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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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stuck at a npc trying to accept a quest that seems to not be there (says complete). full log attached
Picking up Barrier to Entry : 25999
[1:35:22 AM:503] Goal: Picking up Barrier to Entry
[1:35:22 AM:504] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[1:35:22 AM:741] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[1:35:22 AM:741] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[1:35:22 AM:741] Loading Kalimdor_32_29
[1:35:23 AM:370] InteractDebug:487225744
[1:35:23 AM:385] Interact Done:487225744
[1:35:25 AM:568] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[1:35:25 AM:568] Cleared POI
[1:35:25 AM:773] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[1:35:26 AM:085] InteractDebug:487225744
[1:35:26 AM:103] Interact Done:487225744
[1:35:28 AM:819] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
hey it says it wants to pick up the quest lost courier in deaths strand and when it is near the guy there is no "!" that you accept the quest so either it is telling me to go there and i allready did it or theres a quest i have to do before i do that one..

Could you help me Kick?
delete the pickup from the profile, save it, and press start

open it in notepad, search for 'lost courier' and there's the pickup
thanks Kick i think it worked it didn't go back to that location it started going back near Howling Fjord :)
Also, I have a question for you Highvoltz.
The action to Withdraw item from bank..
When it's set to specific, does the "Amount" setting refer to amount of stacks, or amount of items?

Amount of items

Also, does the "Buy Item From AH" action automatically pick the bought items up from the mailbox, or do I have to add a "Get Mail" action after buying stuff on AH?
You have to add a 'Get Mail' action
Thanks. Is there any way you can fix that bug with the regional settings? So that it'll work with any setting in "Region and Language".

I know that quite alot of people are having problems with PB because of this.
thanks for update!!! will try my worg druid now. kick you plan a all race/class for alliance?
hmm what about after it finishes the winterspring quests?? im guessing it's going to silithus or un'goro...

it goes to silithus

i have it run to the winterspring fp, 'runto' the mudsprocket (dustwallow) fp and if it's a pure bot, it won't have the southern fp's and it will just run to silithus. if you have the silithus fp, it will probably fly there

after silithus, it takes the portal from silithus to blasted lands / nethergarde keep
thanks for update!!! will try my worg druid now. kick you plan a all race/class for alliance?

this is natfoth's profile

but after i do horde, i will probably fix the draenei / ne / dorf / gnome / worgen profiles from their 1-10/15's and then have them come over to SW and start in redridge or duskwood or something

I don't plan on making an ally Kalimdor profile any time soon... debugging natfoth's profile was hell enough, let alone making my own
have problem with quest Unlimited Potential i think it needs update

Stopping the bot!
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to [N] QO Uldum 83-85 [Kick]
You are a level 84 Assassination Rogue
[CombatUseItemOn-v195(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'NpcHPLeft'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'MobHpPercentLeft', instead.
[CombatUseItemOn-v195(warning) @line 1134]: Attribute 'CollectionDistance' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[CombatUseItemOn-v195(warning) @line 1134]: Attribute 'Range' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[CombatUseItemOn-v195(warning) @line 1134]: Attribute 'WaitTime' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
New pull target Cavorting Pygmy (83), resetting pull timer.

just warnings, ignore it
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