i copied them from kicks svn to C:\Documents and Settings\benkva4\Skrivebord\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5104\ Quest Behaviors\folder
like it says here WOW Bot for PVP Leveling Gathering - Gatherbuddy & Honorbuddy Forums - Kickazz006 - Blogs
but i still get Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Hi !
First, I would like to thank you for this plugin.
I was creating a Vash'jir profile to gather/deposit/go back to gather... And found an issue that i couldn't fix.
There's 3 ways to go to Vash'jir. First by the TP, if you only do mount quest, then you're stuck in the boat since HB won't go down in water... 2nd by flightpath, but can't find a way to use it with pb directly, only with a questing profile that pb is loading, but then it will stop directly after the end of the questing profile. And last one, directly fly from SW to vash'jir, but can only do it with MyCTM behavior cause there's no navigation between Vash'jir and SW (also done with questing profile, and it's working, but same issue as above...)
Maybe there's a way to let HB running after a questing profile ends ?
Or do you see any other way to do it ?
Maybe a custom action to use MyCTM or any other code to move from current position to another without navigation ?
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to Horde 1-68 Questing
[LoadProfile-v195(info) @line 46]: Loading profile 'SubProfiles\EK to Kalimdor.xml'
Changing current profile to Horde 1-68 Questing
[UseTransport-v184(warning)]: The attribute 'End' is DEPRECATED.
Please modify the profile to use the new 'TransportEndX/Y/Z' attribute, instead.
[UseTransport-v184(error)]: The 'End' attribute's value should have three coordinate contributions (saw '0')
[UseTransport-v184(warning)]: The attribute 'Exit' is DEPRECATED.
Please modify the profile to use the new 'GetOffX/Y/Z' attribute, instead.
[UseTransport-v184(error)]: The 'Exit' attribute's value should have three coordinate contributions (saw '0')
[UseTransport-v184(warning)]: The attribute 'Start' is DEPRECATED.
Please modify the profile to use the new 'TransportStartX/Y/Z' attribute, instead.
[UseTransport-v184(error)]: The 'Start' attribute's value should have three coordinate contributions (saw '0')
[UseTransport-v184(warning)]: The attribute 'Entry' is DEPRECATED.
Please modify the profile to use the new 'WaitAtX/Y/Z' attribute, instead.
[UseTransport-v184(error)]: The 'Entry' attribute's value should have three coordinate contributions (saw '0')
[UseTransport-v184(error) @line 22]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!
Great profiles, thanks. But now this problem (lvl 10 UD Zeppelin)
I have read your first post, and i guees you meen that i didt read about the changing the profile to skip waypoints, but i have done that already. But the bot is still doing green quests ;\
If you start this *midway* (12+), change <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" > -- True to False (hint: open the profile in notepad & 'find' )
If you have BoA gear and / or guild XP, you may be doing green or lower quests / mobs and also want to use this option
<If Condition="Me.Class == WoWClass.Druid">
<PickUp QuestName="The Rise of the Darkspear" QuestId="24764" GiverName="Jin'thala" GiverId="37951"/>
<TurnIn QuestName="The Rise of the Darkspear" QuestId="24764" TurnInName="Zen'tabra" TurnInId="38243"/>
<PickUp QuestName="The Basics: Hitting Things" QuestId="24765" GiverName="Zen'tabra" GiverId="38243"/>
<Objective QuestName="The Basics: Hitting Things" QuestId="24765" Type="KillMob" MobId="38038" KillCount="6"/>
<TurnIn QuestName="The Basics: Hitting Things" QuestId="24765" TurnInName="Zen'tabra" TurnInId="38243"/>
<PickUp QuestName="A Rough Start" QuestId="24767" GiverName="Zen'tabra" GiverId="38243"/>
<Objective QuestName="A Rough Start" QuestId="24767" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="50222" CollectCount="1"/>
<TurnIn QuestName="A Rough Start" QuestId="24767" TurnInName="Zen'tabra" TurnInId="38243"/>
<PickUp QuestName="Proving Pit" QuestId="24768" GiverName="Zen'tabra" GiverId="38243"/>
<!-- change this to interactwith, gossipoptions -->
<CustomBehavior QuestId="24768" File="TalkToAndListenToStory" MobIds="39062" />
<If Condition="HasQuest(24768)">
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="10000"/>
<Objective QuestName="Proving Pit" QuestId="24768" Type="KillMob" MobId="38142" KillCount="1"/>
<TurnIn QuestName="Proving Pit" QuestId="24768" TurnInName="Zen'tabra" TurnInId="38243"/>
<PickUp QuestName="The Arts of a Druid" QuestId="24766" GiverName="Zen'tabra" GiverId="38243" />
<If Condition="((HasQuest(24766)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(24766)))" >
<CustomBehavior File="ForceSetVendor" DoTrain="True" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000" GoalText="Waiting for bot {TimeRemaining}" />
<CustomBehavior File="CastSpellOn" QuestId="24766" SpellId="774" MobId="47057" NumOfTimes="6" MinRange="13" X="-1105.562" Y="-5470.519" Z="12.51251" />
<TurnIn QuestName="The Arts of a Druid" QuestId="24766" TurnInName="Zen'tabra" TurnInId="38243"/>
/sadfaceAs of now, this only supports English clients. Might be changed later.
Just let the bot do it's thing and go get some exercise
I?m working whit fitness, so i want to relax at the computer at the evenings!
Anyway i just figured out how to solve my problem, and now it is going like x3-4 times faster! ;D Thanks for your work kickazz!