat useitemon behavior has issues - i'll see if i can have someone write me a behavior for that quest specifically
I need some people to run the 1-5 on human and non humans and test it out and let me know what stalls

they also need to give me the questid's ... most issues is that the quest id's are wrong


it was working when i tested it a few months ago, but blizz may have ninja changed stuff like they like to do
I need someone who is on the 'saving foreman oslow' quest to load up profile helper (plugin) and 'tame' an ettin and let me know what aura you have (open the plugin, my auras). I need the name and the id of the aura (the plugin will state it)

also, if you need to go to the rock - if it's waiting long enough for the ettin to come
after it picks up the rock and moves to the dock ... if it's waiting long enough after it's done running, and if i need to use the item again

basically i need some help w/ the quest so i don't have to spend 5-6 hours getting to that point

lv7 / [Quest] 'A Thorn in our side' tries to attack lv9 Captain inside the tower(toon always dies).
Undead lv6 [Quest] The Scarlet Palisade
Bot tries to attack areas that aggro multiple mobs at once. Can't be completed without human help to avoid.

bot / noob / no auto equip issue

basically - not a profile issue
When leveling an Orc, mine got stuck grinding (to level 5 I think?) training dummies instead of mobs... so it would "kill" one, walk away, walk back, and keep repeating - obviously no XP was gained, so it kept looping this (it had just handed in a quest, by the NPCs and training dummies). I'm new to HonorBuddy (and the forum), so I'm afraid I don't have a log of it, but I'll go back and check IDs, or let it level a new Orc character and upload the log, if you'd like :)
<Mob Name="Rezlak" Entry="3293"/><!--Orc Training Dummy-->
^^ thats what i have
is there another one? if so, can you click it and press 'target info' and give me the output? thanks!

My troll druid also kept failing to complete Proving Pit - Quest - World of Warcraft - it was still a level 2 at the time, and the mob was just too strong (I watched it die, res, and re-try numerous times - having to drop the quest each time). I stopped HonorBuddy and went killing some mobs until I reached level 3 (wasn't log), then let HonorBuddy carry on and it re-did the quest completing it first time... so I'd suggest/request making it grind until level 3 before taking that quest (might not be necessary for other classes or players, but would help those in my situation :P)
bot / cc or not having auto equip on issue

Also got stuck trying to hand in Blood of the Weak - Quest - World of Warcraft - would open the "hand in" window, but just not do the "Complete Quest". Log attached:
attachment doesn't work
but - it's just a simple pickup / turnin quest
Blood of the Weak - Quest - World of Warcraft
^^ sounds like a bot hiccup

While leveling in Ashenvale, HonorBuddy tried to send my character through Astranaar... not so much fun when you're a level 20-something and the town's full of much higher enemy NPCs ;) I let it try and res and run several times, but it hardly made progress (if at all)... would definitely be worth forcing it to avoid this area if possible (is that what a "blackhole" is?).
i'll blackspot it when I get a chance

Hot Lava doesn't seem to work either... it picks up the quest, and moves to a Lava Fissure (Developer Tools confirms it's MobId is 195002), but doesn't do anything (should be using "Gift of the Earth" on them - Wowhead has the itemId as 46352).
I made sure I had the "UseItemTargetLocation" file, and even copied it to the "CustomBehaviors" folder (found it in the "Quest Behaviors" folder).

Many people have said UseItemTargetLocation is bugging out, and no one has provided me a log so I can pass it on :(
Alternative Horde Intro to Uldum

<-- quest as picked up in Deepholm under kicks Deepholm profile --/>
<PickUp QuestName="That's No Pyramid!" QuestId="28293" GiverName="Examiner Rowe" GiverId="44823" />

<TurnIn QuestName="That's No Pyramid!" QuestId="28293" TurnInName="Belloc Brightblade" TurnInId="47571" />

<Vendor Name="Belloc Brightblade" Entry="47571" Type="Repair" X="1668.57" Y="-4359.84" Z="26.77509" />

<PickUp QuestName="Meetup with the Caravan" QuestId="28296" GiverName="Belloc Brightblade" GiverId="47571" />

Take flight from Orgrimmar
<Vendor Name="Doras" Entry="3310" Type="Repair" X="1799.95" Y="-4370.14" Z="102.6434" />

to Tanaris

Quest turn in cords <Vendor Name="Adarrah" Entry="44833" Type="Repair" X="-8920.7" Y="-2261.42" Z="8.878036" />

<TurnIn QuestName="Meetup with the Caravan" QuestId="28296" TurnInName="Adarrah" TurnInId="44833" />

<PickUp QuestName="Easy Money" QuestId="27003" GiverName="Adarrah" GiverId="44833" />

Mount <Vendor Name="Lady Humps" Entry="46517" Type="Repair" X="-8929.95" Y="-2265.47" Z="8.877183" />

Wait timer 2:30
<Objective QuestName="Easy Money" QuestId="27003" Type="KillMob" MobId="44833" KillCount="1" />

<TurnIn QuestName="Easy Money" QuestId="27003" TurnInName="Adarrah" TurnInId="46873" />

<Vendor Name="Adarrah" Entry="46873" Type="Repair" X="-10995" Y="-1258.1" Z="13.24381" />
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it just mounts but it don't fly. If I get it in the air if flies, but when it needs to dismount nothing happens
I am using the last HB

Debug: [10:35:46:003] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 441]: Dismounting - But nothing happens

attach a log for assistance, this tells me nothing
Tauren druid
Quest: Verdant Note
Didnt accept, left area not doing it. This is druid training quest
After manual complete that quest, next one is Rejuvenating Touch.
Quest: Rite of the Winds - this is the one where they ruen intoa bird and fly to the next area. she did not accept and left area running down to the next where she accepted quests and did not get any training before starting to do them.
Tauren druid
Quest: Verdant Note
Didnt accept, left area not doing it. This is druid training quest
After manual complete that quest, next one is Rejuvenating Touch.
Quest: Rite of the Winds - this is the one where they ruen intoa bird and fly to the next area. she did not accept and left area running down to the next where she accepted quests and did not get any training before starting to do them.

neither of these quests are in the tauren profile
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