Currently running your profiles to push guild exp. Seems like there are some issues with accepting quests which are finished/accepted through the log.
It finishes fine but doesn't accept the next ones for me. It just starts moving and the window to accept the quest is still open..
Keeps saying im in combat when I try to start again. Just sits there doing nothing
sounds like an hb issue
Will switch to Uldum soon and will post logs if it happens again.
from npc's? or from the popup quests?
Why does it keep throwing an error compiling the quest behavior called SetPullDistance.cs? I copied the 3 QB from your SVN yet this is not one of them.
Hi there. Went to bed last night and it was doing the living rot quest and when i got up this morning, about 8 hours later it was still doing the same living rot quest. Im using the latest honorbuddy with your qb and im using the default priest cc. Plugins im using is equipme, talented and openthatstuff. Heres the log:
View attachment 21938
View attachment 21939
Had to split the log into 2 because its so big.
Currently selection of Heal Targets is the responsibility of the CC. HonorBuddy doesn't have built in support for communicating Bot selection of Heal Targets in the way it does for DPS Targets.Would it be possible to add "Specific healing targets".
While doing Baradin Hold, and other raids you get put into a group with 4 other players, which you're meant to heal.
The bot decides to heal the other group aswell and goes oom fairly fast.
Would highly appreciate this <3