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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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How do I edit/delete the profile? I opened it up but all it would let me do is highlight lines of code but did not give me the option to delete, do I need a tool?
edit it with notepad, or download notepad++ (free) and you can see what 'lines' everything is on.

after you update the svn, go to line 3627-3651

			<If Condition="((!HasQuest(11729)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(11729)))" >
			 <If Condition="(!HasItem(34984))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Farming area" X="4150.399" Y="5149.406" Z="13.53131" />
				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
								<Hotspot X="4150.399" Y="5149.406" Z="13.53131" />
								<Hotspot X="4188.851" Y="5121.319" Z="13.59069" />
								<Hotspot X="4228.585" Y="5144.792" Z="13.0798" />
								<Hotspot X="4259.954" Y="5169.077" Z="13.07616" />
								<Hotspot X="4216.855" Y="5192.707" Z="17.04152" />
				<GrindTo Condition="(HasItem(34984))" GoalText="DropQuest Item" />
			 <If Condition="(HasItem(34984))" >
		<PickUp QuestName="The Ultrasonic Screwdriver" QuestId="11729" GiverType="Item" GiverId="34984" />
or you can delete the above statement and save / reload profile
Ok, did that, now all he does is run to "crafty wobblesprocket" and open/closes the quest window without accepting the quest (its a quest that he has not done yet)...when I manually accept the quest for him he still stands there opening/closing the interface box with "crafty wobblesprocket".
Cause and Effect...I like that, explains almost everything. Anyways, deleted and deleted, it seems to be running just fine, thanks again...enjoy your lunch!
for the quest behaviors do i have to first deleate all the default behaviors in hb folder or do i just add the new ones to it?
Kickazz, do you have any idea why the bot keeps attacking questmobs/regular mobs that are Line of sight?
After my OS crashed yesterday i did a new install of Honorbuddy and Downloaded Professionbuddy from your SVN via TortoiseSVN - Testing with HB on a 83 Druid with Mining & Herb 1-525 Flying GB2 Profile..
Not really a bug, but the Badlands profile is named as Eastern Plaguelands; kinda confusing =P
Settings for running the profiles
LearnFlightpaths: On
Loot Mobs: On
Train New Skills: Off
UseFlightpaths: Off (the flights is coded into the profile)
Mail Recipient - a great idea to enable this, since you'll get loads of crap, that it won't sell.

The "Train New Skills: Off" Highlighted/Sized part, does that mean that you will run around until 85 with basic spells? Or is it scripted to go train certain spells?
The "Train New Skills: Off" Highlighted/Sized part, does that mean that you will run around until 85 with basic spells? Or is it scripted to go train certain spells?

It will train the first 12 levels. Then you'll have to go and train yourself, yes.
It will train the first 12 levels. Then you'll have to go and train yourself, yes.

Okey, and If you put "Train New Skills=On" This will screw up the script or what? Cuz my CC uses all my 85 skills, so to do more dmg and so on, training new skills would result in higher xp? Would it not?
Okey, and If you put "Train New Skills=On" This will screw up the script or what? Cuz my CC uses all my 85 skills, so to do more dmg and so on, training new skills would result in higher xp? Would it not?

Train New Skills is bugged at the moment I believe, when it has trained it will just stop there and do nothing. And it would go train everytime there's a new spell. Which can drastically reduce the amount of xp/hour.
Train New Skills is bugged at the moment I believe, when it has trained it will just stop there and do nothing. And it would go train everytime there's a new spell. Which can drastically reduce the amount of xp/hour.

Okey ah I see. Looks like a really good script =) Thanks for your help m8. Gonna try it on my new Shaman =)
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