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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Having an issue with Zangarmarsh quests

I seemed to be going just fine in Hellfire and then when he moved to Zangarmarsh, nothing.
Having issues with TB Dailies Peninsula profile....just sits at the camp with "Initilization Complete" message, nothing happens in the navigator or debuf log.

I'd post a log but....no errors are being generated. Its just not doing anything.

Update: Issue resolved. Some sort of compatability issue with the "Allrounder" plug in. Disabling it fixed it.
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Hmm not having a lot of luck with this :( Have a bundle of herbs on my bags ready for milling and it doesn't seem to do anything with them. Am I missing something here?
The quest:

<Quest Id="27663" Name="Tastes Like Strider">
    <Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="62043" CollectCount="9">
        <Hotspot X="-9904.815" Y="-4082.875" Z="20.56071" />
        <Hotspot X="-9972.042" Y="-4084.329" Z="22.8256" />
        <Hotspot X="-10010.32" Y="-4122.773" Z="18.51685" />
        <Hotspot X="-10074.31" Y="-4117.88" Z="18.26463" />
        <Hotspot X="-10089.36" Y="-4070.396" Z="17.37491" />
        <Hotspot X="-10020.59" Y="-4039.998" Z="18.53629" />
        <Hotspot X="-9965.685" Y="-3997.468" Z="17.37515" />
        <Hotspot X="-9928.227" Y="-3949.396" Z="17.37456" />
        <Hotspot X="-9890.52" Y="-3948.644" Z="23.43708" />
        <Hotspot X="-9836.794" Y="-3963.575" Z="22.72407" />
        <Hotspot X="-9919.475" Y="-4042.567" Z="17.46021" />
        <Hotspot X="-9982.989" Y="-4086.107" Z="24.05778" />
The quest is meant to pick 9 loot from Swampstrider - NPC - World of Warcraft.
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Wow Highvoltz you rock, I would never have figured that loop out. I adjusted the mailing options and fixed my previous if statements, and its working great now!

The only issue I ran into was that I had an inscription bag on and it assumed all the empty slots were regular bag slots, kept trying to fill it with herbs. I just took the bag out, more cycles before the finish but I finally have a completely automated ink production! If you don't mind I am going to submit this profile on the forum, credits given for the Loop Logic.

EDIT: It did not actually loop.... after it finished making all the inks it ran to the mailbox and mailed off the inks but then it just sat with the mail open and didnt take anymore herbs and mill. Heres the log, i looked over the end and nothing stood out to me but i guess i dunno what to look for.

EDIT AGAIN: I think i fixed it but one of my addons auto opened all my mails and now i dont have any "new mail" so i cant test the loop again tonight, theres no cheap herbs on the AH so i gotta wait til later.

THIRD EDIT: lol I dont want to stop until I get this perfect.

var1 = HasNewMail;

how would we change that to use "MailCount"? would it be like this?

if(MailCount > 0)

FINAL EDIT: I tried to do this and broke the profile, check my post on the next page.
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Hey. I'm pretty new to PB and I cant seem to get this script to work they way i think it should lol.

What I think it should do: check bags for Jasper, buy 80 jc settings, make rings, and mail rings to alt.

What it currently does: checks bags, gets settings, makes rings

I cant seem to get it to mail when my bags are full. Am i using Me.FreeNormalBagSlots incorrectly? Bags just fill up and toon keeps on trying to craft more. (On this note, is there some way to end the script if bags are full?)

Also, is there another list of API for PB other than the guide that came with it and the first post in this thread?

Thanks, and sry about the poor scripting :p

Phlash, check out the Crusher2 profile that Highvoltz put up for me, specifically the loops in it.

To stop crafting when your bags are full, you will want to make a loop enclosing the crafting part of your profile, that is true while you have atleast 2 bagslots free. once you have only two slots left it will skip crafting and move on to the next part of the profile. As for mailing to an alt, you have to set the mail target in the bot settings of HB, not inside Profession Buddy.

I can confirm too that this works with the latest build of HB.

Make sure you extracted it into the /Bots folder and have it selected. I loaded a blank fishing profile. if you search for one I'm sure you will find it (dummy fishing.xml).
My bot keeps killing the mobs in the path to handing in a quest even tho its not necessary, it could easily stealth right by or sometimes just walk by without pulling! How do i change this?
you gotta put code like that in an if condition with quest id's or each time you press s tart, it will fly there

			<If Condition="(HasQuest(12542))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="4594.474" Y="-1085.474" Z="165.4841" />
				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />

code added and committed to svn

Ahh cool thanks. Glad I could help. I will continue to do so on future issues. Going to be leveling more toons so I will take notes on all the bugs I found in earlier profiles, attempt to fix them, and post them. Thanks.
Hey Kick,

I remember at some point seeing a 1-5 non-human profile, but can't find it for the life of me. any chance of a link, or updating SVN with it?

Works great Hi. One question... The unstuck routine, is it a function that can be disabled with movement disable? I disable movement and then hb thinks it is stuck and does the side step backup dance.
The quest:

<Quest Id="27663" Name="Tastes Like Strider">
    <Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="62043" CollectCount="9">
        <Hotspot X="-9904.815" Y="-4082.875" Z="20.56071" />
        <Hotspot X="-9972.042" Y="-4084.329" Z="22.8256" />
        <Hotspot X="-10010.32" Y="-4122.773" Z="18.51685" />
        <Hotspot X="-10074.31" Y="-4117.88" Z="18.26463" />
        <Hotspot X="-10089.36" Y="-4070.396" Z="17.37491" />
        <Hotspot X="-10020.59" Y="-4039.998" Z="18.53629" />
        <Hotspot X="-9965.685" Y="-3997.468" Z="17.37515" />
        <Hotspot X="-9928.227" Y="-3949.396" Z="17.37456" />
        <Hotspot X="-9890.52" Y="-3948.644" Z="23.43708" />
        <Hotspot X="-9836.794" Y="-3963.575" Z="22.72407" />
        <Hotspot X="-9919.475" Y="-4042.567" Z="17.46021" />
        <Hotspot X="-9982.989" Y="-4086.107" Z="24.05778" />
The quest is meant to pick 9 loot from Swampstrider - NPC - World of Warcraft.

What's the question/comment? What are you trying to say?


i have been trying to use this plug-in but im not getting it to work. whe you say start bot, what bot does it need to be on. do i need to download a different bot? none of the ones i have seem to do anything.

Thanks for your time and sorry for the stupid question.
character / gearing issue. Also, you shouldn't be 73 unless you started at 68, which it clearly states to start at 70

So then why in the profile does it skip from grind to 74 to grind to 76? There is no grind to 75? It doesn't even look like there are enough quests in Zuldrak to get from 74 to 76? There isn't even a checkpoint for level 75.
So I tried to change the profile to collect mail if there is mail at all, instead of just when the game says its "New Mail".

Its giving me an error now that I have tried to fix but can't and I don't know why not, I thought I corrected all my code.

[1:11:01 PM:32] Compiler Error:52
Property or indexer 'CodeDriver.MailCount' cannot be assigned to -- it is read onlyCompiler Error:52
Cannot implicitly convert type 'int' to 'bool'

That error pops up during startup, and the profile doesn't work at all now.
Attached is the full log and new profile.

EDIT: aha fuckin equals signs and comparison logic, how I hated you in my C++ class... fixed the profile to actually work now, lets see if it does what I want it to.
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Bugs log:

[TalkToAndListenToStory(warning)]: *****
* THIS BEHAVIOR IS DEPRECATED, and may be retired in a near, future release.
* TalkToAndListenToStory adds _no_ _additonal_ _value_ over the InteractWith behavior (with the "GossipOption" attribute).
* Please update the profile to use InteractWith in preference to the TalkToAndListenToStory behavior.
[TalkToAndListenToStory(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'NpcIds'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'MobIds', instead.
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