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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I'm getting this problem trying to level a blood elf priest, currently at lvl 10.

[LoadProfile-v195(info) @line 46]: Loading profile 'SubProfiles\EK to Kalimdor.xml'
Changing current profile to Horde 1-68 Questing
[UseTransport-v184(warning)]: The attribute 'End' is DEPRECATED.
Please modify the profile to use the new 'TransportEndX/Y/Z' attribute, instead.
[UseTransport-v184(error)]: The 'End' attribute's value should have three coordinate contributions (saw '0')
[UseTransport-v184(warning)]: The attribute 'Exit' is DEPRECATED.
Please modify the profile to use the new 'GetOffX/Y/Z' attribute, instead.
[UseTransport-v184(error)]: The 'Exit' attribute's value should have three coordinate contributions (saw '0')
[UseTransport-v184(warning)]: The attribute 'Start' is DEPRECATED.
Please modify the profile to use the new 'TransportStartX/Y/Z' attribute, instead.
[UseTransport-v184(error)]: The 'Start' attribute's value should have three coordinate contributions (saw '0')
[UseTransport-v184(warning)]: The attribute 'Entry' is DEPRECATED.
Please modify the profile to use the new 'WaitAtX/Y/Z' attribute, instead.
[UseTransport-v184(error)]: The 'Entry' attribute's value should have three coordinate contributions (saw '0')
[UseTransport-v184(error) @line 22]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!
hmm is there a chance to go away from this elite mob quest Mor'Ladim in duskwood
and what does tested profile mean? questing from 1-60 without any problems
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Thank you for all of your hard work. Wonderful profiles. From both experience and research, there is a loot bug in Eastern Plaguelands. Some toons are unable to loot mobs after a given time. It's a WoW bug, apparently, but it throws a wrench into levelling in that area, especially with HB. Is it possible to recode the profile to skip that area until a client solution is patched? Your thoughts or help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Many loot bugs can be traced to OpenThatStuff or other 'loot opening' plugins. Try disabling them, and the problem goes away for most.

Hey Nesox!

This bot has been awesome but it is broken for the current HB. Are you going to fix it or can someone here who can write code do it? It's great for grabbing lavascale for the raid.


This plugin works wonderfully. Did you guys try re installing everything, and is all of the applicable drivers and what not running on the applicable settings?
Where can i find GROUND profile? Since on SVN there are only 2 Fly profiles, and my DKs don't rly have flying mounts lol
Many loot bugs can be traced to OpenThatStuff or other 'loot opening' plugins. Try disabling them, and the problem goes away for most.


Thanks for the reply, but I have tried disabling everything that I can; deleting cache folders, and other proposed fixes with no luck. The loot/bag icon is greyed out, as if you were out of range to loot. Disabled knockback spells (also a known bug) but nothing helped.
Ah my bad i didn't include which ground i need lol >.< Do you maybe have ground profile for WOTLK? Because i PVP-ed DKs to 70 and all have like 3g lol
Ah my bad i didn't include which ground i need lol >.< Do you maybe have ground profile for WOTLK? Because i PVP-ed DKs to 70 and all have like 3g lol

in my old folder (which i don't support anymore) - kick's profiles / useful stuff / old outdated profiles /

you can find my old LK profiles

but a mount is only like 200g, and lk flying is like 400 or 500g - that should be enough from BC quests unless ur sending money to your bank toons - which the 'new' profile will get that money back, and faster
Thanks for info, will use those :) It's np if they ain't supported. Nah the problem was i started on few new realms with DKs and i pvp-ed all to 70, and didnt do a single BC quest, thats why i dont have gold.
yeah, i fixed that on my ally profile a while ago, i haven't gotten a chance to check it out on the horde one

do it manually for now and i'll check it out tomorrow

Are you sure? I still had the problem with the profile. Used it 3 days ago.
quest Standard and Practices (Nagrand) It goes back to the questgiver to turn it in while it hasnt even completed the quest. So i manually did it.

(need to place a battle standard in a specific location)
I have Re-SVN'ed 2 minutes ago. Change the behavior in HB to the ones in your Folder. Changed True to "False" IngnoreCheckPoint, in the xml folder, but still my level 57 druid wants to quest in Decolace?
it won't go to desolace if you're falsing checkpoints after svn'ing (remember - it changes each time u re-svn)
When doing the quest "Karuk's Oath" in Borean Tundra it had a problem with being in combat, so it wouldn't mount and just stood still. Nothing unusual appeared in the debug log and the strange thing is that it completed the next quest without fail. Might be something to look out for :)
I recently leveled 3 new toons. Every toon never did quest "Saving foreman Oslow", Bot just running in circles. Bot run to point A and then wait, then bot go to point B and wait. Nothing between. here is log:
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Im a newb, and usually only do grinding profiles and what not, very simple to set up. First, call me retarded.. but i don't see a download link for this profile. Is it on you SVN? which, i dont know what a svn is. i will understand how to set it up
Hi Kick

Well what can i say Kick i had seen all the people saying how good your profiles are but because you always do ally i leveled another horde toon just to test these out i went with a shaman and i used this and it is soo good a few things i had to help with but all i can say is AMAZING

Keep up the good work m8

On the uldum one now and just hit 84 i got the TH one as well but its only for ally :-(

Thanks to you though Kick REP+++++
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