Welp after running two toons up to level 35, this is my assessment.
First I can't understand how some of you are claiming the profile works fine. While I will give all the respect I can to any one that attempts to write a questing profile (much less one of this magnitude), this one needs a great amount of work still. I well understand the comments from Zeewolf (who was quite helpful in his text earlier in this thread to me) and I do thank him for his input.
Seems in the beginning 1 to say 14, there needs some work done on adding more quests. Many of the one missing are just killing things or picking up things that are not in many of the subclass xmls.
At 15 the profile works pretty good except for the hangs that causes someone to have to baby sit it.
Moves along pretty good right up until you get around level 30. Then all sorts of things start to not work. So basically you instance or bg till I guess 35 atm, cuz you're not going to be questing a lot, due to the bot not seeming to know what to do. It'll pick up quests, but then on a lot of them, it may or may not go complete them and often times, it won't turn them in at all, so you either have to stop the bot and complete them yourself or if it did complete one, you may have to manually turn it in, cuz the bot seems to get alzheimer or at least has taken a break and decided to smoke one (if ya know what I mean). Anyway it forgets a whole lot or simple just does nothing. Yes, there are all kinds of error things spewing into the Log screen of HB. So many of them on certain things that it's gonna take me some time to get them all copied and posted. At this time I just want to get my toon up instead of doing that.
So my question at this point is: Does anyone know of a profile that is not so buggy, that will work with my lvl 35 toons for questing with the latest HB? Yes I did look in the profile section, but being a newb, I'm not too sure which ones will work with my toons and with the newest HB.