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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Next issue, found a wait timer that is not waiting long enough to finish using item for quest.

Here's the code:
		<PickUp QuestName="Data Mining" GiverName="Brann Bronzebeard" QuestId="12860" GiverId="29579" />
			<If Condition="((HasQuest(12860)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(12860)))" >
			<While Condition="((HasQuest(12860)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(12860)))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="UseItemOn" QuestId="12860" NpcId="29746" ItemId="41179" NumOfTimes="7" WaitTime="6000" Range="20" CollectionDistance="150" X="8266.116" Y="-914.3237" Z="923.8744" />
				<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(40971)" WaitTime="1000" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000"/>
		<TurnIn QuestName="Data Mining" TurnInName="Brann Bronzebeard" QuestId="12860" TurnInId="29579" />

First wait timer should be 10000, instead of 6000.... cast time for device item is 10 seconds.

Need someway to summon Brann, to be able to pick up and turn in quests dealing with Brann in that series. As of the moment have to do that part by hand.
Hopefully this will work way better, and not have to constantly babysit his version.
ya it doesn't get very far into icecrown atm.

I'll be reflowing LK soon (sooooo much has come into the questing bot since i originally made the LK profile :) ). I'm just waiting for a few "frosting on the cake" fixes to behaviors before i start :) So i'm doing rep questing profiles and instance farming scripts this week until those behaviors are fixed
on the Quest Memorys from a lost Past the bot needs to loot a book, and a poster, It Interacts with it but does not loot it. This seems to be happening in a few different quests as well.

I have the Latest Behaviour Scrips you have posted on your Blog Aswell as the Newest HB Witch is 4492.

And in STV there was a quest to loot canon balls underwater, My toon would again go towards it, and interact but not loot it. Then HB would stop, And say "Could not find Behaviour step Interact.cs or something like that.

What can I do to fix this?
Here i am thinking 'Alright, this is the last character i'm leveling up... its too time consuming its much easier just to farm stuff.' then i see this and my nerd senses twitch '... i need to test it!'

Evil ;)
on the Quest Memorys from a lost Past the bot needs to loot a book, and a poster, It Interacts with it but does not loot it. This seems to be happening in a few different quests as well.

I have the Latest Behaviour Scrips you have posted on your Blog Aswell as the Newest HB Witch is 4492.

And in STV there was a quest to loot canon balls underwater, My toon would again go towards it, and interact but not loot it. Then HB would stop, And say "Could not find Behaviour step Interact.cs or something like that.

What can I do to fix this?

make sure auto loot is on
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Also, does this fly for the 60+

Just looked through the profile

Text="This profile henceforth requires that you have Lifetime Honorbuddy or have purchased the flight plugin in order to continue.\n\n Attempting to continue without flying is done at your own risk, and trust me, it will fail epically."

Doing a search for 'FlyTo' gave a LOT of results, it looks like this has great flying support.
8:05:53 PM:881] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Learn
[8:05:54 PM:268] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[8:05:54 PM:268] Cleared POI
[8:05:54 PM:411] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Learn

Is the Error I constantly Get Every single time he has to go to a Flight path to Learn it or Fly. I have tried Turning off Flying and It still tries to grab the flight path and bugs out like that, It continues to spam that and not move, How can I fix this?

Sry for Bugging you constantly youv been alot of help.
user error

you dc'd and relogged while hb was on, /reload, or changed characters

when this happens, you have to kill hb
It does fly, fucking nice, this profile shits on kicks, finally Horde is making a comeback
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