My bot goes over to the fly man, and just stand
13:00:58:480] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Update
[13:00:58:807] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[13:00:58:809] Cleared POI
[13:00:58:978] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Update
[13:00:59:442] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[13:00:59:442] Cleared POI
[13:00:59:616] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Update
[13:01:00:112] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
what to do?
From time to time the bot activity is "MyCTM: Running" and it keeps running in to stuff, no error messages or anything, stoping and starting makes it work again.
Could not compile quest behavior from 'xxxxxxxx\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\InteractWith.cs'
[19:25:29:233] Line 328: Operator '*' cannot be applied to operands of type 'ulong' and 'int'
[19:25:29:233] Line 342: Operator '*' cannot be applied to operands of type 'ulong' and 'int'
Blizzard suspended my account for 72 hours.... When I called they rolled it back and I can use it again....
There explanation : "Your game play looked professional, like someone was leveling on your behave (paid leveling service), we don't discourage hard core playing our apologies for the inconvenience".... (Level 77 in a week time).
I write this as a compliment to the profiles released by Kick......
i am also gettin this error... Could not find quest with ID 25278! (Or could I: False)
Could not create a performable quest objective for objective with ID 39642!
Could not create current in quest bot!
What line should i delete in the file to get it working again?
Information about Twilight Priestess:
Name = Twilight Priestess
Wowhead Id = 42823
Faction = 2292 [Twilight's Hammer]
Location = <1711.033, -134.9794, 29.04917>
Group Id = 42917, Group Id 2 = 42916
<Vendor Name="Twilight Priestess" Entry="42823" Type="Repair" X="1711.033" Y="-134.9794" Z="29.04917" />
<Hotspot X="1712.157" Y="-137.1864" Z="29.44694" />
<If Condition="(HasItem(61378))" >
<PickUp QuestName="The Baroness' Missive" QuestId="27551" GiverType="Item" GiverId="61378" />
<Objective QuestName="Guardians of Stratholme" QuestId="27525" Type="KillMob" MobId="45867" KillCount="1" />
<Objective QuestName="Guardians of Stratholme" QuestId="27525" Type="KillMob" MobId="45868" KillCount="1" />
PHP:<If Condition="(HasItem(61378))" > <PickUp QuestName="The Baroness' Missive" QuestId="27551" GiverType="Item" GiverId="61378" /> </If>
this is a drop from
PHP:<Objective QuestName="Guardians of Stratholme" QuestId="27525" Type="KillMob" MobId="45867" KillCount="1" /> <Objective QuestName="Guardians of Stratholme" QuestId="27525" Type="KillMob" MobId="45868" KillCount="1" />
so you either don't have looting turned on, she disappeared after you died and she was killed ... or you did that quest manually and didn't pick up the item
Kickazz006 said:Additional Info:
Use the QB's in blog (I have newer ones than HB)
[X] Learn Flightpaths
[X] Use Flightpaths
[X] Train New Skills
[X] Loot mobs
[X] OpenThatStuff (plugin) enabled so that your bags don't get full in EPL