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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Can anyone please tell me if this really works? 13-58 with just questing and everything works fine?
Anyone any idea why it doesnt quest anymore on 76.5? it tries to do low lvl quests and ends up being stuck.
At Sha'Tari Rep Farming i get this.

First it farms to get 6 Shadow dusts then this happends when its gonna turn quest in.

Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to [QO] Sha'tari Skyguard Rep A [Kick]
[FlyTo(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'Name'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'DestName', instead.
Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

And the bot Stops.
Dwarf Shammy up to lvl 30 in 16 hours, no issues from the profile, it is doing great. Thanks a million.
these guys don't register as hostile on the way to do the quest to kill morbent fel:

<Quest Id="26754" Name="Morbent's Bane">
<Objective Type="KillMob" MobId="43761" KillCount="1">
<Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="60212" CollectCount="1">

Information about Clattering Coldwraith:
Name = Clattering Coldwraith
Wowhead Id = 44029
Faction = 974 [Undead, Scourge]
Location = <-10276.7, 373.25, 15.68611>

<Vendor Name="Clattering Coldwraith" Entry="44029" Type="Repair" X="-10276.7" Y="373.25" Z="15.68611" />

neither do these on the way back

Information about Silent Shade:
Name = Silent Shade
Wowhead Id = 44028
Faction = 974 [Undead, Scourge]
Location = <-10219.71, 249.0488, 2.798842>

<Vendor Name="Silent Shade" Entry="44028" Type="Repair" X="-10219.71" Y="249.0488" Z="2.798842" />
Hi Kick
Have a question about A - Argent Tourament Grounds if it is just me who has a problem with a q that it does not do it with 15 kills

and thanks for the wonderful profile:)
ummm kick how come ppl be posting here that the profiles are great i dont understand i downloaded and tried all profiles u gave and none of them work at all and all the errors i keep getting is this profile does not have a quest order?????????????am i doing something wrong or is it really full of errors?

This is a grinding profile, not a questing one. So make sure you set the bot mode for grinding.
I am having a hard time understanding how this can be in the tested category.

Nagrand is one complete mess for me. For some insane reason it demands to cross Garadar when moving around, this combined with the lack of flight really makes it a merry-go-round of getting raped by elite guards.

When I then steps in to move the bot safely around Garadar, or Halaa for that matter, it does a u-turn and runs towards the gate Garadar to start riding along the road, where even more fun insues when the Elite gang gets a hold of you.

Wouldn't it be better to choose a zone where a faction city is not that pivotal when crossing the zone is required?

From 60 to 66 I had 0 deaths, now I am not even half way to 67 and I have died ~25 times. Can't really be sure due to all the stops and starts.
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ok I got it :D
another question: I'm lv45 right now, so far there were about 3-4 quest that require playing by hand (a quest ask to collect spider, collect something + fight a sleepy dragon, use the canon...). I wanna ask are there any way to make the bot do this instead of playing manually ? and also what exactly the quest behavior do? If I replace the default one with some others made by others such as http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...-[quest-behavior]-natfoths-qb-megathread.html will the bot be able to do all those quest itself ?
thank you :D

Replacing for Natfoth's Megathread would be a huge mistake--those behaviors are substantially dated.

Natfoth did a wonderful, wonderful thing--he showed the Community what the CustomBehaviors were for, and how to implement a bunch of them. :D They were so popular, that his original behaviors got slurped into the HBcore. When that happened, the behaviors were:
  • Abstracted a little to make them more 'general purpose', rather than the point-solutions that many were originally
  • Had a bunch of bugs and missing boundary conditions chased out
  • Attributes were made consistent across all of the behaviors (e.g., NpcId/NpcID/NPCID/MobId/MobID were all named to 'MobId')
  • Got enhanced logging facilities to tell you exactly where a behavior problem lay, and what was wrong.
  • 'Silent fails' were eliminated--the behaviors now tell you when they fail
  • Have had functionality extended to address even more questing needs

The original behaviors in that thread simply got 'left in the dust'. Also, Natfoth has access to the Quest Behaviors SVN used by the HBcore, and he makes his updates there now, instead of on the Megathread.

It should also be noted that there were many more contributors to the HBcore Custom Behaviors than Natfoth. These include Apoc, Bobby53, Highvoltz, Nesox, and few others (my memory fails and I apologize--no slight to a CB author intended).

The reason quests are not 100% automated is because either there are no behaviors to do them, or the existing behaviors have incomplete functionality. Kick has a long QQ blog post we work against to try to address the omissions and shortcomings. Unfortunately, it seems all the Community's developers are strapped for time at the moment.

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yea i figured that out today thnx but is there any lvling profile here which i can use for fast lvling or is it only grinding profiles available only
I really wanna check out the Kick QQ blog post but when I click the link above it said I do not have sufficient privileges to access that page. please help me. Thank you
For the quest "Strategic Cuts" my character will target the quest target but not use the item required to defeat them, then once he leaves he targets the pat's around the quest target and trys to fight them continuously without noticing that they are marked as "friendly" when using the Blackrock Disguise. Will post logs once I get back in.
the STV profiles seem to bug out a bit. Also I'km level 36 on a human priest and it keeps doing green quests in stv. Any way to make it skip that. I changed <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" > -- True to False
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