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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I am actually thinking it is a CC issue. It wont travel in travel form either. pops up everytime. IDK

OK, doesnt seem like a CC issue...but I dont know. I copied this from HB...

Destination is 14058 yards away and no hostiles in range, using Travel Form
-Travel Form
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
Destination is 420 yards away and no hostiles in range, using Travel Form
-Travel Form
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
Destination is 386 yards away and no hostiles in range, using Travel Form
-Travel Form
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
Destination is 348 yards away and no hostiles in range, using Travel Form
-Travel Form
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn

stopping every 38 yards or so is odd.

The profile is doing its job, but I am too afraid to run it because of how bottish it looks. I have never had this before.
Okay, Currently I am in STV doing quests at level 32.

Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 43885 in database.
Could not create current in quest bot!

If i take out all the "43885"s from the profile than it says...

Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 43884 in database.
Could not create current in quest bot!

I am a rogue however, I doubt this is "rogue" related.
I have no idea why you would exclude reports from rogues that are non combat related.
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Okay, Currently I am in STV doing quests at level 32.

Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 43885 in database.
Could not create current in quest bot!

If i take out all the "43885"s from the profile than it says...

Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 43884 in database.
Could not create current in quest bot!

I am a rogue however, I doubt this is "rogue" related.
I have no idea why you would exclude reports from rogues that are non combat related.

user issue

take out your little raptor egg
also, enable the hasaura plugin in the plugins folder that my profile package now ships
OK, doesnt seem like a CC issue...but I dont know. I copied this from HB...

Destination is 14058 yards away and no hostiles in range, using Travel Form
-Travel Form
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
Destination is 420 yards away and no hostiles in range, using Travel Form
-Travel Form
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
Destination is 386 yards away and no hostiles in range, using Travel Form
-Travel Form
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
Destination is 348 yards away and no hostiles in range, using Travel Form
-Travel Form
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn

stopping every 38 yards or so is odd.

The profile is doing its job, but I am too afraid to run it because of how bottish it looks. I have never had this before.

logs..... this isn't a freaking log
[H - Quest] 1-68 Kalimdor - Eastern Kingdoms - Outland / All races and classes

This profile is originally written by tubajedimr and has been reworked by Raphus and taken on by Kickazz006
Outland may still have issues and reports about it will be ignored until i rework that part.

Default is IgnoreCheckPoints="True" for the 15-58 profile
If you started the profile late / doing grey / green quests - then change IgnoreCheckPoints="True" - True to False (in the 15-58 profile), press save and start the profile again.

Only load the 1-68 Horde Questing.xml profile. SubProfiles will be automatically loaded by the main profile.

Kick has recently updated the bugs / issues w/ this profile. If you want to see the Horde have a questing profile, then help me help you.
Provide valid information such as hotspots, blackspots, what the quest is not doing correctly, log.txt / SS (attached) as needed, etc. More info > less info

These can be downloaded from Kick's SVN with a program like Tortoise. If you don't know how to use SVN, then click here.

credits to Azenius project for help with 4 vehicle behaviors.
Do note: you have to the behaviors from my svn into your quest behaviors folder
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Quest "The Deepest Cut" I have to practice "Eviscerate" 3 times, doesn't do it? I guess its impossible to fix because its actually the CC... But is there anything u can do?
I've got a problem with it, it tries to go to Twilight Highlands as I dinged 46 >.<
Otherwise, great job!!
Was mounted prior to turning in the quests, bot did an auto dismount, turned in the 2 quests, then ran the toon right off the top of the temple, it never remounted.

After running back to corpse by hand (bot couldn't figure out what to do?) manually mounted bird, clicked start, and bot dismounted, ran the myctm behavoir and committed suicide again.
Was mounted prior to turning in the quests, bot did an auto dismount, turned in the 2 quests, then ran the toon right off the top of the temple, it never remounted.

After running back to corpse by hand (bot couldn't figure out what to do?) manually mounted bird, clicked start, and bot dismounted, ran the myctm behavoir and committed suicide again.
[9:44:29 AM:419] Goal: MyCTM: Running
[9:44:29 AM:419] Activity: Moving To Location - X: 7456.633 Y: -668.6012
[9:44:57 AM:449] Activity: Setting Hyldsmeet Drakerider at 23 yards as your target
[9:44:57 AM:450] Dismounting for combat.
[9:44:57 AM:450] Stop and dismount...
[9:44:57 AM:869] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Hyldsmeet Drakerider
get newest hb. it has this fix in FlyTo.cs (range 1 for pull distance)
Now I'm getting this error message.
Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 29579 in database.

I'm standing in front of the npc that has that ID, but he does not have any quests for me at all.

Ok, did some other testing and found that you have to click on Brann's Communicator and summon Brann to be able to continue with the profile. Bot doesn't activate it for you. Must do by hand.
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