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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I'm doing "All that Skitter", in the middle of that quest the bot just stand still in 1 place and also a pop-up window pop out (picture below) ask me something about quest behavior. :D
hope this help.
I'm doing "All that Skitter", in the middle of that quest the bot just stand still in 1 place and also a pop-up window pop out (picture below) ask me something about quest behavior. :D
hope this help.

You just need to press continue :)

I will move the level11 grindspot to somewhere with higher level mobs
I did press continue but it still stand right there :( and if I move the bot to other place it keep coming back to that place and say the same thing. So I had to do that quest manually. Now its done for me but for further botting I think you should have a check on that :D
thank you.
I'm doing "All that Skitter", in the middle of that quest the bot just stand still in 1 place and also a pop-up window pop out (picture below) ask me something about quest behavior. :D
hope this help.

Yes, this is correct, and working as designed.

Those popup dialogs are telling you that the profile doesn't have the tools necessary to do the quest by itself. So, it wants you to follow the instructions in that dialog to do the quest manually. After you follow the instructions, the profile happily continues.

In this case, the profile was asking you to capture some yellow level 1 spiders. Just do that, and the profile will automatically continue.

Things to note while the dialog is up:
  • Honorbuddy continues to defend if attacked
  • Won't automatically harvest (ore, herbs, etc) while the dialog is up
  • Automatically dismisses the dialog as soon as you complete the quest its asking you to do manually.

This makes completing the quest manually simple and brainless to get you going fully-automated as quick as possible.

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Please delete in 32-35 Southern Barrens SubProfile everything that has with Nura Pathfinder to do because its something wrong with this quests, cant find full path. But after I deleted this 2 or 3 quests everything run smooth again so please fix that quest problem or simply delete it =)
well I just feel its a bit weird cuz the bot was able to do half of the quest requirement, why didn't it just finish it ? lol
I already did all that.
Heres a screen of my settings, the mount name is in german(cause i use that client), but even tried the english name and its not really working.
It mounts up and rides like an ground mount.
View attachment 22693

i had also issues with it, i solved it cauze i changed the language (WOW) to English.
I hope it helps
Hello m8 got a problem in EP

Can not turn in quest The Baroness' Missive (ID: 27551) because I don't have it in my quest log! (Or do I: False)

Hey kick, my toon seems to be very attached to "Rest and Relaxation" quest. every time i start up HB, it tries to go get it, regardless of where it is or what level it is.
if i stop/start HB, it seems to get past it and compile the rest of the quest xml.

lvl 21 Gnome Priest.
i think this is a non-human issue...didn't have this on the human pally.
theres another druid trainer in SW kick near the boat in the Sw dock the one from darnasus.
Is there any Issue reported that Crashes WoW when LazyRaider is stopped? When I press the Stop button while in a Dungeon, wow starts lagging for 3-5 seconds then Crash. Doesnt happen with any other Bot Base. I will Upload one of the Logs for it.

Lazy Raider
FPSware Priest
No other plugins running except the bug Submitter.
Would it be possible to choose myself as "dps tank" in arenas? I have a healadin who use lazy + Ultimate paladiin healer

yes it is possible, but if you put it on follow, and moves alot it is not good. you can choose tank in options but have to do it everytime, after what my experience tells me. :)
Is this bot being updated regularly on this website?
Because on 1st page it says version: 2010/12/31 - v1.0.5

According to another website I am active as well, they've "v4.3.6 Released 2011/05/23" already.
firvasa said:
I'm trying questing on the lost isles with HB on goblin shaman but there was this problem that i cant sort out, any ideas? log as above

Hi, Firvasa, and thanks for the log!

This profile is not being actively maintained.

There previously existed a bug in the quest your trying to do, and the previously-shipped Honorbuddy behaviors just failed silently. The Honorbuddy behaviors in the last few drops now stop when they encounter bad 'profile programming'. This allows the profile author to rapidly locate and repair the problem. Unfortunately, since this profile is no longer maintained, that isn't happening. :D

I believe to get you on your way again, open the profile, find line 1226, and change HomeIndex from "0" to "10". There could easily be more bugs in the profile with respect to usage of the NoControlVehicle behavior, but this should at least make it closer to being correctly used.

Yeah, but I use your plugin to fish in fishing pools but now that I've the recipe for FishFeast, I also need Lavascale Catfish, which is from Open Water =)
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