This profile is currently being totally redone to support the new techniques that are with the new HB and that I have discovered when making profiles. The update will take some time though as it is a whole ton of quests.
place Allrounder folder into plugins folder.
enable allrounder in HB plugins tab
open settings and enable what you want toon to do
open guildwithdraw and set.. open guilddeposit and set..
save settings
start bot..
(would only use Guildwithdraw with crafting toon and not for usual use of HB as it spams guild open then craft so dont AFK).. you have been warned..
where do i download this in your trunk i cant find it >.<
and is it working in PB too?
<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/use Hearthstone" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="11000" GoalText="Waiting for Hearth {TimeRemaining}" /> </code></code>
if you're using the test version of HB there are some api changes in HB and GB2 is now build into HB so I had to update my profiles to reflect on these changes. Try the profiles that I attached to 1st post.When I use the 1-525 Mine and Herb profile, it doesn't level up it just keeps collecting nor does it move zones. Do I need to edit something?
Use a 'Custom Action' with this code. Lua.Dostring("UseItemByName(6948)");
and put it inside an 'If Condition' with condition set to !Me.IsFlying so that it doesn't try to hearth while it's flying around but the next time it lands to harvest a node it'll use it. Also below the below the 'Custom Action' you'll probably want to use a 'Wait' Action with timeout set to something like 11000
<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
PB doesn't support QAs,but now I recall Mount.Dismount() has the same can also put a:
PHP:<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
before these macro's so that it lands (it doesn't /dismount, it lands safely and then dismounts) if highvoltz has it coded to accept quest behaviors
This is my code - is there an issue?PHP:<If Condition="((HasQuest(11968)) && (IsQuestCompleted(11968)))" > <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Turnin Quest" X="2793.209" Y="4697.388" Z="1.862418" /> <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" /> <TurnIn QuestName="The Tides Turn" QuestId="11968" TurnInName="Elder Muahit" TurnInId="26218" /> <PickUp QuestName="Travel to Moa'ki Harbor" QuestId="12117" GiverName="Hotawa" GiverId="28382" /> </If> <If Condition="((!HasQuest(12117)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(12117)))" > <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Pickup Quest" X="2793.209" Y="4697.388" Z="1.862418" /> <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" /> <PickUp QuestName="Travel to Moa'ki Harbor" QuestId="12117" GiverName="Hotawa" GiverId="28382" /> </If> <!-- End of Kaskala Quests -->
delete hb and redownload (or if you're cool like me -[behavior-patch-4910-only]-usersettings.html)Profile keeps stopping..
says :
[UserSettings-v147(warning) @line 5829]: Attribute 'PullDistance' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UserSettings-v147(error) @line 5829]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!
just keep deleting ityeah actually everytime i stop start the bot (a day after...) it does the dailies... then goes and tries to pick up "Travel to Moaki Harbor"
i've already progressed to grizzly hills![]()