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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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My horde character kept going to Ironforge to try to learn Herb and Mining past 450, should probably try to fix that.
My horde character kept going to Ironforge to try to learn Herb and Mining past 450, should probably try to fix that.

I think if you are Horde you have to stay on Kalimdor to level them up. I think it might have been in the notes somewhere.
I think if you are Horde you have to stay on Kalimdor to level them up. I think it might have been in the notes somewhere.

I started in Kalimdor before I went to school so it must have went there itself.

Great profile other then the tiny little flaws, gonna start up at both at 450 now and have 525 by the end of the night.
Ok so i am on my way of making professionbuddy profile that mills herbs, and then makes fortune cards of ashen pigments and darkmoon cards out of burning embers.
Now my prob is when i mill the herbs and make blackfallow ink i have X amount of ink and i need PB to go buy the same amount of parchments in order to make fortune cards.
So i use a buy item method for parchments and try to put (InbagCount(blackfallow ID here)) as count argument but it won't accept it. That's cool, but you might want to add it in future releases.
So now i make a loop
while (InbagCount(blacfallow ink ID)>InbagCount(parchments ID)
buy item: parchment x 1
Won't work. It buys random amount of parchments and exits the loop. I.E i have 200 inks, he buys 15, 40, sometimes 100 parchments then exits loop.
Then i figure it might be lag issues between buying and item appearing in backpack so i add
while (InbagCount(blacfallow ink ID)>InbagCount(parchments ID)
buy item: parchment x 1
wait(false) timeout:2000
And still same problem. Random amounts of parchments are bought before loop is exited.

Anyone can help me out on this one?

I found that the looping doesn't work as it should unless you use C# and lua to accomplish actions within the loops. The procedures/actions available to us seem to break the looping arbitrarily.
Having a bit of an issue --- Right now my character is at 490 herb and i just got mining so its low when I start the 1-525herb-mining flying (starting in org) the bot will do a few nodes in durotar however it will then start making its way to uldum where it will then stay and collect herbs. I am not sure if my settings are incorrect but I have left everything on the defaults.
delete your old file, download mine again, and re-load it.

i don't know what's going on in your log file ... but you're in goldshire.

[23:55:06:267] Changed POI to: Type: Buy, Name: Innkeeper Farley
[23:55:06:494] Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Innkeeper Farley

also, turn buy count to 0 for food and water
Quest: [Murder Was The Case That They Gave Me] have been working great till now on all other bots but when my latest bot for some reson went to "Sentinel hill" then on the way back it started to try to ask the hundreds of homeless out there for clues :D but it can not interract with them so it was standing there for an hour yill i could stop the bot and move it to the right place :D
Quest: [Murder Was The Case That They Gave Me] have been working great till now on all other bots but when my latest bot for some reson went to "Sentinel hill" then on the way back it started to try to ask the hundreds of homeless out there for clues :D but it can not interract with them so it was standing there for an hour yill i could stop the bot and move it to the right place :D

yeah, it's kind of dumb if you go to repair / train /etc, it messes it up

safety precaution added for that quest. re-download
Just started leveling with your profile, I do not think this is related to your profile but since you do know what you're doing; I'm using fpsware CC with your 1-60grind profile and for some reason my Hunter, whilst moving to hotspots, seems to run through mobs, then pet takes aggro and then finally he attacks them, I have checked the box for killign inbetween hotspots, just can't work out what the problem is, any idea?
Just 2 hours after hitting 450 Mining and Herb I now have 525 Herb and Mining.

Amazing plugin, overall it took around 14 hours to get 525 in both with minimal bugs, kudos to you.
Hi Nouk,

Started a Dwaf warrior last night, still lvl 5 :-)
But, which folder do i need to put in the important file Dwarf Mount Trainer.xml ??
How does it work?


when you hit level 20, just load the profile in grind bot mode and it will run you tot he trainer nothing more at this point
Hey, today i dled ur profile and i was getting rdy to afk and bot the bot on uk.... i created a lvl 1 night elf mage brought it to northshire abbey, but for some reason it doesn't pick up the first quest there which is " Beating Them Back". I have downloaded youre quest behaviors and everything but it still wont pick up the quest. If you could please tell me whats wrong that would be awsome!!!
Hey, today i dled ur profile and i was getting rdy to afk and bot the bot on uk.... i created a lvl 1 night elf mage brought it to northshire abbey, but for some reason it doesn't pick up the first quest there which is " Beating Them Back". I have downloaded youre quest behaviors and everything but it still wont pick up the quest. If you could please tell me whats wrong that would be awsome!!!

a night elf mage... now that's funny

pick up the quest and press active quests list and tell me what quest id it has. night elves may have different quest id's than human / dorf / gnomes
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