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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Here's another quest that doesn't work - "MistMantle's Revenge" (debug log attached - 5976)

It basically just counts down from 30 constantly and doesn't get the kill needed... I had to intervene. It's also worth noting that it did just stand around for ages before this quest, but I guess that's shown in the log too.

The second problem is when my other paladin tried picking up "I think she's hungry" . Debug log attached (second log.txt). I know it's not the full log and I apologise but I couldn't find it. Think I need to clear out logs folder ^^ . It should have everything you need. I copied it directly from HB debug txt during the problem.

Think I'm going to use your grinding profile ;)

fixed - here is the new code:

			<While Condition="((HasQuest(26674)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(26674)))" >
				<UseItem QuestName="Mistmantle's Revenge" QuestId="26674" ItemId="59363" X="-10368.61" Y="-1255.158" Z="35.90972" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="20000"/>
				<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/tar Stalvan\n/startattack" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="2000" />
				<CustomBehavior File="KillUntilComplete" QuestId="26674" MobId="315" X="-10368.61" Y="-1255.158" Z="35.90972" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="3000"/>

it might work, hopefully it does

fixed - use the aura plugin
Hey kick can you ad a very tiny blackspot here, bot gets stuck by the fence in duskwood after turning in a quest: <Hotspot X="-10548.89" Y="-1335.182" Z="47.47839" />

Have a problem, while bot dies during this quest I killed it to got 1/1 (Died Twice) it resurrects near the body sitting there, HB said it was trying to turn in the quest, so I walk over there manually and it trys to cast spells on the NPC, walk back outside, (the boss respawned) started the bot and clicked on the boss, started killing it and almost died again (had to play by hand) this time I didnt die and doesnt turn in quest.

Oh heres a log.

Edit: one more thing on line 4670 its trying to turn in a quest that it hasnt done looks like you forgot the objective. :P
<Objective QuestName="Roland's Doom" QuestId="26670" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="938" CollectCount="1" />

<Blackspot X="-10548.89" Y="-1335.182" Z="47.47839" Raidus="5" />
After picking up Mistmantle's Revenge (At line 4678) the bot just stops. This quest needs to be re-worked.

Then later its not doing these quests: line 4686
<While Condition="((HasQuest(26720)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(26720)))" >
				<RunTo X="-11032.07" Y="250.9833" Z="27.61951" />
				<CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="26720" MobId="43923" ItemId="60206" NpcHPLeft="30" Range="10" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" CollectionDistance="20" X="-11032.07" Y="250.9833" Z="27.61951" />
			<While Condition="((HasQuest(26777)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(26777)))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="UseItemOn" QuestId="26777" MobId="43923" ItemId="60225" NumOfTimes="5" NpcState="Alive" HpLeftAmount="100" WaitTime="6000" CollectionDistance="200" X="-10969.46" Y="237.1029" Z="28.42085" />

Make sure EquipMe is enabled in the plugins tab

i'd need a log for this one, but i did fix the mistmantle's revenge quest (i hope)
Got a little Problem with a Quest in Swamp of Sorrows called "Tastes Like Strider", HB doesnt target the neutral Striders to kill them.
Am im doing something wrong or is it a real bug.

cc issue

<Objective QuestName="Tastes Like Strider" QuestId="27663" Type="Collect" CollectCount="9" ItemId="62043" />
There's a bug with the quest [Secrets of the Tower]. After the secret is revealed, it's just standing there (I think it's trying to target one of the mobs, but can't cause of invisibility). Here's a log.

look at the bottom of hb, it says "waiting for XX of XX seconds"

just wait :)
Zen'Kiki, the Druid - Quest - World of Warcraft - WPL
If you get seperated from him you have to return to the quest keeper. My bot had killed several hundreds of mobs without him b4 i came back and resummoned zen'kiki. Might wanna add something to detect whether hes there or not. Dunno what though.
He wanders around SE of dalson's farm. You will have to talk to him again to make him follow you.

Gj btw kickazz with the responding and editing the profiles.
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Zen'Kiki, the Druid - Quest - World of Warcraft
If you get seperated from him you have to return to the quest keeper. My bot had killed several hundreds of mobs without him b4 i came back and resummoned zen'kiki. Might wanna add something to detect whether hes there or not. Dunno what though.

i never had this issue

he stays w/ you unless you die. If you die, not much i can do :(
Allrounder By Alpha

place Allrounder folder into plugins folder.
enable allrounder in HB plugins tab
open settings and enable what you want toon to do
open guildwithdraw and set.. open guilddeposit and set..
save settings
start bot..
(would only use Guildwithdraw with crafting toon and not for usual use of HB as it spams guild open then craft so dont AFK).. you have been warned.. :)

I've done this up to the "Start Bot" part, how do you start this part of the bot? Is it under "DoNothing" "Gatherbuddy2" etc, I can't seem to get it to run. Please any help would be greatly appreciated.
Gb2, i had only
combat/heal bot
instance buddy
grind bot
mixed mode
BG bot
party bot

it's all
not "do Nothing"
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that's the prob. If he dies or you dies, the bot will kill mobs forever :(

stop dieing

no seriously ...

go to the ah and upgrade your gear, my bot had the same issue... i stopped it, bought some gear, went back and taught them who was boss!
more auto-updating pluggins, like rarekiller. love that all i have to do is recompile and it always has the latest version.
also auto-updating for hb itself
First of all.... what happened to all of the pages in this post??? second of all i still got the problem were my mount wont fly up and it acts like a ground mount which leads to it trying to go through halaa which is horde controlled and i die....

I have same problems. How to fix it?
no logs = no help
no thorough idea of issue = no help

elaborate and give me logs

i'm going to guess that you were probably on a repair run, which leads to ground mounting and going through halaa
Would it be possible to add "Specific healing targets".
While doing Baradin Hold, and other raids you get put into a group with 4 other players, which you're meant to heal.
The bot decides to heal the other group aswell and goes oom fairly fast.
Would highly appreciate this <3
I'm in full heirloom + blues and greens from quests. The prob is the CC. My druid had no probs either.
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