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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Niuzao Temple is still insanely buggy. Character movement is eratic and I'm pretty sure lesser geared characters are 100% dead. it runs back and forth even while being attacked for a good 20 seconds before attacking what attacked it. The eratic movement only happens while in combat.
Quest 31727 is listed in dreadwaste profile twice. First is incorrectly sending you to pick it up at Klaxxi instead of Soggy's Gamble and hangs up the profile. It's around Line 1100 with the code issue.

Miss the good ol' days in Dragon Soul with you Kick <3

Your profiles are absolutely awesome. Had an issue on quest 'Hell's Shells' on a few characters so thought I'd best provide feedback. Essentially it's a death cycle - after the fifth death or so, I cleared the log to capture whats going on in verbose mode.


When Gai-Lan has a quest for the tillers it will not be able to start the weed wars daily since the bot seems to choose the wrong "Talk to option". It just keeps opening the quest window instead.
I would like to start by saying thanks for the profile and everything else you've done, helping me alot.
However, over the night when leveling my alt, the bot got "stuck" at the flight path npc. i noticed the same thing happening a few times last night aswell, when i was watching. The bot simply walks up to the NPC opens the window, then closes it, and opens it again, and repeats. in order to fix it i have to relog both the bot and the char.
Here is the log:


[09:54:49.839 D] Picking up Educating Saurok : 31287
[09:54:49.839 D] Goal: Picking up Educating Saurok
[09:54:49.841 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior [ForcedQuestPickUp QuestId: 31287, QuestName: Educating Saurok].
[09:54:49.939 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior [ForcedQuestObjective Objective: [CollectItemObjective ItemID: 85981, Count: 7]].
[09:54:49.940 D] Goal: Goal: Collect Black Market Merchandise x 7

go here, press start:
Educating Saurok - Quest - World of Warcraft

I did just that, it finished those quests and now it ran me all the way around through the ocean to dread wastes.


Are you using the MrFishIt that comes with HB, or the MrFishIt that comes on my SVN? The one with HB is out of date and causes a few errors.
Does the bot truly just sit at the end of your log file? I only have 20 seconds in it before you stopped it and sent it out. Does it wait for minutes? Hours?

using the mrfishit included in your QBs. the bot just stands there doing nothing, not equipping the fishing rod, never even trying to cast "fishing" - i will post a longer log next time, when i noticed this yesterday he was allready standing there for a quite a while, so i restarted to bot to give you a shorter log ;) next time i wont and will him stand there for at least 15minutes before attaching the log
Kick, not sure if this has been mentioned.

I've run these scripts to level up 7 toons from 85 > 90. However on my latest at the end of the Karasang quests he didn't pick up "Warn Stoneplow" (30241) but went there anyway, which of course of empty because we hadn't handed in the quest yet. I update your SVN every morning not sure if you've changed something.

I noticed that there's an IF String before the pick up string which I assume is failing so it doesn't pick up the quest;

<If Condition="((!HasQuest(30376)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(30376))) &amp;&amp; ((!HasQuest(30117)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(30117))) &amp;&amp; ((!HasQuest(30624)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(30624)))" >
<PickUp QuestName="Warn Stoneplow" QuestId="30241" GiverName="Sunwalker Dezco" GiverId="58607" X="-1699.988" Y="1593.198" Z="15.21646" /> <!-- Back to VotFW -->

I looked at the IF string and everything in there seems to be OK.

I had to manually get the Warn Stoneplow quest and hand it in before the profile would continue...

Will level another and watch the area to see if I can find where it screws up. Thanks,
Hey kick, I want to say thank you for the amazing profiles it is greatly appreciated. I have used them from 1-67 however from 58-67(outlands profile) it has done maybe 20 quests in the outlands. I have messed with settings and looked at similar issues in other threads,however, it continues to just try and grind. Help would be greatly appreciated....here is the latest log.


Bot not moving


fresh hb installation, routine is singular, moved quest behaviours and plugins to their hb folder.
no matter what reputation profile i choose, bot flies to its startpoint in the particular area (in this log its halfhill) and wants to pick up quest without moving to the questgiver.
anything i forgot?


View attachment 4956 2013-01-27 13.10.txt

edit: nevermind. for some reason my changed mesh part in settings got removed to blank somehow so it couldnt create pathes.. o.O
Changed path and clicked on "Plugins" to change them without clicking SAVE first.. thats the mistake,
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It would be really nice if you could post a list of quests/locations you implemented which requires user interaction.

Ebon Hold quests in Zul'Drak should be commented out. I had to do it to get the profile working again. (it tried to get a quest which wasn't available and defined like 5 times in the profile)
I never had any quest related issues before and after this and I leveled a couple toons with your profiles.
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Did you get a pop up at the beginning saying "one or more quests already completed"?

yes but i have not compleated and other quest before starting bot it was a new day new dailys and nothing in my quest log and it would still skip over that , do all the others then go on to august celestials or which ever one it switches to next
Hey Kick just recently I have been questing my Monk using your profiles and it has been working amazing! However I have a problem, all of a sudden when my bot started questing in Zangarmarsh the bot will run for a few minutes and then all of a sudden it will "stop responding" in windows then it will exit out. So then I have to start it up again. This has only happened on my monk that I am leveling and none of my other toons that I use lazyraider on. I am using your mega profile pack and I am using TuanHa Monk Special Edition.

View attachment 996 2013-01-27 08.49.txt


After the bot doing some more quests in Zangarmarsh the bot went to go quest in Terokkar. The bot has been running strong for 2 hours now. Maybe it was something to do with questing in Zangarmarsh when I was level 64?
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yes but i have not compleated and other quest before starting bot it was a new day new dailys and nothing in my quest log and it would still skip over that , do all the others then go on to august celestials or which ever one it switches to next

You have to delete the HB\Cache folder on a daily basis. The list of completed quests does not clear every day since 5.0, and so dailies are still marked as done each day. If a quest is marked as done, it won't pick it up under a PickUp command, and won't complete under a TurnIn command.
Hey is there a way to choose what spell he uses on the "Gift for fung quest" my issue is that he goes to the spot and starts to cast wrath as a feral druid however by the time the cast is done its out of range and he gets stuck like that. If I would change the spell id to moonfire would work just fine. Cant figure out were to put it in your .cs though. Any help would be appreciated.
Hey is there a way to choose what spell he uses on the "Gift for fung quest" my issue is that he goes to the spot and starts to cast wrath as a feral druid however by the time the cast is done its out of range and he gets stuck like that. If I would change the spell id to moonfire would work just fine. Cant figure out were to put it in your .cs though. Any help would be appreciated.

It's actually in the profile itself. I've been converting all functions like this (there are 3-4) from casting to instacast spells. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I'll have it changed tonight.
Hello, and sorry for my english but today i have started the profile "[Rep] Golden Lotus Dailies [Brodie]" and for one reason it took the two first quests (1 phase) from npcs and then the honorbuddy changed the GL profile with Tiller's one.. and it was starting doing Tillers dailies without finishing the GL one... I've reinstall HB and delete caches after that and i tryed to do it again but the same thing again.... whats wrong with GL Profile? Thank you! :)
Hello, and sorry for my english but today i have started the profile "[Rep] Golden Lotus Dailies [Brodie]" and for one reason it took the two first quests (1 phase) from npcs and then the honorbuddy changed the GL profile with Tiller's one.. and it was starting doing Tillers dailies without finishing the GL one... I've reinstall HB and delete caches after that and i tryed to do it again but the same thing again.... whats wrong with GL Profile? Thank you! :)

Do you receive a notice saying "Previously Completed Quests detected"? Make sure you deleting the HB/Cache (not the wow cache in case that is what you were doing). If its only taking some and not all quests, and not performing them, this is most likely the reason.
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