I'm running this profile on a Dwarf Paladin. He's level 39 right now (I manually quested to level 5, and moved him to the Human starting zone). Until now, I had only minor hiccups:
1. the profile attempts to accept the Paladin-only quest "Consecrated Letter", but this quest is only for Human Paladins. Dwarfs have a similar one (Consecrated Rune), on the Dwarf starting area.
2. The raptor hatching bone-digging quest seems to be bugged, as Kick pointed out. I ran it manually, and the profile continued from that point without problems
3. The profile failed to complete the quest "Looks Like a Tauren Pirate to Me" successfully (I'm sorry, I forgot to save the log for this one) the issue is that due to a server side bug, it will attempt to re-take this quest if turn it in manually, apparently, the reason for that is that this quest is marked as a daily quest, server side.
4.1. On two occasions, the profile attempted to turn in an incomplete quest. The first one was 'Kill-Collect' -> 'Ephram Moonfall' is one of the mobs who need to be killed for this quest, but he is not mentioned on the profile at all. (note that he starts at friendly, and only aggros after you talk to him).
4.2. The second occasion was on quest 'Memories from a Lost Past', from Western Plaguelands - two items are needed to turn-in the quest, but one of them (Faded Finger Painting) is not mentioned on the profile at all
The current /played is of a little bit above 23 hours. I'm using the standard HB-shipped Talented Retribution Paladin talent build, with minor changes (e.g., no reason to chose Guardian's Favor in a leveling talent build). I'm also using the auto-equip plugin, and every 8-10 levels, make a short visit to the Auction House to purchase gear upgrades (but only cheap stuff). I'm not using BoAs, but the toon is on a level 3 guild, with 10% mounting speed increase and 5% experience bonus. Exactly 300 quests were completed so far.
As a last note, the profile ran out of quests twice: once for half-level, when I was mid 33, and again now - this time I'm mid 39, and the profile "wants" to grind until level 41. I used archeology to grind the half level the first time, and intend to do it again, as I'm not very fond of mob grinding.
All in all, the leveling experience with this profile is being EXTREMELY smooth - I'm very surprised with how well things are going. Kick did an amazing job with this profile, and I simply don't have words to thank him enough. (as they say, I've "put my money where my mouth is", and donated 10 USD for his work)
I'll post another update here when I reach level 58, and am looking forward to run Kick's other leveling profiles down the line.