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- Jan 15, 2010
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copy and paste over settings folder and non shipped cc's / plugins
<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Compiling Dustwallow Marsh Quests" LogColor="Green" />
<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Compiling Brackenwall Village Quests" LogColor="Cornflowerblue" />
<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Compiling Dustwallow Marsh Quests" LogColor="Green" />
<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Compiling Brackenwall Village Quests And Flying to SouthernBarrens" LogColor="Cornflowerblue" />
<CustomBehavior File="UseTaxi" DestName="Vendetta Point" MobId="35478" X="-1039.333" Y="1638.464" Z="60.67867" />
<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Let's run to Horde camp and not through Alliance camp shall we?" LogColor="Green" />
<RunTo X="-3294.818" Y="-1701.959" Z="122.561" />
<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Compiling Dustwallow Marsh Quests" LogColor="Green" />
<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Compiling Brackenwall Village Quests" LogColor="Cornflowerblue" />
<If Condition="((!HasQuest(26682)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(26682)))" >
<RunTo X="-3294.818" Y="-1701.959" Z="122.561" />
<PickUp QuestName="A Shambling Threat" QuestId="26682" GiverName="Krog" GiverId="4926" X="-3149.238" Y="-2887.008" Z="34.1124" />
Megs or shak , where can I grab the finished parts of outlands from? I have a hoonter creeping up on outland territory and was wanting to test them out.
im getting [CastSpellOn-v187(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'HpLeftAmount'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'MobHpPercentLeft', instead.
what can i do about that ?
I have loved this profile so far, there has been minimal errors and it has helped me greatly!
But, Last night, i left my character running quests in hopes of getting a few extra levels, but he got stuck
Stranglethorn Fever - Quest - World of Warcraft is not obsolete, the content has been removed by blizzard. In order to fix for future users, you must find all sections in the profile concerning "Stranglethorn Fever" and edit them outgl