if you dc, you must use the items in your bags before starting
Awesome!! That worked All I had to do was throw away all of the old quest items and it worked like a charm.
Thanks dude!!
if you dc, you must use the items in your bags before starting
Is there a way to skip some quests?
I was leveling my Char up to level 35 with your profile but since a few level he is only doing green quests (mobs are green/grey).
Now i get only 30-40k exp/h. While he was doing yellow quests i got 60k exp/h.
I farmed heirlooms to level up faster but it is useless if he is only doing low level quests and i dont want to use a grinding profile.
My friend startet botting with your profile with a level 50 warrior and he still had no problems. The bot startet with a yellow quest.
So i think there have to be a way to skip these quests.
Im fairly new at botting but my mage goed back to the first human mage trainer who doesn't have anything to teach at level 19. Is this something i can do anything about? Thank you in advance![]()
Here is a version whit the neutral quests from kickazz's ally profile incorporated in it. All Credit goes to him for level 76 and above, all fuck-up's go to me for my lazy coping. Am still testing this and need to remove quests that enter ally villages so be aware of this. (Btw he knows so don't pm him that am stealing shit)
To keep newcomers apprised please copy the below when commenting about this profile.
Original Profile whit a few fixes can be found in this topic top of page 7
Improvements are:
Dismount from druids
Added quests from 76 to 80 (Stolen from Kickazz ally profile)
New version 0.6Beta
Removed all ally quests + a few fixes here and there nothing major
Profile Info:
Quest Order X+ Quests
Kick's Alpha Blog Download the Profile & QB's from there
Additional Info:
Use the QB's in blog (I have newer ones than HB)
[X] OpenThatStuff (plugin) enabled so that your bags don't get full in EPL
[X] UseItemForAura (plugin) enabled for pet raptor chain in STV
This start's at the Human start area. If you're not Human, this still start you at the beginning of Elwynn Forest
If you have started after turning in the first quest, go to wherever you last stopped at.
Note: If you start this *midway* (12+), change <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" > -- True to False (hint: open the profile)
If you have BoA gear and / or guild XP, you may be doing green or lower quests / mobs
What's Included:
Vendors / Mailboxes
Minimum level 1
At 58+, it will auto load my BC profile
Special Thanks:
To all who helped me out with behaviors!
Fit your character with 4x20 slot bags, BoA's/Greens/Blues
Badboy Anti-Spam [Addon] - Change it to level 86 and change the respond text to "You must be on my friends list to chat with me"
If you like it, hit that +rep button, takes 2 seconds!
If you download, please provide feedback on it. If you complain to yourself, please complain here or send me a PM so I can fix it!
If you want to buy me lunch![]()
Your profile doesnt use checpoints? My 20lvl worgen druid just runs to human starting zone.
hi there!
i?m also new to hb, trying it the first time. i try with an orc hunter, now played total ~12h and is still level 17.
maybe race and class are?nt the best choice...any better idea? i dont want to sit all the time on the pc for babysitting, so i?m looking for a afk-version.
i?m looking forward to every answer![]()
Thanks, now its workingOpen the XML of the profile and manually change "IgnoreCheckpoints = True" to "False" (something like that anyway)
You have to buy the game. And if you want to level past 60 then you'll need expansions as well.Tyvm! i?ll try this profile now.
by the way... i?m doing this with a trial wow-acc for 10 days.
i don?t remember...but... do i have to buy the game or is it enough to buy one gamecard for 60 days to upgrade?
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to durotar
[RunMacro(info) @line 262]: Running macro 1 times
Flight time: 00:02:24
Run Time: 00:00:23
Difference: 121
Flight time: 00:02:34
Run Time: 00:00:10
Difference: 144
Flight time: 00:02:39
Run Time: 00:03:13
Difference: 34
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Klingenh?gel, Durotar