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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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in searing gorge and it stopped at the quest where you have to get the twilight collars

look in the log, after the singular casts and such. dont mind my switching profiles afterwards.

[3:26:43 PM:458] Activity: Finished!
[3:26:43 PM:627] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Justin\Desktop\HB\Quest Behaviors\InteractWith.cs'
[3:26:43 PM:907] Could not compile quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Justin\Desktop\HB\Quest Behaviors\InteractWith.cs'
[3:26:43 PM:908] Line 314: Operator '*' cannot be applied to operands of type 'ulong' and 'int'
[3:26:43 PM:908] Line 328: Operator '*' cannot be applied to operands of type 'ulong' and 'int'
[3:26:43 PM:920] Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
[3:26:43 PM:920] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

reinstall hb and use hb-shipped behaviors + the 3 in my svn
hey kick
ok.. here's something that i just noticed..
when you try to go in the underwater cave.. the toon kinda gets stuck on the upper side of the cave entrance.. there is a little ledge that it gets stuck..

besides that good job as always
Sorry for being a noob, but i have spent hours looking for these two plugins (listed bellow) and haven't been unable to find them. Would someone please be able to send me a link to the download or svn. I have had no problems finding the quest behaviors. BTW your Profiles are amazing already have a 70 pally and well on the way with a priest! Almost no problems, except for the quests listed that need these plugins that is ;).

[X] OpenThatStuff (plugin) enabled so that your bags don't get full in EPL
[X] UseItemForAura (plugin) enabled for pet raptor chain in STV
Sorry for being a noob, but i have spent hours looking for these two plugins (listed bellow) and haven't been unable to find them. Would someone please be able to send me a link to the download or svn. I have had no problems finding the quest behaviors. BTW your Profiles are amazing already have a 70 pally and well on the way with a priest! Almost no problems, except for the quests listed that need these plugins that is ;).

[X] OpenThatStuff (plugin) enabled so that your bags don't get full in EPL
[X] UseItemForAura (plugin) enabled for pet raptor chain in STV
If you've SVN'ed the profiles, the plugins are in there as well in the '1-85 Questing Profile Pack\Plugins' folder
I didn't searched into this thread if it was allready discussed, I'm honest, but the search function into one thread only is not working properly for me.
Btw, let's explain my issue.
I've got 4 erb bags and when I need to mill those, I switch one of those bags with a 32 slot inscr bag.
First: Can all rounder do the switch for me?
Second (my issue): if I use guildwithdraw and guilddeposit at the same time, first allrounder did not take erbs from mail and place into guildbank, and second it retrieve from guild bank as many erbs he can, full mine bags and I cant mill anything cause it say: "inventory full", maybe he can't recognise my inscr bag and erb bags as different types.

Please let me know if I can do something into conf as a workaround for this issue.

Cya :)
Ok, 2 problems.
In EPL there is a quest called, "Catacylsm", it goes to the island in the middle of the lake and just sits there.
Next is a quest in the badlands called "It's Goat Time. Baby" you run to far and end up falling down part of the mountion and getting stuck witch freezes the bot.

SVN is up to date, have tried with many different CC's. Profile problem or Nav problem.
Ok, 2 problems.
In EPL there is a quest called, "Catacylsm", it goes to the island in the middle of the lake and just sits there.
Next is a quest in the badlands called "It's Goat Time. Baby" you run to far and end up falling down part of the mountion and getting stuck witch freezes the bot.

SVN is up to date, have tried with many different CC's. Profile problem or Nav problem.

the goat quest is a bot / mesh issue, i have many blackspots and the bot ignores them

as far as cataclysm ... it's called Catalysm

Catalysm - Quest - World of Warcraft

the bot is probably blacklisting mobs because it's retarded and does that. Not much I can do about it

always attach a log with any issues
Is there an engineering profile for leveling from 0-X skill? I'd be surprised if there isn't, but I can't find one anywhere!
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Well i just put it on, sent mail sold some stuff gdgd but then when it actually tries to go to the quest place it just uses a ground mount when i have the flying plugin and i have an epic flying mount
Its questing correctly but its not flying, its mounting up on my flying mount but its not flying :L i have the plugin but meh

have ink/mill on with mail and deposit herbs gbank. when it goes to mailbox (no items in inv) it just opens the mail doesnt even try looting the mailbox items.

Moving to Mailbox
[Mail]:I Have 43 Mail
[Mail]:Looting Mail 43 / 43
I have 72 amount of bag space
[Mail]:Looting Mail 42 / 43

the one mail it looted was because i did it myself

[11:13:13 AM:533] interact: 0x284955B0
[11:13:13 AM:561] interact done: 0x284955B0

[11:28:23 AM:535] Stop called!
[11:28:23 AM:648] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOneNative(SafeWaitHandle waitHandle, UInt32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean hasThreadAffinity, Boolean exitContext)
at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Int64 timeout, Boolean exitContext)
at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean exitContext)
at BlueMagic.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.WoWInternals.Lua.GetReturnValues(String lua, String scriptName)
at Styx.Logic.Inventory.Frames.MailBox.MailFrame.get_MailCount()
at Styx.Logic.Inventory.Frames.MailBox.MailFrame.GetMailAttachments(Int32 mailIndex)
at Allrounder.Mail.Mailspell() in c:\Users\andrew\Desktop\newwwwww\Plugins\Allrounder\Spells\Mail.cs:line 73
at Allrounder.AllrounderConfig.Allrounder.Pulse() in c:\Users\andrew\Desktop\newwwwww\Plugins\Allrounder\Form1.cs:line 494
at Styx.Plugins.PluginWrapper.Pulse()
at Styx.Plugins.PluginManager.()
at Styx.WoWPulsator.Pulse(PulseFlags flags)
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
[11:28:23 AM:649] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
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free bag space

Hey. I'm pretty new to PB and I cant seem to get this script to work they way i think it should lol.

What I think it should do: check bags for Jasper, buy 80 jc settings, make rings, and mail rings to alt.

What it currently does: checks bags, gets settings, makes rings

I cant seem to get it to mail when my bags are full. Am i using Me.FreeNormalBagSlots incorrectly? Bags just fill up and toon keeps on trying to craft more. (On this note, is there some way to end the script if bags are full?)

Also, is there another list of API for PB other than the guide that came with it and the first post in this thread?

Thanks, and sry about the poor scripting :p
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been using this profile and other quests one i just wanted to say thanks very much for the effort man :)
Here is my attempt to fix an issue. When starting on Zuldrak there is an issue with the first quest pickup.

<PickUp QuestName="The Call of the Crusade" QuestId="12542" GiverName="Tilda Darathan" GiverId="27348" />
<TurnIn QuestName="The Call of the Crusade" QuestId="12542" TurnInName="Crusader Valus" TurnInId="28228" />

I inserted the FlyTo so it didn't run through the Naxx area and aggro like a million mobs and die. It worked. Flew directly to the quest turn in.

<PickUp QuestName="The Call of the Crusade" QuestId="12542" GiverName="Tilda Darathan" GiverId="27348" />
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="4594.474" Y="-1085.474" Z="165.4841" />
<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
<TurnIn QuestName="The Call of the Crusade" QuestId="12542" TurnInName="Crusader Valus" TurnInId="28228" />

Do you take bugs like this with correction or do I need to post them somewhere specific?
Also the grind to 74 hotspots take you to a place where you are 73 and the mobs are 76. It dies over and over. This is what's in the profile. Might want to pick a different area.

<Hotspot X="4802.721" Y="-3386.273" Z="291.4134" />
<Hotspot X="4885.605" Y="-3285.401" Z="290.122" />
<Hotspot X="4964.316" Y="-3377.278" Z="290.5109" />
<Hotspot X="5076.29" Y="-3457.365" Z="292.6833" />
<Hotspot X="5181.351" Y="-3551.821" Z="293.577" />
<Hotspot X="4893.243" Y="-3557.181" Z="296.3908" />
you gotta put code like that in an if condition with quest id's or each time you press s tart, it will fly there

			<If Condition="(HasQuest(12542))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="4594.474" Y="-1085.474" Z="165.4841" />
				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />

code added and committed to svn
Also the grind to 74 hotspots take you to a place where you are 73 and the mobs are 76. It dies over and over. This is what's in the profile. Might want to pick a different area.

<Hotspot X="4802.721" Y="-3386.273" Z="291.4134" />
<Hotspot X="4885.605" Y="-3285.401" Z="290.122" />
<Hotspot X="4964.316" Y="-3377.278" Z="290.5109" />
<Hotspot X="5076.29" Y="-3457.365" Z="292.6833" />
<Hotspot X="5181.351" Y="-3551.821" Z="293.577" />
<Hotspot X="4893.243" Y="-3557.181" Z="296.3908" />

character / gearing issue. Also, you shouldn't be 73 unless you started at 68, which it clearly states to start at 70
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