Completed Badlands and Searing Gorge. In Burning Steps right meow. Notes and logs:
==Badlands Profile==
Quest: Third Sample: Implanted Eggs
Quest ID: 27771
Third Sample: Implanted Eggs - Quest - World of Warcraft
View attachment 24718
The bot seemed to be able to do this, but it had a lot of difficulty opening the eggs on the ground and selecting the contents. Not a major issue, but just thought I'd mention it.
Quest: The Bag Dogs
Quest ID: 27890
The Bad Dogs - Quest - World of Warcraft
View attachment 24717
I'm pretty sure this isn't a profile issue but rather a CC problem, but this particular quest is VERY troublesome for Hunters and I would imagine Warlocks as well. The 3 orcs basically act as a collective pet that replaces your pet. So you can imagine how screwy the bot acts in combat. It basically did nothing but try and cast "Mend Pet" on the orcs, which was problematic because the bot was not attacking any mobs in combat.
Side note:
I also noticed that the bot did not complete all the quests in Badlands. It was right on the money though level wise. As soon as it turned in the last quest, bot hit 47 and then HB shut down saying "it has nothing left to do."
View attachment 24719
[10:03:42 PM:925] Settings have been updated with your changes
[10:03:43 PM:044] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[10:03:43 PM:044] Loading Azeroth_36_44
[10:03:43 PM:530] Goal: Running Macro
[10:03:43 PM:530] [RunMacro-v184(debug) @line 103]: Running macro 1 times
[10:03:43 PM:530] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[10:03:45 PM:629] Picking up To the Aid of the Thorium Brotherhood : 28512
[10:03:45 PM:629] Goal: Picking up To the Aid of the Thorium Brotherhood
[10:03:45 PM:667] Current bind location - Name: [ New Kargath ] - ID: [ 5565 ]
[10:03:45 PM:667] Hearth is already set to target area, skipping action.
[10:03:46 PM:230] Nothing more to do. Stopping bot.
[10:03:46 PM:230] Stop called!
==Searing Gorge Profile==
Quest: Dig Boss Dinwhisker
Quest ID: 27964
Dig-Boss Dinwhisker - Quest - World of Warcraft
View attachment 24720View attachment 24722
Big problems with this quest. As you can see by the logs, the bot spent over an hour just grinding this area for this guy. The problem occurs when the bot actually pulls the required mob. When it loots it, it successfully opens/loots Dinwhiskers corpse, but it doesn't click on the item when it opens!
==Burning Steps Profile==
Quest: Scrapped Golems
Quest ID: 28226
Scrapped Golems - Quest - World of Warcraft
View attachment 24723
Quest Requires: Kill War Reavers in the Ruins of Thaurissan, then loot 3 Obsidian Pistons, 3 Flux Exhaust Sieves, 3 Thorium Gearshafts, and 1 Stone Power Core from the War Reaver Parts that they drop.
For some reason it only looted 2/3 Thorium Gearshafts, and then spend almost 3 hours continuing to loot Flux Exhaust Sieves and Obsidian Pistons. It had over 100 of each by the time I intervened.
Side Note:
-I guess the meshing is really bad for searing gorge/burning steps because it occasionally had a lot of problems generating paths. However, nothing really that inhibited it from completing quests.
-A reoccurring issue I see with these profiles is when the quest involves collecting something via using/opening objects rather than looting corpses.