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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Everytime i want to start this profile with my druid - it says you must be able to fly to use this profile - but I am able to fly with swift flight form. I also put the ID for flight form in the honorbuddy mount tab.

Have you purchased the Fly Plugin Key?
For some reason my character just sits there next to the flightmaster with the flight window up..

That an issue with the actual bot not the profile hopefully it will be fixed at some point

As an update the errors are slowly being fixed; thank you profile debugger :)
That's because you are using the original original (the un-edited version).

I made the corrections in a different topic and posted the CS there.
Zacharybinx34 saw a need to make a new topic on this and take the altered file here (for whatever reason of clarity).

http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/plugins/free/uncataloged/22270-%5Bplugin%5D-stuckhelper-improved-stuck-handling-4.html#post298567 is where the changes are posted and the modified Stuckhelper.cs is attached as well (not the attachment of lofi in the first post but my attachment. This link should bring you straight to that post).
I actually assumed Zach would have attached my modified version here tbh.
But if you get those compiler errors it means he attached the wrong version?
In wich mode should i open up the file;s? Like with Winrar, Or what. Sorry new at botting^^
<If Condition="((Me.Race == WoWRace.Worgen) &amp;&amp; ((Me.ZoneId == 4714) || (Me.ZoneId == 4755)))" >

Anyone want to have a look and see why i cant get this to compile; included is the profile below not quite ready for release tho

Line 547
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Someone should archive this till nat has a chance to update it; the profile is very out dated people, dont use it.
That's because you are using the original original (the un-edited version).

I made the corrections in a different topic and posted the CS there.
Zacharybinx34 saw a need to make a new topic on this and take the altered file here (for whatever reason of clarity).

http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/plugins/free/uncataloged/22270-%5Bplugin%5D-stuckhelper-improved-stuck-handling-4.html#post298567 is where the changes are posted and the modified Stuckhelper.cs is attached as well (not the attachment of lofi in the first post but my attachment. This link should bring you straight to that post).
I actually assumed Zach would have attached my modified version here tbh.
But if you get those compiler errors it means he attached the wrong version?

Weird, I thought for sure that I uploaded your fixed version.
It is now replaced. The fixed version is at the top.
<If Condition="((Me.Race == WoWRace.Worgen) &amp;&amp; ((Me.ZoneId == 4714) || (Me.ZoneId == 4755)))" >

Anyone want to have a look and see why i cant get this to compile; included is the profile below not quite ready for release tho

Line 547

Thanks for the info. I looked pretty hard, and can see absolutely nothing syntactically wrong with it, or in the surrounding lines. Did it tell you what kind of compile error it was generating?

If you figure it out, I would *love* to know your findings.

Thanks for the info. I looked pretty hard, and can see absolutely nothing syntactically wrong with it, or in the surrounding lines. Did it tell you what kind of compile error it was generating?

If you figure it out, I would *love* to know your findings.


just some compile error, try running the profile with profiledebugger set to true in styx settings

make a new worgen too because of the checkpoints
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just some compile error, try running the profile with profiledebugger set to true in styx settings

make a new worgen too because of the checkpoints

Compiles fine for me...
[6:14:37 AM:450] Compiling expression 'IsQuestCompleted(14222)' @ line 534
[6:14:37 AM:755] Compiling expression '!IsQuestCompleted(14375)' @ line 540
[6:14:38 AM:40] Compiling expression '((Me.Race == WoWRace.Worgen) && ((Me.ZoneId == 4714) || (Me.ZoneId == 4755)))' @ line 547
[6:14:38 AM:338] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Games\HB-\Quest Behaviors\BasicInteractWith.cs'
[6:14:38 AM:680] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Games\HB-\Quest Behaviors\RunMacro.cs'

The first error I encountered was a good bit further down...
[6:14:48 AM:549] Compiling expression '!IsQuestCompleted(24438)' @ line 733
[6:14:48 AM:852] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(24438)' @ line 736
[6:14:49 AM:156] Compiling expression 'Me.HasAura(72764)' @ line 739
[6:14:49 AM:459] 2 errors encountered while compiling condition 'Me.HasAura(72764)'
[6:14:49 AM:459] The best overloaded method match for 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.HasAura(string)' has some invalid arguments
[6:14:49 AM:459] Argument '1': cannot convert from 'int' to 'string'
[6:14:49 AM:461] Styx.Logic.Profiles.ProfileException: Could not parse 'While'. Condition code "Me.HasAura(72764)" could not be compiled into C# code.
   at Styx.Logic.Profiles.Quest.WhileNode.FromXml(XElement element)
   at Styx.Logic.Profiles.Quest.OrderNode.FromXml(XElement element)
   at Styx.Logic.Profiles.Quest.IfNode.FromXml(XElement element)
[6:14:49 AM:465] Styx.Logic.Profiles.ProfileException: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 547 - [<If Condition="((Me.Race == WoWRace.Worgen) &amp;&amp; ((Me.ZoneId == 4714) || (Me.ZoneId == 4755)))">
  <If Condition="!IsQuestCompleted(14375)">
    <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Setting Pull Distance 30" />
    <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="30" />
    <CustomBehavior File="BasicInteractWith" MobId="36332" MoveTo="False" />
    <CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/run SelectGossipAvailableQuest(1)\n/run SelectGossipActiveQuest(1)\n/run CompleteQuest()\n/run SelectGossipOption(1)\n/run AcceptQuest()\n/run GetQuestReward(1)" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="2000" />

There are more errors further down too, but I just assume you haven't gotten to them yet.

I'm going to say your HB or .NET got stepped on.

yea strange just reset my pc and it compiles just fine, gonna get rid of the aura check completely I think
Got one question! When i have downloaded it, Should i put it in some speciell map or something? or can i just take on honorbuddy "Load profile" and get started or do i need any thing else do make it work?
Hello! got 1 question. When i download this simple click. Do i need to put it in another folder or can i just download it and then go on honorbuddy and press "load profile" And then it should work!?!
Got one question! When i have downloaded it, Should i put it in some speciell map or something? or can i just take on honorbuddy "Load profile" and get started or do i need any thing else do make it work?

Hello! got 1 question. When i download this simple click. Do i need to put it in another folder or can i just download it and then go on honorbuddy and press "load profile" And then it should work!?!

Your answer is Post #211.

As a roadmap for this;
1.3 will have human support and replace the redundent qb's
1.4 will be drenari
1.5 will be night elf
Keep on going into Horde Camp and getting killed by Guards over and over again. In Stonebreaker Hold, Terrokar Forest.

Ok i downloaded this and tried it a little... It seems to run OK, but i want to know if this is afkable? if had a few questing profiles and once and again they will get stuck or something will happen and Ill have to fix it manually. I know no profile is perfect but would anyone sugest to afk this? I only bot like 4 or 5 hours at night when Im done playing.
Hi in Shattrath City it wants to train and apprarently all the time i start the bot (somewhere) and it goes to Shattrath City right away to train even though it has "trained" 10 times allrdy in the same lvl. well thats not the problem, cuz it a damn alliance trainer. the whole Shattrath City Trainers in the profile is set for alliance trainers WTF? well i went in to fix it and re wrote the line and then it still wants to go to this pala trainer named Ordo What to do shall i post log or?

Regards Twinca :) Thanks
Yeah I had my 78 paladin got stuck on "Scourge Tactics=13008" because it kept trying to turn it in with the quest giver. It did not finished the requirement of freeing 8 webbed crusaders.

I did this profile afk overnight and when I woke up it was still here. Also, I got a 72hr suspension after I logged off. My paladin must have been there clicking that npc for hours and cause me to get the dreaded, Reason for Action: Terms of Use Violation -- Exploitative Activity: Unauthorized ***** Programs ("Hacks").
Stuck at eastern plaguelands. bot trying to pick up "visitors", but the quest is not unlocked...
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