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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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2:41:21 PM:253] Could not find a routine fitting for your class. Please make sure you have a proper combat class routine in your folder, and restart Honorbuddy.

user issue, use singular or download a new cc and restart bot

try fpsware paladin
I cant get this started

the problem is that you are trying to run a grinding profile on Questbot mode

so you have 2 options
turn your Hb on Grindbot mode or try a questing profile

and also grab a custom CC
the problem is that you are trying to run a grinding profile on Questbot mode

so you have 2 options
turn your Hb on Grindbot mode or try a questing profile

and also grab a custom CC

ah, i didn't read that far down in the log :D
Another thing, all the quests that require interaction with an NPC, like listen to a story, chosing an option, is done by:

<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/script SelectGossipOptions(1)" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" />

The problem is that it doesnt do anything, I even try to write it myself in WoW and it doesnt do anything.
Tozed, fixed. re-svn

when cj 'fixed' all of the behaviors, i replaced all GossipOption with GossipOptions, and it messed up the the runmacro SelectGossipOption
fly/ground mount

Druid (worgen) 61 level in Hellfire Peninsula. It's picking up flight form, but doesnt wonna fly up. Bot keeps running on the ground. Any suggestion?
1) read the first few posts thoroughly - especially the part that states that it will fly to and from quests only... and it will fly only after hellfire
2) always provide a log

got it
Brilliant profile, just brilliant.
The only thing i found annoying was the fact that it went to get all the "hero's call" quest in the closest major city. Can't see why since it just wastes alot of time. Other than that its just amazing! I afked for 12 hours, came back and my lock was lvl 34!
On a level 29 hunter, When I start up the bot it keeps trying to pick up Hero's Call: Arathi Basin but I already completed the quest.
hy kick when i the bot goes train skill whit druid i allways get this in Stormwind

Moving to Type: Train, Name: Celestine of the Harvest

Could not find vendor: 'Celestine of the Harvest' blacklisting

I'm getting the same error. I also get stuck on the forge & anvil under the tent, but that's due to the meshes. Maybe just delete this trainer from the profile? How could I do that Kick?
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unlimited potential quest doesn't seem to be working..
it targets the mob.. but is too far.. won't engage..
weird :P
Just want to post a reply! I've used this with my priest from 19 to now 33 (started again yesterday with this char), and this profile has so far been soooo much more AFK'able than any other 1-60 profile I've tried.

Great job author!
I've gotten it to the mid 50's so far but I have had to babysit it the entire way, and I think the longest stretch it managed to run on its own for was about 40 minutes. Otherwise I've had to stop it to remove lines from the profile where it's trying to pick up quests it can't, or repeating quest objectives it's already completed, or manually finishing quests where it thinks it's completed them but hasn't.

The problem then is that if it passed a checkpoint in the profile during that run, when I restart the bot it ignores everything next in its current quest chain and tries to path its way through a couple of zones to get to the next questing branch, usually through several horde camps where it'll get killed repeatedly.

For example, last night I decided to see what would happen if I let it AFK while I slept, and I've woken up this morning to find it having completed the 3 quests it was working on when I left it and then spent the night trying to pick up a nonexistant quest from another quest giver. Literally 7 hours standing in one spot.

There's no point in reposting my profile because its now missing a ton of quest pickups and objectives where I've had to remove them after the fact to unstick the bot.

It's still better than doing it by hand, so I'm not ungrateful for it :)

EDIT: 55 and the next quest chain can't be started due to a missing pre-requisite (Netherguard needs you!), so I guess I'll be retiring this profile here and manually getting to the start of a new one. Thanks for the ride!
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[2:25:47 AM:562] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Documents and Settings\Bitch\Desktop\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.4620\Quest Behaviors\UseAoeCircle.cs'
[2:25:47 AM:562] Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
[2:25:47 AM:562] Could not find file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Bitch\Desktop\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.4620\Quest Behaviors\UseAoeCircle.cs'.

I got this error while the bot tried todo the "Aberrations" quest in storm peaks, this quest has you throwing an item at some eggs on the ground. Clearly from this error, there is either a missing QB from my install or something missing from the QB pack.
mastahg said:
I got this error while the bot tried todo the "Aberrations" quest in storm peaks, this quest has you throwing an item at some eggs on the ground. Clearly from this error, there is either a missing QB from my install or something missing from the QB pack.

The UseAoECircle behavior is somewhere down in the forums... Plugins -> Free -> Other, I think. It doesn't ship with HBcore, as its unneeded. One of the other HB-shipped behavior covers the functionality (but I don't recall which one atm).

Basically, UseAoECircle is a deprecated behavior, and the profile should really be updated to eliminate its use. But, you can dig around and find it to get you going again.

Profile does get stuck a few times (probably because im a tall night elf), and the quest "prepping the soil" doesn't work, it picks up then tries to repeatedly hand in. I did the quest manually and the profile has now continued fine. Overall, good profile.
Thank your for feedback. Yes, it's removed from last HB rev. Anyway try download the QBs in first post, i provided one until i replace it in the profile with a different Behavior
Profile does get stuck a few times (probably because im a tall night elf), and the quest "prepping the soil" doesn't work, it picks up then tries to repeatedly hand in. I did the quest manually and the profile has now continued fine. Overall, good profile.

user failed to read the popup

			<If Condition="((HasQuest(25502)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(25502)))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="UserDialog" QuestId="25502" Title="title" AllowBotStop="True" SoundCue="Asterisk" SoundCueInterval="1" Text="Defend the Flameward\n\nGet the shell from the turtle\n\nGo to turnin and press continue" />
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