[H - Quest] 1-60 The Azenius Project (All Classes, All Races, All Quests) - [Test]
Currently Supported HB Version:
Does Vanilla
Does BC up through Zangarmarsh
What is this "Azenius Project"?
The Azenius Project, is a Horde 1-85, all classes, all Races and all Quests done in each zone - Work in Progress. We're 2 writers, who went together in order of making the profile, which would require no human interaction, while having as little grinding as possible by doing all quests in each zone.
The Profile Writers are:
Kickazz006 the PWNFACER (no, i didn't help, i just felt like adding myself)
Things you need to know before running this profile
As of now, this only supports English clients. Might be changed later.
These profiles will work best if you're level 1.
This can be used with all classes and will do all quests in each zone.
We will update this thread everytime we have a new release ready - that means you don't need to ask when it will be released, it is done, when it is done (to make the experience more pleasent).
If the profile stops in the middle of nowhere, and Honorbuddy doesn't throw an error, then DONT INTERACT WITH IT!
That all sounds good, but how do i install and use it?
To be able to use this, you need to have the Honobuddy version, for which these profiles is supported.
We are currently using a SVN folder, which can be found at:
Azenius Projectz SVN
If you don't know how to SVN, click this link (credits to Jvidia for a nice video).
Then extract the files from the folder named CustomBehaviors into your Honorbuddy Quest Behavior folder.
Then you need to extract the folder named "Plugins" into your Honorbuddy folders plugin folder.
Now it has all been set up, here is how to run it:
Start your Honorbuddy.
Switch the mode to Questing.
Make sure all your settings is as posted further down.
Load up the profile you need and press the start button.
Settings for running the profiles
LearnFlightpaths: On
Loot Mobs: On
Train New Skills: Off
UseFlightpaths: Off (the flights is coded into the profile)
Mail Recipient - a great idea to enable this, since you'll get loads of crap, that it won't sell.
Plugins we recommend you use:
- Talented (allways good to have talents).
- Autoequip (will make your further questing alot easier with gear).
- Azenius Questing (since some of the quests is done by this plugin).
- Mr. ItemRemover (good for making sure, you won't need vendor alot).
We also recommend you have some big bags, since it will remove alot of vendoring time.
Kickazz006 (the PWNFACER) - for helping when having problems.
Chinajade, Natfoth, Vlad - for helping with problems in behaviors.
Testers - for helping us debug our profiles
Hope you will all enjoy it
If you have issues with this profile, please post a description of the problem aswell as a Full log! Pictures won't hurt either
We do not support Heirlooms for all quest, but we do not disregard you to use them, just be aware that it may produce unwanted loops and remove the AFK-ability of the profiles.