While in Stormwind (While (Me.ZoneId == 1519)
While Inscription is 20-34 (While (Inscription.Level > 19 && Inscription.Level < 35
If I have no Light Parchment, buy 1. (While (InbagCount(39354) == 0) (Buy Item: 39354x1
If I have 1 or more Light Parchment and 1 or more Ivory Ink, create a Scoll of Stamina (While (InbagCount(39354) > 0 && InbagCount(37101) > 0 (R: Scroll of Stamina x1 (1))
hello, i'm having trouble with this profile.
everytime i start it up it says object reference not set to an object etc. here's my log:
[AbandonQuest(fatal) @line 1159]: Cannot find quest with QuestId(25303).
Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy.
I have been getting this, And i notice there was a quest pick up so i grabbed it to see if it would change anything but it didnt.
Here is my log
what folder do i put that in ?
hey im using ur'e profile, and its gathering realy nice.
but is it possible to not sell the items on the AH but mail it to my alt?
and do you know how can i change that?
plz let me know
thanks alot
grtz patrick
Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 26206 in database.
Could not create current in quest bot!
I would love to see a rework of this profile, it isn't as flawless as 1-58 58-68 and 80-85