in my case. ( i have full BOA) i usually hit 80 before i do all quests..
when i didn't have the full BOA.. yeah.. i started grinding at about 78ish..
if you don't like the small grinding area.. get some other grinding profile... or.. use AB .![]()
I tried this profile on a 76 DK, it was the flying profile btw.
It says "loading tiles" forever and doesnt do anything.
Heres the log:
hey, I was curious what is the wiki you mention?
<If Condition="((!HasQuest(12118)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(12118)))" >
<PickUp QuestName="Travel to Moa'ki Harbor" QuestId="12117" GiverName="Hotawa" GiverId="28382" />
dunno why.. but it keeps trying to accept the travel to moa'ki quest..
i've not done single quest by hand.. maybe you changed which one to accept?
PHP:<If Condition="((!HasQuest(12118)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(12118)))" > <PickUp QuestName="Travel to Moa'ki Harbor" QuestId="12117" GiverName="Hotawa" GiverId="28382" /> </If>
small fix for me.. and i think it worked
nevermind.. it didn't .. i just removed the whole quest
<If Condition="((HasQuest(11968)) && (IsQuestCompleted(11968)))" >
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Turnin Quest" X="2793.209" Y="4697.388" Z="1.862418" />
<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
<TurnIn QuestName="The Tides Turn" QuestId="11968" TurnInName="Elder Muahit" TurnInId="26218" />
<PickUp QuestName="Travel to Moa'ki Harbor" QuestId="12117" GiverName="Hotawa" GiverId="28382" />
<If Condition="((!HasQuest(12117)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(12117)))" >
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Pickup Quest" X="2793.209" Y="4697.388" Z="1.862418" />
<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
<PickUp QuestName="Travel to Moa'ki Harbor" QuestId="12117" GiverName="Hotawa" GiverId="28382" />
<!-- End of Kaskala Quests -->
How to make PB use a hearthstone? >_<
<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/use Hearthstone" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="11000" GoalText="Waiting for Hearth {TimeRemaining}" />
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(6948)" WaitTime="1000" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="11000" GoalText="Waiting for Hearth {TimeRemaining}" />
15outland, why isn't AB an option? It's always an option once you get your flying mount..... 3 toons to 85 using almost exclusively AB over here!