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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hey guys!
Im stuck at level 5 because the flightmaster in GOLDSHIRE! The bot goes to the flightmaster there and just clicks on him? Think hes trying to learn the new flightpath but i have triet to deactivate anything that has to do with flightpaths? Anyone else had or have this problem? Kinda want to sort that issue.

Best regards Robin!

And keep up the gr8 work. tnx

I have done some quests. Trying to solve the problem. Will that mess with the flow ? I got the bot to do something else ? short time but hes back at the flightmaster. Will it not work ok if i have the flightpaths disabled ? Tnx for ? fast respons.
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to Horde 1-68 Questing
Chose Fpsware Hunter(0.1.5) by Fpsware as your combat class!
Creating 'Rest' behavior
Creating 'Pull' behavior
Creating 'Heal' behavior
Creating 'Combat' behavior
You are a level 22 Beast Hunter
Loading settings ...
Settings loaded
Loading profile: D:\jocuri\GB - False

the char is a 22 orc hunter... and stays on loading tiles forever. any thoughts?

I have done some quests. Trying to solve the problem. Will that mess with the flow ? I got the bot to do something else ? short time but hes back at the flightmaster. Will it not work ok if i have the flightpaths disabled ? Tnx for ? fast respons.

possibly, go read the 1st post.
I did not do it manually.

It tries to do it once it finishes the quests in STV on the boat. I use heirlooms so I set follow quest order to false (or w/e that's called).
Even if I put him in IF or SW he just stands there. Is there a spot that works best for hearthstone? Or does the bot entirely ignore hearthing? - it seems to.

View attachment 23003

View attachment 23004

I manually searched my logs and found these 2 with the problem.

Let me know if there is any more information you need.


			<If Condition="Me.ZoneId == 5287" >
				<If Condition="((!HasQuest(28749)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(28749)))" >
		<PickUp QuestName="The Battle for Andorhal" QuestId="28749" GiverName="War-Mage Erallier" GiverId="49635" />
			<If Condition="(HasQuest(28749))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith"  MobId="49635" NumOfTimes="1" GossipOptions="1" WaitTime="1000" CollectionDistance="50" X="-14471.73" Y="469.4871" Z="30.7543" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" />
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith"  MobId="49637" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" CollectionDistance="50" X="-14471.73" Y="469.4871" Z="30.7543" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" />
			<If Condition="(HasQuest(28749))" >
		<TurnIn QuestName="The Battle for Andorhal" QuestId="28749" TurnInName="Thassarian" TurnInId="44453" />
i added this for that issue
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Man , i have 100% the Newest things from u

and the NPC / QUest?s form him wont work

And imtryed to start befor him with aborded quest , he take it than he say that the quest isn?t in the db...

i told you this

[02:32:50:14] Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 42736 in database.
[02:32:50:14] Could not create current in quest bot!
[02:32:50:15] Stop called!

ah, you failed to read the first 3 posts thoroughly

it clearly states that if you dc and restart while in n. stv ... then you 100% must use the egg in your inventory

<PickUp QuestName="Favored Skull" QuestId="26745" GiverName="Lashtail Hatchling" GiverId="42736" />
			<If Condition="Me.ZoneId == 5287" >
				<If Condition="((!HasQuest(28749)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(28749)))" >
		<PickUp QuestName="The Battle for Andorhal" QuestId="28749" GiverName="War-Mage Erallier" GiverId="49635" />
			<If Condition="(HasQuest(28749))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith"  MobId="49635" NumOfTimes="1" GossipOptions="1" WaitTime="1000" CollectionDistance="50" X="-14471.73" Y="469.4871" Z="30.7543" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" />
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith"  MobId="49637" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" CollectionDistance="50" X="-14471.73" Y="469.4871" Z="30.7543" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" />
			<If Condition="(HasQuest(28749))" >
		<TurnIn QuestName="The Battle for Andorhal" QuestId="28749" TurnInName="Thassarian" TurnInId="44453" />
i added this for that issue

I would highly recommend just dropping those egg quests. I've seen then glitch out on several characters without D/C's happening.
ah, well i switched it so that !has quest && !icq and hasquest are both inside of the stv zone id requirements if you're using the checkpoints true
Temple of Telhamat, flys to the dark portal.... Then proceeds to run through all of the elite mobs in front of the portal, and the gates right past the portal with the elite mobs.

*Lifetimer* But the bot is choosing to get on a horse and ride instead of flying on the flying mount. But it goes all the way back to the temple, attacking mobs on the way, and then flys back to the portal again and starts the process over again.

Started on and off back at 59

Found the right section. sorry

same for me maked a fresh install with your qb kickazz and still wont work i let him grind now till 62 and hope he takes another wuest with 62
Been testing iton few characters and always having problem in the number 5 zone (from map you uploaded up there "Gahrron's withering") Dont know if you made this profile on gnome or something, but my rogue(nightelf) and shaman(dareline) keep getting stuck on this tree twig because of their height, and on the catapults or whatever they are. not sure if this is Profile problem or mesh.
Been testing iton few characters and always having problem in the number 5 zone (from map you uploaded up there "Gahrron's withering") Dont know if you made this profile on gnome or something, but my rogue(nightelf) and shaman(dareline) keep getting stuck on this tree twig because of their height, and on the catapults or whatever they are. not sure if this is Profile problem or mesh.

report it to the mesh thread w/ the proper details so main can fix it

Sorry I meant Raptor quests. I even read on WOWhead that the questline bugs out a lot and you have to re-log. There are plenty of quests, and at least everyone is gonna be in a guild with +5%XP, and since everyone already outlevels STV as is really quick, removing a few shouldn't be that bad. I can't remember the quest name that is the worst, I just manually did it on my characters. I'll look on this next one if you leave it in.

As far as the mesh issue being the problem, that's fine, but why not just set the profile to go around the Darkmoon Faire area?
Sorry I meant Raptor quests. I even read on WOWhead that the questline bugs out a lot and you have to re-log. There are plenty of quests, and at least everyone is gonna be in a guild with +5%XP, and since everyone already outlevels STV as is really quick, removing a few shouldn't be that bad. I can't remember the quest name that is the worst, I just manually did it on my characters. I'll look on this next one if you leave it in.

As far as the mesh issue being the problem, that's fine, but why not just set the profile to go around the Darkmoon Faire area?
ah yeah, the egg quests suck, but if i took them out, you would be grinding 2-3 levels
ah yeah, the egg quests suck, but if i took them out, you would be grinding 2-3 levels

would rather do that than have quests that don't work the majority of the time. Plus I use heirlooms, so most of the STV quests are green for me the majority of the time. I think most people have the 10% bonus now from being in a guild, so I doubt they'd have to grind 2-3 levels.

Also, is there not any other alternative?
ah yeah, the egg quests suck, but if i took them out, you would be grinding 2-3 levels

I must say, with the exception of having to resummon the little raptor thing once, the STV quests worked perfectly for me on my last couple of toons. As for the Darkmoon Faire mesh issue, I think I got stuck once on their gear and I moved my toon around it by hand...annoying but you are only in that area for a limited time and the faire is only in town a short time anyhow. Excellent work on these profiles Kick, keep up the great work!
On the uest [Zen'Kiki, the Druid] if you die and lose Zen'Kiki the bot just grinds forever. When you have Zen'Kiki it gives you a buff, so maybe a check to have the buff and if it's not there have the bot go back and get him.

On the uest [Zen'Kiki, the Druid] if you die and lose Zen'Kiki the bot just grinds forever. When you have Zen'Kiki it gives you a buff, so maybe a check to have the buff and if it's not there have the bot go back and get him.


stop dieing :)

nothing i can do w/o a plugin.
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