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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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[Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick] Questing profile

i saw another post saying there was already a thread but couldnt find it.

i get this error, what does it mean? what do i need to do? ...

[7:25:32 AM:233] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\xxx\xxx\stbank2\Quest Behaviors\UseGameObject2.cs'
[7:25:32 AM:237] Stop called!
[7:25:32 AM:277] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
[7:25:32 AM:277] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()

sorry, if ive have gone about this wrong.
Ok not to be a pain in the ass but i am using the deposit and withdraw macros and the deposit one is workin fabulous but im running into a slight problem with the withdraw one according to your guide its supposed to withdraw all of whatever specified item i add but its only withdrawing a small percent of the item.

so do i have to edit it more
if i do what parts do i need to edit
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yeah soon as i put the qb in the honor buddy qb, problem solved. strange though how its worked up until now with out it. oh well all good thanks bro.
Instance buddy could use an option to how far away you are form the tank.

It's just a bit too far right now.
My question is does it level your characters spells automatically? or do you have to come back and level your spells so your character doesnt die?
would love the option to exclude ppl to heal? would help when im assigned as a mt heal ect.
Is there a way you can set lazy raider up where if you need to move while its atacking it will disable honorbudy tell you get done moving. For instance if you need to run away from a certain spell you can press a button really fast and it will stop trying to attack and will run away then you click back and it will start atticking again.

thanks for any help
Question, I think I may have problem, I'm level 84 (6 Bars in) and it says I'm done, and it won't do anymore quests?
another question regarding this profile, again sorry if its in wrong spot but ive used this profile for 9hrs and got from 70.5 and just hit 72. is there anyway to use flying mount. i couldnt find the rite thread.
another question regarding this profile, again sorry if its in wrong spot but ive used this profile for 9hrs and got from 70.5 and just hit 72. is there anyway to use flying mount. i couldnt find the rite thread.

the thread is in the clear place on the forums ... alliance questing LK.

read the first 3 posts in that thread

You should add a feature that allows me to just heal the tank and nobody else in the raid. You know, for main healing.
Goldshire flightpath

Hey guys!
Im stuck at level 5 because the flightmaster in GOLDSHIRE! The bot goes to the flightmaster there and just clicks on him? Think hes trying to learn the new flightpath but i have triet to deactivate anything that has to do with flightpaths? Anyone else had or have this problem? Kinda want to sort that issue.

Best regards Robin!

And keep up the gr8 work. tnx
Hey guys!
Im stuck at level 5 because the flightmaster in GOLDSHIRE! The bot goes to the flightmaster there and just clicks on him? Think hes trying to learn the new flightpath but i have triet to deactivate anything that has to do with flightpaths? Anyone else had or have this problem? Kinda want to sort that issue.

Best regards Robin!

And keep up the gr8 work. tnx

is there a quest avail from him? if not, restart bot

if so, there shouldn't be unless you did some quests manually
it's supposed to pick up the mage quest that ports you up there.

if you did it manually before, then it's a user error

if it didn't do it, attach your log

I did not do it manually.

It tries to do it once it finishes the quests in STV on the boat. I use heirlooms so I set follow quest order to false (or w/e that's called).
Even if I put him in IF or SW he just stands there. Is there a spot that works best for hearthstone? Or does the bot entirely ignore hearthing? - it seems to.

View attachment 23003

View attachment 23004

I manually searched my logs and found these 2 with the problem.

Let me know if there is any more information you need.

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At some places my toon keeps dying over and over (like in searing gorge with the big elite elemental, or in EPL with the quest with all the adds) unless it would have heirlooms... too bad i'm levelling my first alli char... :(
Man , i have 100% the Newest things from u

and the NPC / QUest?s form him wont work

And imtryed to start befor him with aborded quest , he take it than he say that the quest isn?t in the db...

1. Your english is very difficult to understand.
2. It's not Kick's job to fix your problems - we help him fix problems with this profiles, with a helpful but thankful attitude.

Reinstall Honor Buddy completely and start from scratch.
I honestly can't believe this is in the 'tested' section. Tauren was running was stuck a level 5. So, I seriously doubt this was 'extensively' tested.
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