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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hi, i'm having some trouble. Atm it's around Beryl point in Borean Tundra. It goes to loots and then it is almost paused in the looting position, even when killing. I doubt this is a profile issue as such, but was wondering if you could shed some light on this?

My latency is fine and i'm not downloading anything. This might be a honorbuddy issue?

Thanks for reading,

Toby :)

p.s - all your plugins downloaded and qb's. Log attached.

EDIT : Was not completeing the quest "Abduction" correctly. It was killing, not abducting the sorcerers.

EDIT 2: Completed that quest my self. Seems to be working fine now.
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Thanks for this plugin Highvoltz.

I would like to ask if its possible for PB to check when done with Prospecting and making the rings/necks to Mail it to my Enchanter even if the bag isnt full, is this possible? If so, can i have some help with the command then?
And, would be amazing if it could log my hunter and disenchant it also.

Regards, Zwajton.
Id like rest logic improved a little, when playing myself i almost never use food/water and i instead heal/innervate which is normally plenty to keep me going until the innervate cd is off if im playing right. As a result of this generally the only food in my chars bags is the buff food i specifically gathered and crafted for raiding

Rather annoying to see it munch through fortune cookies when it has loads of mana to just heal with. If possible id just like to block it from using any of my buff foods and only use plain food/water if its available
[Profile Message]: Compiling Eastern Plaguelands Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Tyr's Hand Quests
Can not turn in quest The Baroness' Missive (ID: 27551) because I don't have it in my quest log! (Or do I: False)

I get it on 2 chars, rest were OK. It is pushing to turn back this Q but it is from random drop which my 2 chars didnot get.

Is in HB opotion that 'push forward'/skip quest or thing is doing now?
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I'm using my this profile to my tauren druid to level and until lvl 9 quests have been done without problems, but then he has started to grind to lvl 10 and never returned to do the quests, how do I get it back to do the quests?
Obs.: its my first time using bots...
Kick, just a nudge to say the TB boats quest is now possible to automate

Feel free to copy/paste it from my horde profile should work just the same so long as you replace the questid with the alliance one
I get it on 2 chars, rest were OK. It is pushing to turn back this Q but it is from random drop which my 2 chars didnot get.

Is in HB opotion that 'push forward'/skip quest or thing is doing now?

it means it's not looting or something happened - it's dropped from both npc's on this quest
Aye, today I had all day problems with looting becouse loot icon was grey very often, only restart WoW helped. I was restarting WoW but only when I saw it happened but after 2 tries HB was going to next mob without looting. Possible that they didnot loot mobs becouse of grey looting icon.

Posts can be deleted ;)
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Horde Hyjal quest starter info

<PickUp QuestName="Warchief's Command: Mount Hyjal!" QuestId="27721" GiverName="Warchief's Command Board" GiverId="207325" />

<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="27721" MobId="15188" NumOfTimes="1" GossipOptions="1" X="1896.11" Y="-4200.94" Z="37.24118" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="8000" GoalText="Waiting for Screen Load" />
<TurnIn QuestName="Warchief's Command: Mount Hyjal!" QuestId="27721" TurnInName="Emissary Windsong" TurnInId="39865" />
Hey, got this problem when Loading 1-525 GB2 Mining & Herb profile. It wont start. See log for debug errors.

Im Horde, Got 1/75 BS and 1/75 Mining, will just use this to get up my mining.

I loaded a profile from the Honorbuddy progra, both a Lvl and a Gather profile tested with both. Also i loaded your profile from the ProfessionBuddy Tab. I tried with 1-340 Mining and also with 1-525 Min&Herb GB2
Its not working for me, i SVN update from your trunk every night btw, i keep getting "Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown" After it compiles the SW quests.
How do i get the log so i can post it for you?
That solved it, keep kickinazz.
On a side note, how do you install the lastest version of HB without unzipping into the old folder? Because then i lose my settings if i don't.
Megs or shak , where can I grab the finished parts of outlands from? I have a hoonter creeping up on outland territory and was wanting to test them out.
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