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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I am having a hard time understanding how this can be in the tested category.
The issue you are having is not with the profile. Garadar is decently blacklisted but HB ignores the blacklist.
Hence the profile is as good as it can be. The HB devs just need to repair the blacklisting.
why does it not fly? it use my snowy gryphon but it just run on the ground with it and i use the flying profile
Read the first post please. Especially the part that says that the bot only flies when the profilebuilder specifically tells it to. That doesn't happen all the time.
After you've done that, read the part where it says you need to attach a log for us to be able to help you with more specific questions.
Hello just wanted to let you know about a quest that its having trouble with. I have ran this quest profile with three toons so far and same quest messes up for me. Its the Not on My Watch! It has trouble going threw the dialoge of interrogating lump. Just to let you know incase you wanted to try to fix it. Also wanted to add the quest Diplomatic Measures has the same problem not to far after the not on my watch quest. It will not go through the dialogue to complete the quest. Thanks though.
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Thanks, works like a charm, I'm new to HB so It took a while for me to make the .cs files ;3 Anyhow I got it to work! Thanks a bunch..
to where? if i put it in the guides section you wont be able to update it.

Really? That's sad. Since this belongs in the guide section. Can't you make certain privileges for this thread? People have posted comments on Kick's threads. Can't you give privileges to that certain thread? Really important to me. Otherwise this will just get piled by crap and it would dissapear.
Just have to say, I started this last night on a fresh account, no gold, heirlooms or bags and its lvl 32 right now. I started it last night at aroun 11pm. Havent touched it once. Amazing.
Attach a log file please

Now he tries to kill the Son of Hodir elites, its rly doin mah head in aye...

I stopped it and started it up, because im stick of it doin stupid shit, and now hes back to fly back and forth...
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Really? That's sad. Since this belongs in the guide section. Can't you make certain privileges for this thread? People have posted comments on Kick's threads. Can't you give privileges to that certain thread? Really important to me. Otherwise this will just get piled by crap and it would dissapear.
no, i dont have access to do that.
This is exactly what I have in mind right now. Some stucke handler/stuckhelper... is really a need right now.
and about the logic, this is my suggestion:
IF the toon stand in 1 place for too long or/and again 0 xp in a period of time (adjustable time)
THEN it will hit the HB's stop button
WAIT for a delay (also adjustable)
THEN press start again
and if possible and necessary ( in case stop/start button didn't work -->restart HB OR change to other profile which was selected as backup profile :)

thats my idea, I believe a simple stop/start can fix a lot of issues and make HB more AFKable :)
thank you and please help :)
A version of HB that fixes bugs reported and doesn't make any improvements or changes to anything else. This will result in stable version to use while improvements are worked on. This should be a priority. Most of the complaints these days are for stuff that worked fine but is broken again for some reason or another. From an end users perspective this is frustrating, from a developers point of view it should not be allowed to happen. Give us a rock solid build to use daily and then go add improvments.

Just to piggyback off of Pyro, if you navigate to the mrfishit plugin folder, there will already be a blank (blank.xml or something of the like-named) inside the folder. =-)

I was wondering if this idea can be implemented as well. If AB can afk-train 1-xxx, I believe this bot should be able to do that as well
Hey Kick,

I'm stuck on "Favored Skull". i manually finished up a few of the STV quests,
here's what i have in my log now.
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Ok I got the point, that's not a profile problem anyway.

Make Sure You Got Pa'Troll - Honor Above All Else - or set <QuestOrder Ignore Checkpoints = "false">. It Seems you ran the profile midway

I think you are at "Discipline" Quest atm.
The problem is you stopped him midway, did some quests in Speaks and stop/restarted.

If you got the two quests above and are at "Discipline" Move manually the bot at the quest objective zone. Cause if you stop bot midway the only way to reach The upper part of Speaks is from a cave, and you will die from Worgs / Elites around
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Hey Kick not sure if this is the same profile as what i am running form your SVN but its that closest thing i could find. keep getting exception errors on quests that need to use something in my inventory. ran into it on your 58-70 and again on this 68-80. I have tried cut purse and open this or whatever it is called and no such luck. let me know what you think
Woke up to a problem in wpl, where he tries to turn in a quest to the wrong guy, or accept a new quest from that guy, I'm not sure.
Anyway, I cant upload the logfile because it's to big and I don't know what I'm allowed to remove from the file and what not to! :o

"[04:53:09:845] Goal: Goal: Kill mob with ID 44777 20 times
[04:53:09:881] Goal: Turning in I Ain't Sayin' You a Gourd-Digger...
[04:53:09:881] Changed POI to: Type: QuestTurnIn
[04:53:10:179] Mounting: Felsteed
[04:53:12:646] Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
[04:53:47:605] interact: 0x399D25CC
[04:53:47:620] interact done: 0x399D25CC
[04:53:49:889] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed #2
[04:53:49:889] Cleared POI
[04:53:50:41] Changed POI to: Type: QuestTurnIn
[04:53:50:301] interact: 0x399D25CC
[04:53:50:318] interact done: 0x399D25CC
[04:53:52:108] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed #2

[07:58:47:904] Cleared POI
[07:58:48:40] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [0g0s60c]
[07:58:48:42] Changed POI to: Type: QuestTurnIn
[07:58:48:300] interact: 0x399D25CC
[07:58:48:316] interact done: 0x399D25CC
[07:58:50:106] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed #2
[07:58:50:106] Cleared POI
[07:58:50:260] Changed POI to: Type: QuestTurnIn
[07:58:50:518] interact: 0x399D25CC
[07:58:50:535] interact done: 0x399D25CC
[07:58:52:325] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed #2
[07:58:52:325] Cleared POI"

That's what my has guy been doing for four hours, a miracle I aint got the ban yet haha. :D
Other than this, great profile! :)
Ok I got the point, that's not a profile problem anyway.

Make Sure You Got Pa'Troll - Honor Above All Else - or set <QuestOrder Ignore Checkpoints = "false">. It Seems you ran the profile midway

I think you are at "Discipline" Quest atm.
The problem is you stopped him midway, did some quests in Speaks and stop/restarted.

If you got the two quests above and are at "Discipline" Move manually the bot at the quest objective zone. Cause if you stop bot midway the only way to reach The upper part of Speaks is from a cave, and you will die from Worgs / Elites around

Only reason I stopped him was due to what he was doing... Run forwards.. then back.. then forwards, really bottish looking and It wasn't fixing itself.

Ahh okay, thank you very much, and you're right, he was on "Discipline".

He already has those two quests, so i set check point to false, have to wait and see how it goes, at least he's flying to proper spot now :P

Thanks again :)

NOTE: I watched him once he hit Storm Peaks, he tries to pick up quests that's already been done, so I removed em from the profile, now... back on mount running to zul'drak, but I have the check points set to false...

I delete those quests, see what would happen, but he just went back to got them again, doesn't seem like the check point is making a difference?

He got "Honor Above All Else" but did not get Pa'troll, and now we're back at him dying from the elites...

Thanks again for the help, but im gonna use the grinding profile I was using.
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im still online sorry guys just having alot of problems with computer(decided its not going to work lol).. ill sort allrounder as soon as i can :)

Thats alright m8, whenever you have time to help that would be great.

Ill write it again as I might have written it a bit unclear :P

When I want to DE rings from JC, it takes forever and sometimes DE dusts, or whites, ores, and herbs and alot of other stuff. Its not ideal. Sometimes when I have 5-6 rings left it takes 10 min for it to DE :)

And also, could we make some option for DE, for example only DE greens and stuff? would be awesome :)
According to wowhead i have the correct vendor id "44457", can you confirm which npc it is actually turned in at? Below is the one i thought it was

I Ain't Sayin' You a Gourd-Digger... - Quest - World of Warcraft
Selyria Groenveld - NPC - World of Warcraft

Oufh! Stupid me, it was early in the morning so I cant remember 100% which mob it was he kept clicking at, but I dont think it was "Selyria Groenveld", I believe it was the tauren female next to her named "Adrine Towhide".
I could be wrong, but I cant remember the tree in the background of the NPC where "Selyria" is at. That's why I believe it was the tauren.

Ah well, really sorry, hope it helps somehow. =)
(I could send you the log file through mail or whatever if you'd like. Can upload it on rapidshare?)
Nah ill get to it eventually, was going over some of the errors this morning and there are way more than i had imagined

Alright, well keep up the good work mate! Will use this profile for another character after this one :)
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