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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Is there a way to use LevelbotSettings to change the mail recipient in the profile? So I can send different things to different toons?

NM found answer = LevelbotSettings.Instance.MailRecipient = "NAME HERE";
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Hey Kick, you told me to post here...So, I am :) Ok, so this problem I'm having will just not go away!!!

When I arrived to hyjal, after moonglade, the bot keeps on wanting to run to - X: 7791.06 Y: -2445.54, for no apparanet reason. It's just a dead end, and doesn't do anything. It's doing the same thing for bobbys profile too. Anyways, here's a log of whats happening with your profile:


[MountVehOnly(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'NpcMountId'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'VehicleMountId', instead.
Flight time: 00:04:03
Run Time: 00:02:56
Difference: 67

Debug Log:

[8:22:37 PM:657] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Shariq\Desktop\hb5\Quest Behaviors\MountVehOnly.cs'
[8:22:37 PM:917] Goal: MountVehOnly: In Progress
[8:22:37 PM:925] Activity: Moving To Location - X: 7791.06 Y: -2445.54
[8:22:37 PM:981] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[8:22:39 PM:374] Activity: Moving To Location - X: 7791.06 Y: -2445.54
[8:22:46 PM:776] Start/Stop button pressed.
[8:22:46 PM:786] Stop called!

Navigator Log:
Could not generate full path from {5527.35, -3611.18, 1569.401} to {7791.06, -2445.54, 489.5634} (time used: 35 milliseconds)

What gives? i can't even use this profile atm :( All it's doing is running to those coordinates for no reason, and not turning in As Hyjal Burns.
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what i told you to do is post a log if you're having issues ... and only if you have re-svn'd since you last had the issue
that's code snippets, not a log

re-svn again and see if that fixes the issue

basically, most ppl who think it's an issue are in hyjal when they start it instead of being in moonglade.

where exactly are you when you started it?
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First let me say sorry to all the members in this 3d but i got serious "real life" problems regarding my family. I had the time to complete the profile till Icecrown and then grind to 80 at stormpeaks, a lots of quests are added, some water quests are disabled to avoid stuck in the water and it ran flawless for me on 3 chars.

Sorry for this delay and hope you can understand.

I can confirm too that this works with the latest build of HB.

Make sure you extracted it into the /Bots folder and have it selected. I loaded a blank fishing profile. if you search for one I'm sure you will find it (dummy fishing.xml).

Just to piggyback off of Pyro, if you navigate to the mrfishit plugin folder, there will already be a blank (blank.xml or something of the like-named) inside the folder. =-)
Dont suppose you could add Strange Bloated Stomach /item=67495 to the Use function. Otherwise great work!
I have question, im a lv76 rogue and when i start it do want to fly to Borean Tundra and to pick up a quest there. The problem is i'm to low for borean and it should detect which lvl i am so it can go to each zone, for example. Borean Tundra 68-72(73), Dragonblihgt 73-75, Grizzly hills 75-76(77), Zul'Drak 76-77(78), Icecrown 77-79(80). Depends on how many heirlooms you got and how much you do quests on your own or let the bot do it all.

What i mean is that it would be nice so it goes from Zone to Zone instead of it having running back to borean again when im level 76 so it can start from grizzly or zuldrak and go from there.

Glad to hear you are back also.
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alextomita said:
Bugs log:

[TalkToAndListenToStory(warning)]: *****
* THIS BEHAVIOR IS DEPRECATED, and may be retired in a near, future release.
* TalkToAndListenToStory adds _no_ _additonal_ _value_ over the InteractWith behavior (with the "GossipOption" attribute).
* Please update the profile to use InteractWith in preference to the TalkToAndListenToStory behavior.
[TalkToAndListenToStory(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'NpcIds'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'MobIds', instead.

Those aren't bugs. Those are "warnings", just like they say they are. Bugs identify themselves as "error" or "fatal".

Those warnings exist mostly for new profiles that are being written. The writers for existing profiles may or may not choose to eliminate the warnings.

Also, whenever you ask for help or report a problem, always attach a *full* log. You are just wasting your own time and annoying the Community if you don't. There is a good chance your 'report' will be ignored.

I have question, im a lv76 rogue and when i start it do want to fly to Borean Tundra and to pick up a quest there. The problem is i'm to low for borean and it should detect which lvl i am so it can go to each zone, for example. Borean Tundra 68-72(73), Dragonblihgt 73-75, Grizzly hills 75-76(77), Zul'Drak 76-77(78), Icecrown 77-79(80). Depends on how many heirlooms you got and how much you do quests on your own or let the bot do it all.

What i mean is that it would be nice so it goes from Zone to Zone instead of it having running back to borean again when im level 76 so it can start from grizzly or zuldrak and go from there.

Glad to hear you are back also.

Try version 0.7
I added checkpoints to the profiles.
If you dont run the profile from the start or are at a level >70 just change the line: <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckpoints="true"> from "true" to "false"
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Thanks mate, but removed from borean to zuldrak in the 0.6 XML file so it started in Sholazar :). Thanks again mate.
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