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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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So this PB is AMAZING. Hands down. So not having a programming degree and all... What can I do to make it sit there and harvest herbs/mines and AH everything when bags are full? This would be amazing profits ingame. Where do I begin? Cause DAMN this is nice. I am considering another lifetime subscription because of this feature alone. Just gotta pay rent/bills first. :)
I dont get it, I set it to quest mode, loaded a random questing profile suitable for my level and it keeps giving this error :

This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
Err: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Bots.Quest.QuestBot.Start()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Start()
at HighVoltz.MainForm.ToggleStart() in c:\Users\Siemza\Desktop\HB\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy \MainForm.cs:line 141
If the quest profile uses the <continentid>ContinentID tag and you're not on the continent that matches the specified ID then you'll get that error. Imo it would be nice if HB would be more specific at why the profile is not fitting for the character.</continentid>
I'm running this profile on a Dwarf Paladin. He's level 39 right now (I manually quested to level 5, and moved him to the Human starting zone). Until now, I had only minor hiccups:

1. the profile attempts to accept the Paladin-only quest "Consecrated Letter", but this quest is only for Human Paladins. Dwarfs have a similar one (Consecrated Rune), on the Dwarf starting area.

2. The raptor hatching bone-digging quest seems to be bugged, as Kick pointed out. I ran it manually, and the profile continued from that point without problems

3. The profile failed to complete the quest "Looks Like a Tauren Pirate to Me" successfully (I'm sorry, I forgot to save the log for this one) the issue is that due to a server side bug, it will attempt to re-take this quest if turn it in manually, apparently, the reason for that is that this quest is marked as a daily quest, server side.

4.1. On two occasions, the profile attempted to turn in an incomplete quest. The first one was 'Kill-Collect' -> 'Ephram Moonfall' is one of the mobs who need to be killed for this quest, but he is not mentioned on the profile at all. (note that he starts at friendly, and only aggros after you talk to him).

4.2. The second occasion was on quest 'Memories from a Lost Past', from Western Plaguelands - two items are needed to turn-in the quest, but one of them (Faded Finger Painting) is not mentioned on the profile at all

The current /played is of a little bit above 23 hours. I'm using the standard HB-shipped Talented Retribution Paladin talent build, with minor changes (e.g., no reason to chose Guardian's Favor in a leveling talent build). I'm also using the auto-equip plugin, and every 8-10 levels, make a short visit to the Auction House to purchase gear upgrades (but only cheap stuff). I'm not using BoAs, but the toon is on a level 3 guild, with 10% mounting speed increase and 5% experience bonus. Exactly 300 quests were completed so far.

As a last note, the profile ran out of quests twice: once for half-level, when I was mid 33, and again now - this time I'm mid 39, and the profile "wants" to grind until level 41. I used archeology to grind the half level the first time, and intend to do it again, as I'm not very fond of mob grinding.

All in all, the leveling experience with this profile is being EXTREMELY smooth - I'm very surprised with how well things are going. Kick did an amazing job with this profile, and I simply don't have words to thank him enough. (as they say, I've "put my money where my mouth is", and donated 10 USD for his work)

I'll post another update here when I reach level 58, and am looking forward to run Kick's other leveling profiles down the line.
awesome rodarvus. I'll look into the issues. I did make this with a paladin, and i've tested it with a sham, warrior, paladin, and priest so far and it ran pretty smooth. I do need some behaviors made so that I can take out that stupid grind from WPL to EPL, and then there will probably be another grind in the badlands and / or burning steppes area.

But not bad, since it only took me 4 days to do the profile, the hardest part is the minor things to deal with HB bugs =( or various other issues
Well, you did it Kick. You made me go ally. I figured that way at least I could find some constantly updated working profiles as I'm just too damned lazy to write my own. Running on a brand new rogue, brand new server, up to level 20 with zero issues thus far. A bit slower than I'm used to due to a lack of equipment (I should have made something other than a rogue for my "virgin" toon!!) but he's starting to bank some cash now due to herbing/mining. Keep up the awesome work!
epic fish tale... Blizzard will never give an explanation for for any type of account restriction--temp ban or full account closure--other than listing the category in which the restriction was applied
Seem to be getting this now and HB stops itself:

Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Edit: I keep getting this error even if there are no quests in the log.
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I dont get it, I set it to quest mode, loaded a random questing profile suitable for my level and it keeps giving this error :

This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
Err: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Bots.Quest.QuestBot.Start()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Start()
at HighVoltz.MainForm.ToggleStart() in c:\Users\Siemza\Desktop\HB\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy \MainForm.cs:line 141

Use the DK starting quest profile in the Featured profiles subdirectory and set it to Grindbot. It is picky about what profile will work sometimes.
Quest Impending Retribution; tries to turn it in before completing it. just sits at the quest giver trying to turn it in.
I?m building a profile for me thats milling and build cards, and now my problem i wish that after farming use the hearthstone, and after the professions use the portal to uldum or other portal?s than farm again with my gb2 profile. Can help me anyone? And please don?t post me any profiles i would like to lern to create an profile ;).
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HOW do you delete all references out of the profile? Im stuck on this quest and i have no clue of how to fix it

Open the profile in a text fime and search for each reference and delete the line of code.

Edit, sorry i think this might of been fixed since i made my original post. I work away during the week so i don't have that much time to keep up to date.
Still won't leave Elywnn forest, even if I manually bring it somewhere else it just runs back and continues herbing there, I have set everything according to instruction, can anyone assist me? Herbing 1-300 ground
I've been running this profile. I'm very impressed with it. Better than any grinding I've done for sure, can't wait to try the other ones.
		<PickUp QuestName="The Lost Courier" QuestId="12157" GiverName="Private Casey" GiverId="26186" /> <!-- Quests by Thassarian --> <!-- This quest tells us to go to Dragonblight -->
		<TurnIn QuestName="The Lost Courier" QuestId="12157" TurnInName="Courier Lanson" TurnInId="27060" />
		<PickUp QuestName="Rifle the Bodies" QuestId="12000" GiverName="Image of Archmage Modera" GiverId="26673" />
		<Pickup QuestName="The Liquid Fire of Elune" QuestId="12166" GiverName="Warden Jodi Moonsong" GiverId="26973" GiverType="NPC" />
>>>>> here
		<If Condition="(IsQuestCompleted(12235))">
			<Pickup QuestName="Of Traitors and Treason" QuestId="12171" GiverName="Courier Lanson" GiverId="27060" GiverType="NPC" />
			<TurnIn QuestName="Of Traitors and Treason" QuestId="12171" TurnInName="Palena Silvercloud" TurnInId="26881" />

(IsQuestCompleted(12235)) checks for quest which is futher in the line, so it finishes that quest and tries to get again traitors and treason..
I changed it to
<If Condition="(!IsQuestCompleted(12157))">
and it looks like started to work

P.S. looks like wierd solution o_O dunno why it works, cos The Lost Courie I've completed
P.S.S oke doesn't pay attaention to my solution, it's weird, but condition for quest number 2 in line shouldn't check weither quest number 5 in line is complete)))
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Seem to be getting this now and HB stops itself:

Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Edit: I keep getting this error even if there are no quests in the log.

[6:29:36 PM:408] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(12637)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(12637)))' @ line 3739
[6:29:36 PM:927] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Wade\Desktop\HB\Quest Behaviors\InteractWith.cs'
[6:29:37 PM:444] Could not compile quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Wade\Desktop\HB\Quest Behaviors\InteractWith.cs'
[6:29:37 PM:446] Line 328: Operator '*' cannot be applied to operands of type 'ulong' and 'int'
[6:29:37 PM:446] Line 342: Operator '*' cannot be applied to operands of type 'ulong' and 'int'
re-download HB. you have a bad copy
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