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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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that's because you're on the wrong continent if you're ignoring checkpoints (default for profile)

go to EK (hopefully near epl) and press start


as stated in first post ... enable checkpoints by changing True to False and Felwood should work for you

Thanks gonna try it out :)
Hey guys just want to say, been using this for a while now and its amazing. Its been real smooth so far, i've been babysitting and everything is well : ). Thanks for this awesome upload, and cant wait for the 60 - 85.
View attachment 24646

Bot just sat there, didn't do anything. Don't know what to do besides move him outside the cave and restart it.

Also, How can i skip the quests in borean/HF? I am 75 and stuck there doing quests :/

Appreciate the help also kick.
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View attachment 24646

Bot just sat there, didn't do anything. Don't know what to do besides move him outside the cave and restart it.

[11:37:56 AM:983] Activity: Downloading Mesh...
[11:37:58 AM:182] Stopping the bot!
[11:37:58 AM:183] Stop called!

please look at nav tab before pressing stop - it's downloading a lot of meshes
thanks kick, me just being dumb i suppose and impatient.

Is there a way to skip quests so i can start in another zone cause i am 75 and still in HF :/
On the quest "Stopping the Spread" my bot always gets stuck in the water and does not want to go down to destroy the eggs.
On the quest "Stopping the Spread" my bot always gets stuck in the water and does not want to go down to destroy the eggs.

i'll be changing this to 'collect things' behavior when i reflow it

just do that quest manually for now
Rogues are easily the most squishie class. Writing profiles for them require considerably more judicious choices of mobs to kill to complete quests, and testing of the profile itself. As the ultimate squishie, Rogues die a whole lot, and it results in a lot of whiney users. I've both written and used questing profiles with rogues, and it is not pleasant at all.

Unlike humans, Honorbuddy simply doesn't have the complexity to know how many mobs will come in a pull. With a camp of 5 for example, a human could probably see that the mobs are grouped as 2+3. Due to the arrangement, perhaps the 2 are inaccessible and the 3 must be taken out first. Taking care of the 3 mobs, a human would sap one, move to range and use a dagger to pull the other two, then addressed the sap mob last. (There are all kinds of rogue tactics for breaking camps, but this is just one example). Honorbuddy simply has neither the knowledge, nor the complexity to handle such mechanics.

Obviously, in the above example a Paladin, Warrior, or Shammie would just wade into the camp of 5, and dispatch them. Barely living, but they would survive where the Rogue doesn't. Honorbuddy is tactically a brute-force system--even with the most excellent of the CCs the Community has made available. Mages have shields, a pet (frost mages), and good renewable CC which the rogue lacks. Priests have shields and the ability to heal (and perhaps some renewable CC). Rogues depend on avoidance, and instead of shields, they vanish when things heat up too much. Vanish doesn't help take out camps.

Supporting Rogues is simply not worth the headaches of making a seamless profile. You could certainly still use Kick's profile with a rogue, but be prepared for a lot of death and death loops, and no support or sympathy. :D


Thanks for your thorough input, appreciate it!

I've started my rogue in full BOA, 1-22 in 5h 30mins (included are loops of getting stuck on flight paths for 5-10 minutes at a time). Smooth sailing 0 deaths. I suppose we will see how this turns out in the later levels. I gotta say tho, with evasion and Recuperate, Rogues are some tough guys.
I need more details, I just double checked and all locations are parsed using this extension method which should correctly convert a string to a floating point number with the . as decimal point and , as thousands separator.
        public static float ToSingle(this string str)
            float val;
            float.TryParse(str, NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign 
            , CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out val);
            return val;

When HB starts with PB on, it autoloads last PB profile with corrupted coordinates in FlyTo\MoveTo , it only loads half of the cordinates :(
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Hey guys... Great Work. :)

I was Running the Goblin starter profile and I did run into minor issues that I got thru but "Irresistible Pool Pony" is pissing me off. I cant find quest behavior to fit it! Can you guys take a look a it please? :(

I thought of making a custom behavior but its just beyond me for now. The "WaterBehavior" doesnt seem to be enough to make cut.

Thank you guys very much and keep up the good work!
no, there isn't any need for reporting user errors...
if you see what he posted it said, that you didn't have the behavior named RunLua in your behavior folder (which has been told 100's of times).

As for your problem with Latent Diseases, then there could be 2 things wrong:
1. You are using an old version of the CollectThings behavior
2. The behavior (which is shipped with the honorbuddy releases) is not working correctly.

try putting the CollectThings behavior (from the newest release) into the folder and start again.

Actually believe it or not the error with Latent disease might actually be the same Lua error I posted earlier. While the bot would click to open the things that popped up on the ground, it would not click the item after it was opened.

In any case, I placed runlua in the QB folder and it seems to be working fine now.

p.s. Just Finished Eastern and Western Plaguelands. Superb. Smooth as butter.

I can't think of one time it got stuck somewhere, or I had to stop the bot and do things myself. Completely AFK, no headache, except for the Latent Diseases Quest in East Plague, but again, that was my fault.

Moving onto the Badlands now.
I also had this problem some time ago. I'm pretty sure I fixed it by changing my international settings on the computer to . as decimal point and , as thousands seperator.
After doing this I never had any problems again with it, might be a problem if you're also working with other applications where you need the international settings to be as they are right now.

You can change them like this (at least on Vista and Win7, but should work on older OS aswell):
Press Windows Button + r to open "Run"
Type in "intl.cpl" in the field.
Press the "Additional Settings" button.
From here you can change decimal and thousand separator symbols.

Also, I have a question for you Highvoltz.
The action to Withdraw item from bank..
When it's set to specific, does the "Amount" setting refer to amount of stacks, or amount of items?

Also, does the "Buy Item From AH" action automatically pick the bought items up from the mailbox, or do I have to add a "Get Mail" action after buying stuff on AH?
Not sure if this was mentioned earlier, but it is definitely worth noting that without the "Fuselight, ho!" quest in your quest log, the Badlands profile will not work.

Why is this?


The Bot tries to go through Twighlight Highlands to get to the Badlands. It should go through Loch Modan. I'm sure this is not a fault of the profile writers, but adding in something that compensates for this will make people like you more. :P
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Hey man I just started Deepholm quests, bot started great, until it's 4th pick up and HB threw an error, I'll attach the log.

*EDIT* Well after I reviewed the log it seemed simple, I guess ARCHBuddy Bot was effecting because I took out the ARCHBuddy file out of my bot folder and re booted HB and working like a dream. But if I have more problems I'll let yah know.
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hey, I ran into a problem today when my priest only did grind mobs in wpl, but I found out he only did that to gain lvl 41,
but when I didnt know the reason, I did a few quests on my own to help the bot.

now, that he gained lvl 41, he tries to pickup one of the quests I've already done for him,
"Into the woods" (takes him to EPL). No matter what I do he tries to run and pickup that quest,
but it's already finished. I changed "checkpoints = false", without results. I re-SVN without getting it to work.

Restarted Honorbuddy numerous times to try to get it working.
It's been working fine until I fucked it up doing 2-3 quests.

Here's the log:
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